From b183ae486980197f388468f52ffed6af6ed69472 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicola Vigano <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 15:55:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Python: added verbosity levels, added fresh mexopts option
 and fixed some bugs

Signed-off-by: Nicola Vigano <>
---                                |  12 +-
 zUtil_Python/ |  59 +++---
 zUtil_Python/    | 194 +++++++++++--------
 zUtil_Python/                   |  36 ++--
 zUtil_Python/                    |  71 ++++---
 zUtil_Python/           |  24 +--
 6 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index d169b560..72d56ac4 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ class DCTLauncher(object):
             invoker = dct.dct_matlab_invocation.DCTMatlabInvocation(dct_dir = self.dct_dir, \
                                                                     extra_args = self.args)
-            func_builder = FunctionsBuilder.getInstanceFromArgs([], dct_dir = self.dct_dir)
+            func_builder = FunctionsBuilder(matlab_path = "", \
+                                            dct_dir = self.dct_dir, \
+                                            verboseLevel = 0)
@@ -84,9 +86,7 @@ class DCTLauncher(object):
         from zUtil_Python.dct_compile_mex_functions import MexBuilder
-            args_compile = [""]
-            for arg in self.args:
-                args_compile.append(arg)
+            args_compile = [""] + self.args
             mex_builder = MexBuilder.getInstanceFromArgs(args_compile, dct_dir = self.dct_dir)
@@ -101,9 +101,7 @@ class DCTLauncher(object):
         from zUtil_Python.dct_compile_matlab_functions import FunctionsBuilder
-            args_compile = [""]
-            for arg in self.args:
-                args_compile.append(arg)
+            args_compile = [""] + self.args
             func_builder = FunctionsBuilder.getInstanceFromArgs(args_compile, dct_dir = self.dct_dir)
             if func_builder.do_generate is True:
diff --git a/zUtil_Python/ b/zUtil_Python/
index b3262659..d7a0b241 100755
--- a/zUtil_Python/
+++ b/zUtil_Python/
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
         confPath = os.path.join(dct_dir, "conf.xml")
         confPath = os.path.abspath(confPath)
+        args = args[1:]
         conf = DCTConf(confPath)
         matlab_path = conf.getMatlabPath()
@@ -31,33 +33,38 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
         will_compile = True
         will_generate = True
         force_compile = False
+        verbose = 1
         mfiles_to_consider = [ ]
-        for index in range(len(sys.argv)):
+        for index in range(len(args)):
             if skip_next is False:
-                if sys.argv[index] == "-just-generate":
+                if args[index] == "-just-generate":
                     will_compile = False
                     will_generate = True
-                if sys.argv[index] == "-just-compile":
+                elif args[index] == "-just-compile":
                     will_compile = True
                     will_generate = False
-                if sys.argv[index] == "-force-compile":
+                elif args[index] == "-force-compile":
                     will_compile = True
                     force_compile = True
-                if sys.argv[index] == "-c":
+                elif args[index] == "-c":
                     skip_next = True
-                    if len(sys.argv) > (index-1):
-                        mfiles_to_consider.append(sys.argv[index+1])
+                    if len(args) > (index-1):
+                        mfiles_to_consider.append(args[index+1])
                         raise ValueError("Not enough arguments for '-c' option")
-                elif sys.argv[index] in ("--help", "-h"):
+                elif args[index] in ("--help", "-h"):
                     raise ValueError("")
-                if sys.argv[index] == "-mp":
+                elif args[index] in ("--verbose", "-v"):
+                    verbose = 2
+                elif args[index] == "-mp":
                     skip_next = True
-                    if len(sys.argv) > (index-1):
-                        matlab_path = sys.argv[index+1]
+                    if len(args) > (index-1):
+                        matlab_path = args[index+1]
                         raise ValueError("Not enough arguments for '-mp' option")
+                else:
+                    DCTOutput.printWarning('Unknown argument (at position %d): %s' % (index, args[index]))
                 skip_next = False
@@ -66,12 +73,13 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
                                 force_compile = force_compile, \
                                 mfiles_to_consider = mfiles_to_consider, \
                                 do_compile = will_compile, \
-                                do_generate = will_generate)
+                                do_generate = will_generate, \
+                                verboseLevel = verbose)
     def __init__(self, matlab_path, dct_dir = os.getcwd(), \
                  script_dir = None, bin_dir = None, force_compile = False, \
                  mfiles_to_consider = [], do_compile = True, \
-                 do_generate = True):
+                 do_generate = True, verboseLevel = 1):
         self.dct_dir = dct_dir
         if script_dir is None:
             script_dir = os.path.join(self.dct_dir, 'bin', 'scripts')
@@ -92,6 +100,8 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
         self.m_files = { }
         self.compile_records = { }
+        self.out = DCTOutput(verboseLevel = verboseLevel);
     def printHelp(self):
         launchname = os.path.basename(__file__)
         print("\"%s\" builds your mex files in the DCT dir: \"%s\"" %
@@ -113,7 +123,7 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
             regexp = re.compile(regexpString)
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("Finding functions that may be compiled, from: '%s'" % self.dct_dir)
+        self.out.printSubJob("Finding functions that may be compiled, from: '%s'" % self.dct_dir)
         filesList = []
         for root, dir_name, file_names in os.walk(self.dct_dir):
             for file_name in file_names:
@@ -148,15 +158,15 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
                             self.call_funcs[filepath] = [function_name]
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("These functions were found:")
+        self.out.printSubJob("These functions were found:")
         for file_name in self.call_funcs:
-            DCTOutput.printSubSubJob('In file', file_name)
+            self.out.printSubSubJob('In file', file_name)
             for func in self.call_funcs[file_name]:
-                print('      + Function: ' + func)
+                self.out.printSubSubSubJob("Function", func)
     def _prepareFuncsList(self):
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("Adding information about functions that may not need to be compiled..")
+        self.out.printSubJob("Adding information about functions that may not need to be compiled..")
         for caller in self.call_funcs:
             callerFuncName = os.path.basename(caller)[:-2]
             for function in self.call_funcs[caller]:
@@ -165,16 +175,15 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
                         self.compile_records[function] = (outpath, self.m_files[function])
                     except KeyError:
-                        print('    -> WARNING!! function: "' + function \
-                              + '" is NOT a local function (may be from ID19) <-')
+                        DCTOutput.printWarning("-> function: '%' is NOT a local function (may be from ID19) <-" % function)
                         self.compile_records[callerFuncName][function] = (' ',' ')
     def _generateMCompileFile(self):
         if not os.path.exists(self.script_dir):
-            DCTOutput.printSubJob("Creating script directory: '%s'" % self.script_dir)
+            self.out.printSubJob("Creating script directory: '%s'" % self.script_dir)
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("Generating m-file that will compile those Functions..")
+        self.out.printSubJob("Generating m-file that will compile those Functions..")
         script_content = [ "function varargout = compile(force, doCompile, varargin)\n\n",
                            "mfiles = [];\n" ]
         for func in self.compile_records:
@@ -187,16 +196,16 @@ class FunctionsBuilder(object):
         script_content.append("\nif (doCompile)\n    gtCompileFunctions(force, mfiles, varargin)\nend\n\nend % end of function\n")
         script_loc = os.path.join(self.script_dir, 'compile.m')
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("Writing '%s' script to disk.." % script_loc)
+        self.out.printSubJob("Writing '%s' script to disk.." % script_loc)
         fid = open(script_loc, "w")
     def compileFuncs(self):
         if not os.path.exists(self.bin_dir):
-            DCTOutput.printSubJob('Creating binaries directory')
+            self.out.printSubJob('Creating binaries directory')
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("Calling matlab..")
+        self.out.printSubJob("Calling matlab..")
         extra_args = ['-nodesktop', '-nosplash']
diff --git a/zUtil_Python/ b/zUtil_Python/
index b097dcbe..bae5d789 100755
--- a/zUtil_Python/
+++ b/zUtil_Python/
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import re
 from dct_io_xml import DCTConf, DCTOutput
+import dct_utils_platform
 class MexBuilder(object):
     file_extensions = [ '*.c', '*.cxx', '*.cpp' ]
@@ -22,55 +24,54 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
         confPath = os.path.join(dct_dir, "conf.xml")
         confPath = os.path.abspath(confPath)
-        conf = DCTConf(confPath)
-        matlab_path = conf.getMatlabPath()
+        args = args[1:]
+        matlab_path = ""
         skip_next = False
         force_compile = False
-        verbose = False
+        fresh_mexopts = False
+        verbose = 1
         mfiles_to_consider = [ ]
         unclassified_args = [ ]
-        for index in range(len(sys.argv)):
+        for index in range(len(args)):
             if skip_next is False:
-                if sys.argv[index] == "-force-compile":
+                if args[index] == "-force-compile":
                     force_compile = True
-                elif sys.argv[index] in ("--verbose", "-v"):
-                    verbose = True
-                elif sys.argv[index] == "-c":
+                elif args[index] == "-fresh-mexopts":
+                    fresh_mexopts = True
+                elif args[index] in ("--verbose", "-v"):
+                    verbose = 2
+                elif args[index] == "-c":
                     skip_next = True
                     if len(sys.argv) > (index+1):
-                        mfiles_to_consider.append(sys.argv[index+1])
+                        mfiles_to_consider.append(args[index+1])
                         raise ValueError("Not enough arguments to '-c' option")
-                elif sys.argv[index] == "-mp":
+                elif args[index] == "-mp":
                     skip_next = True
-                    if len(sys.argv) > (index-1):
-                        matlab_path = sys.argv[index+1]
+                    if len(args) > (index-1):
+                        matlab_path = args[index+1]
                         raise ValueError("Not enough arguments for '-mp' option")
-                elif sys.argv[index] in ("--help", "-h"):
+                elif args[index] in ("--help", "-h"):
                     raise ValueError("")
-                    unclassified_args.append(sys.argv[index])
+                    unclassified_args.append(args[index])
+                    print(args[index])
                 skip_next = False
-        try:
-            mex_info = conf.getMexFiles()
-        except:
-            DCTOutput.printWarning("Couldn't get mex files info. Using plain config.")
-            mex_info = None
-        return MexBuilder(matlab_path, dct_dir = dct_dir, \
-                          extraArgs = unclassified_args, mex_info = mex_info, \
+        return MexBuilder(matlab_path = matlab_path, dct_dir = dct_dir, \
+                          extraArgs = unclassified_args, \
                           force_compile = force_compile, verbose = verbose, \
-                          mfiles_to_consider = mfiles_to_consider)
+                          mfiles_to_consider = mfiles_to_consider, \
+                          fresh_mexopts = fresh_mexopts)
-    def __init__(self, matlab_path, dct_dir = None, outdir = None, \
-                 extraArgs = [], mex_info = None, force_compile = False, \
-                 verbose = False, mfiles_to_consider = []):
+    def __init__(self, matlab_path = "", dct_dir = None, outdir = None, \
+                 extraArgs = [], force_compile = False, verbose = 1, \
+                 mfiles_to_consider = [], fresh_mexopts = False):
          - force_compile: if true, compiles even if the file is recent
          - verbose: generates a lot of output
@@ -83,14 +84,27 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
         self.dct_dir = dct_dir
         self.outdir = outdir
-        self.matlab_dir = matlab_path
         self.c_files = { }
-        self.mex_info = mex_info
         self.mfiles_to_consider = mfiles_to_consider
         self.force_compile = force_compile
-        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.fresh_mexopts = fresh_mexopts
+        self.out = DCTOutput(verboseLevel = verbose)
+        confPath = os.path.join(dct_dir, "conf.xml")
+        confPath = os.path.abspath(confPath)
+        self.conf = DCTConf(confPath)
+        if matlab_path == "":
+            matlab_path = self.conf.getMatlabPath()
+        self.matlab_dir = matlab_path
+        try:
+            self.mex_info = self.conf.getMexFiles()
+        except:
+            DCTOutput.printWarning("Couldn't get mex files info. Using plain config.")
+            self.mex_info = None
     def printHelp(self):
         launchname = os.path.basename(__file__)
@@ -104,6 +118,7 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
         print("  -c <filename> : to compile only a specific file (wildcards also apply)")
         print("  -mp <matlab_dir> : to specify matlab's directory")
         print("  -force-compile : to force the compilation even if not needed")
+        print("  -fresh-mexopts : to force the resetting of mexopts file")
     def findMexs(self):
@@ -111,20 +126,20 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
         Finds the mex files (well, the C sources) and saves the files into the object
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("Finding mex files, from: '%s'" % self.dct_dir)
+        self.out.printSubJob("Finding mex files, from: '%s'" % self.dct_dir)
         for root, dir_name, file_names in os.walk(self.dct_dir):
             for file_extension in self.file_extensions:
                 for file_name in file_names:
                     if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_name, file_extension):
                         filepath = os.path.join(root, file_name)
                         self.c_files[file_name] = filepath
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("These files were found:")
+        self.out.printSubJob("These files were found:")
         for file_name in self.c_files:
-            DCTOutput.printSubSubJob('File', file_name + ' ( ' + self.c_files[file_name] + ' )')
+            self.out.printSubSubJob('File', file_name + ' ( ' + self.c_files[file_name] + ' )')
     def _buildMakeCmd(self, cmd, includes, lib_paths, libs, defines):
-        if self.verbose is True:
+        if self.out.verboseLevel > 1:
         for include in includes:
             cmd.append("-I" + include)
@@ -134,38 +149,35 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
             cmd.append("-l" + lib)
         for define in defines:
             cmd.append("-D" + define)
-        DCTOutput.printSubSubJob('File', cmd[1] + ' (cmd: ' + string.join(cmd, ' ') + ' )')
+        self.out.printSubSubJob('File', cmd[1] + ' (cmd: ' + string.join(cmd, ' ') + ' )')
+        return
-    def _compileFile(self, file_name):
+    def _compileFile(self, file_path):
-        [Internal] def _compileFile(file_name):
+        [Internal] def _compileFile(file_path):
-        Tries to compile the given file_name.
+        Tries to compile the given file_path.
-        file_path = self.c_files[file_name]
         compiler_path = os.path.join(self.matlab_dir, "bin", "mex") 
         cmd = [ compiler_path, file_path, '-outdir', self.outdir ]
-        std_include = [ os.path.join(self.dct_dir, 'zUtil_Cxx', 'include') ]
+        includes = [ os.path.join(self.dct_dir, 'zUtil_Cxx', 'include') ]
+        lib_paths = []
+        libs = []
+        defines = []
-        if self.mex_info is None:
-            # No info at all into the xml file
-#            DCTOutput.printWarning("Mex info not loaded.")
-            self._buildMakeCmd(cmd, std_include, [], [], [])
-        else:
-            if self.mex_info.isExcluded(file_path) is False:
-                props = self.mex_info.getFileProperties(file_path)
-                if props is not None:
-                    includes = std_include + props.get("includes")
-                    self._buildMakeCmd(cmd, includes,
-                                       props.get("lib_paths"),
-                                       props.get("libs"),
-                                       props.get("defines"))
-                else:
-                    # info found, but not about this file, so let's use standard params
-#                    DCTOutput.printWarning("No Mex info on file: '%s'" % file_name)
-                    self._buildMakeCmd(cmd, std_include, [], [], [])
+        if (self.mex_info is not None) \
+                and (self.mex_info.isExcluded(file_path) is False):
+            props = self.mex_info.getFileProperties(file_path)
+            if props is not None:
+                # No info at all into the xml file
+                includes = includes + props.get("includes")
+                lib_paths = lib_paths + props.get("lib_paths")
+                libs = libs + props.get("libs")
+                defines = defines + props.get("defines")
+        return self._buildMakeCmd(cmd, includes, lib_paths, libs, defines)
     def compileFuncs(self):
@@ -173,38 +185,54 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
         Compiles the mex files into the list.
+        if self.fresh_mexopts is True:
+            self.out.printSubJob("Resetting mexopts file")
+            dct_utils = dct_utils_platform.UtilsFactory.getMachineDep()
+            dct_utils.resetMatlabMexopts(self.conf.getMatlabVersion(), \
+                                         self.conf.getMatlabPath() )
         listOfErrors = [];
         if not os.path.exists(self.outdir):
-            DCTOutput.printSubJob("Creating mex directory")
+            self.out.printSubJob("Creating mex directory")
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("Compiling mex files:")
-        if ( len(self.mfiles_to_consider) is 0
-             or ( len(self.mfiles_to_consider) is 1 and self.mfiles_to_consider[0] == 'all' ) ):
+        self.out.printSubJob("Compiling mex files:")
+        if (len(self.mfiles_to_consider) is 0) \
+                or ( (len(self.mfiles_to_consider) is 1) \
+                     and (self.mfiles_to_consider[0] == 'all') ):
             # No preferences, so let's compile everything
-            for file_name in self.c_files:
-                self._compileFile(file_name)
+            files_to_compile = self.c_files
             # Specific files
-            for file_name in self.mfiles_to_consider:
-                try:
-                    self._compileFile(file_name)
-                except KeyError as exc:
-                    # Not found in the list, se let's check if it is a regular expression
-                    try:
-                        found = False
-                        for cfile in self.c_files:
-                            if, cfile):
-                                self._compileFile(cfile)
-                                found = True
-                        if found is not True:
-                            DCTOutput.printError("Nothing found!")
-                            raise exc
-                    except:
-                        errorMsg = 'ERROR. File not found: ' + file_name
-                        DCTOutput.printError(errorMsg)
-                        print(exc)
-                        listOfErrors.append(errorMsg);
+            files_to_compile = self.mfiles_to_consider
+        # Now let's compile
+        for file_name in files_to_compile:
+            # Check if it is an actual file or a regular expression
+            if file_name in self.c_files:
+                match_list = [ file_name ]
+            else:
+                match_list = []
+                for cfile in self.c_files:
+                    if, cfile):
+                        match_list.append(cfile)
+                if len(match_list) is 0:
+                    errorMsg = "No file corresponds to: %s" % file_name
+                    DCTOutput.printError(errorMsg)
+                    listOfErrors.append(errorMsg);
+            # Let's compile each match
+            for cfile in match_list:
+                file_path = self.c_files[file_name]
+                if (self.mex_info is None) \
+                        or ( (self.mex_info is not None) \
+                             and (self.mex_info.isExcluded(file_path) is False) ):
+                    ret_val = self._compileFile(file_path)
+                    if ret_val is not 0:
+                        listOfErrors.append("Error compiling MEX: %s (Return Value: %d)" % (file_name, ret_val))
         if len(listOfErrors) is not 0:
             print("Errors happened during compilation:")
diff --git a/zUtil_Python/ b/zUtil_Python/
index b8552ade..6dd12395 100755
--- a/zUtil_Python/
+++ b/zUtil_Python/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Created on Dec 27, 2011
 import os
+import re
 import datetime
 import shutil
@@ -22,6 +23,11 @@ except ImportError as ex:
 class DCTOutput(object):
+    def __init__(self, verboseLevel = 1):
+        if verboseLevel is True:
+            verboseLevel = 1;
+        self.verboseLevel = verboseLevel;
     def printError(args):
         print("\n\033[31;1mError: %s\033[39;0m\n" % "".join(args))
@@ -30,21 +36,25 @@ class DCTOutput(object):
     def printWarning(args):
         print("\n\033[33;1mWarning: %s\033[39;0m\n" % "".join(args))
-    @staticmethod
-    def printInfoRecord(title, args):
-        print("  %s: \033[36;1m%s\033[39;0m" % (title, "".join(args)))
+    def printInfoRecord(self, title, args):
+        if self.verboseLevel >= 1:
+            print("  %s: \033[36;1m%s\033[39;0m" % (title, "".join(args)))
-    @staticmethod
-    def printJob(args):
-        print("\033[39;1m%s\033[39;0m" % "".join(args))
+    def printJob(self, args):
+        if self.verboseLevel >= 1:
+            print("\033[39;1m%s\033[39;0m" % "".join(args))
-    @staticmethod
-    def printSubJob(args):
-        print("  * \033[32;1m%s\033[39;0m" % "".join(args))
+    def printSubJob(self, args):
+        if self.verboseLevel >= 1:
+            print("  * \033[32;1m%s\033[39;0m" % "".join(args))
-    @staticmethod
-    def printSubSubJob(title, args):
-        print("    - \033[32m%s\033[39;0m: %s" % (title, "".join(args)))
+    def printSubSubJob(self, title, args):
+        if self.verboseLevel >= 1:
+            print("    - \033[32m%s\033[39;0m: %s" % (title, "".join(args)))
+    def printSubSubSubJob(self, title, args):
+        if self.verboseLevel >= 1:
+            print("      + %s: %s" % (title, "".join(args)))
 class DCTXMLBase(object):
@@ -146,7 +156,7 @@ class MexConf(object):
     def isExcluded(self, testFile):
         for exclude in self.tree.findall("exclude_list/path"):
-            if exclude.text in testFile:
+            if, testFile):
                 return True
             return False
diff --git a/zUtil_Python/ b/zUtil_Python/
index 8ccc72bc..e38a23d4 100755
--- a/zUtil_Python/
+++ b/zUtil_Python/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from dct_compile_matlab_functions import FunctionsBuilder
 class DCTSetup(object):
     def __init__(self, args):
-        self.verbose = False
+        self.verbose = 1
         self.initialized = False
         self.branch = ""
         self.repo_dir = ""
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class DCTSetup(object):
             for index in range(len(args)):
                 if skip_next is False:
                     if args[index] == "--verbose" or args[index] == "-v":
-                        self.verbose = True
+                        self.verbose = 2
                     elif args[index] == "-b":
                         skip_next = True
                         if len(args) > (index+1):
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ class DCTSetup(object):
                     self.repo_dir = "_".join(["dct", stable_ver])
             self.initialized = True
+            self.out = DCTOutput(self.verbose)
             for arg in unclassified_args:
                 DCTOutput.printWarning("Unused argument: %s" % arg)
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ class DCTSetup(object):
             branches = dct_utils_git.DCTGit.getAvailableRemoteBranches()
         except ValueError as ex:
-            DCTOutput.printWarning(ex.args)
+            self.out.printWarning(ex.args)
             branches = []
         print("Installs DCT for both users and developers" )
         print(" Options:")
@@ -115,22 +116,22 @@ class DCTSetup(object):
         print("\nGit repository information:")
         if self.sf_username is not "":
-            DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("Mode", "Developer")
-            DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("Sourceforge Username", self.sf_username)
-            DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("User Real Name", self.user_real_name)
-            DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("User e-mail", self.user_email)
+            self.out.printInfoRecord("Mode", "Developer")
+            self.out.printInfoRecord("Sourceforge Username", self.sf_username)
+            self.out.printInfoRecord("User Real Name", self.user_real_name)
+            self.out.printInfoRecord("User e-mail", self.user_email)
-            DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("Mode", "User")
+            self.out.printInfoRecord("Mode", "User")
-        DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("Branch", self.branch)
-        DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("DCT Dir", self.repo_dir)
+        self.out.printInfoRecord("Branch", self.branch)
+        self.out.printInfoRecord("DCT Dir", self.repo_dir)
     def printSystemSummary(self):
         print("\nSystem information:")
-        DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("System Description", self.system_type)
-        DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("Matlab Version", self.matlab_ver)
-        DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("Gcc Version", self.gcc_version)
-        DCTOutput.printInfoRecord("Git Version", self.git_version)
+        self.out.printInfoRecord("System Description", self.system_type)
+        self.out.printInfoRecord("Matlab Version", self.matlab_ver)
+        self.out.printInfoRecord("Gcc Version", self.gcc_version)
+        self.out.printInfoRecord("Git Version", self.git_version)
     def checkSystem(self, platform_utils):
         self.git_version = platform_utils.checkGitVersion()
@@ -146,14 +147,14 @@ class DCTSetup(object):
             self.user_real_name = dct_utils_git.DCTGit.getGlobalConfig("")
         except ValueError as ex:
-            DCTOutput.printSubJob("Trying to guess the Real Name of the user")
+            self.out.printSubJob("Trying to guess the Real Name of the user")
             self.user_real_name = utils.guessUserRealName()
             dct_utils_git.DCTGit.setGlobalConfig("", self.user_real_name)
             self.user_email = dct_utils_git.DCTGit.getGlobalConfig("")
         except ValueError as ex:
-            DCTOutput.printSubJob("Trying to guess the e-mail of the user")
+            self.out.printSubJob("Trying to guess the e-mail of the user")
             self.user_email = utils.guessUserEmail()
             dct_utils_git.DCTGit.setGlobalConfig("", self.user_email)
@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     utils = dct_utils_platform.UtilsFactory.getMachineDep()
     dct_sup.system_type = utils.getSystemDescription()
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Checking system...")
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Checking system...")
         dct_sup.prepareUserEnvironment("") # assuming ESRF
@@ -174,16 +175,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     except ValueError as ex:
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Done.")
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Done.")
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Installing...")
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Installing...")
     utils_git = dct_utils_git.DCTGit()
-    DCTOutput.printSubJob("Cloning repository...")
+    dct_sup.out.printSubJob("Cloning repository...")
     if dct_sup.sf_username is not "":
         retcode = utils_git.createDeveloperRepo(username = dct_sup.sf_username, \
                                                 dest_dir = dct_sup.repo_dir, \
@@ -193,12 +194,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         retcode = utils_git.createUserRepo(dest_dir = dct_sup.repo_dir, \
                                            branch = dct_sup.branch)
     if retcode is not 0:
-        DCTOutput.printSubJob("Directory exists. Checking it is a git repository, and updating...")
+        dct_sup.out.printSubJob("Directory exists. Checking it is a git repository, and updating...")
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Done.")
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Done.")
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Initializing configuration files..")
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Initializing configuration files..")
     upd = DCTConfUpdater(utils_git.repo_dir)
     confexamplefile = utils_git.getFilePathInRepo("zUtil_Conf", "conf.example.xml")
@@ -215,36 +216,30 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     if dct_sup.matlab_dir is "":
         dct_sup.matlab_dir = dct_conf.getMatlabPath()
-    utils.checkMatlabGccVersion(matlabVersion = dct_sup.matlab_ver, \
-                                matlabPath = dct_sup.matlab_dir)
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Done.")
+    utils.resetMatlabMexopts(matlabVersion = dct_sup.matlab_ver, \
+                             matlabPath = dct_sup.matlab_dir)
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Done.")
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Compiling MEX files..")
-    try:
-        mex_info = dct_conf.getMexFiles()
-    except:
-        DCTOutput.printWarning("Couldn't get mex files info. Using plain config.")
-        mex_info = None
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Compiling MEX files..")
     mex_builder = MexBuilder(matlab_path = dct_sup.matlab_dir, \
-                             dct_dir = utils_git.repo_dir, mex_info = mex_info, \
+                             dct_dir = utils_git.repo_dir, \
                              mfiles_to_consider = [], force_compile = True, \
                              verbose = dct_sup.verbose)
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Done.")
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Done.")
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Compiling batch functions... (may take several minutes)")
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Compiling batch functions... (may take several minutes)")
     func_builder = FunctionsBuilder(dct_dir = utils_git.repo_dir, \
                                     matlab_path = dct_sup.matlab_dir, \
                                     mfiles_to_consider = [], \
                                     force_compile = True)
-    DCTOutput.printJob("Done.")
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("Done.")
-    DCTOutput.printJob("DCT is now Installed in: '%s'" % utils_git.repo_dir)
+    dct_sup.out.printJob("DCT is now Installed in: '%s'" % utils_git.repo_dir)
diff --git a/zUtil_Python/ b/zUtil_Python/
index f1732123..97eff341 100755
--- a/zUtil_Python/
+++ b/zUtil_Python/
@@ -114,17 +114,19 @@ class UtilsInterface(object):
         return version_txt
-    def checkMatlabGccVersion(self, searchPatterns, matlabVersion, \
+    def resetMatlabMexopts(self, searchPatterns, matlabVersion, \
                               matlabPath = ""):
         import stat
         mexoptsfile = self._getMatlabMexoptsPath(matlabVersion)
-        if os.path.exists(mexoptsfile) is not True:
-            if matlabPath is "":
-                # Try ESRF Paths
-                matlabPath = self._getMatlabPath(matlabVersion)
-            self._createMatlabMexopts(matlabPath)
+        if os.path.exists(mexoptsfile) is True:
+            os.remove(mexoptsfile)
+        if matlabPath is "":
+            # Try ESRF Paths
+            matlabPath = self._getMatlabPath(matlabVersion)
+        self._createMatlabMexopts(matlabPath)
         stats = os.stat(mexoptsfile)
         os.chmod(mexoptsfile, stats.st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE)
@@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ class UtilsLinux(UtilsInterface):
     def _getMatlabPath(self, matlabVersion):
         return os.path.join("/sware", "com", "matlab_%s" % matlabVersion)
-    def checkMatlabGccVersion(self, matlabVersion, matlabPath = ""):
+    def resetMatlabMexopts(self, matlabVersion, matlabPath = ""):
         searchPatterns = [("COPTIMFLAGS='-O -DNDEBUG'", "COPTIMFLAGS='-O -DNDEBUG -fopenmp'"), \
                           ("CXXOPTIMFLAGS='-O -DNDEBUG'", "CXXOPTIMFLAGS='-O -DNDEBUG -fopenmp'"), \
                           ('(CLIBS="\$RPATH \$MLIBS -lm)"', '\g<1> -fopenmp"'), \
@@ -204,10 +206,10 @@ class UtilsLinux(UtilsInterface):
             searchPatterns.append(("CC='gcc'", "CC='gcc44'"))
             searchPatterns.append(("CXX='g\+\+'", "CXX='g++44'"))
-        UtilsInterface.checkMatlabGccVersion(self, \
-                                             searchPatterns = searchPatterns, \
-                                             matlabVersion = matlabVersion, \
-                                             matlabPath = matlabPath)
+        UtilsInterface.resetMatlabMexopts(self, \
+                                          searchPatterns = searchPatterns, \
+                                          matlabVersion = matlabVersion, \
+                                          matlabPath = matlabPath)
     def guessUserRealName(self):
         username = os.getenv("USER")