diff --git a/zUtil_TomoUtils/GtGrainsManager.m b/zUtil_TomoUtils/GtGrainsManager.m
index 2efb9716ebfacb4f56aa5416e35610ffb10866cc..1084b6bdb62ca889000cd183574ae6e16b9dc50a 100644
--- a/zUtil_TomoUtils/GtGrainsManager.m
+++ b/zUtil_TomoUtils/GtGrainsManager.m
@@ -371,8 +371,12 @@ classdef GtGrainsManager < GtVolView
                 bboxList = sample.phases{phaseID}.simpleSearchBBtouched(voxel);
                 for jj = 1:length(bboxList)
                     grainID = bboxList(jj);
-                    seg = obj.cache.get('grain', {phaseID, grainID}, 'seg');
-                    if isempty(seg)
+                    try
+                        gr_seg = obj.cache.get('grain_det', {phaseID, grainID}, 'SEG');
+                    catch
+                        gr_seg = obj.cache.get('grain', {phaseID, grainID}, {'seg'});
+                    end
+                    if (isempty(gr_seg.seg) || numel(gr_seg.seg) == 1)
                         fprintf('Segmentation volume for grain %d is empty. Please run Reconstruction and 3d Threshold again!\n', grainID)
@@ -999,8 +1003,12 @@ classdef GtGrainsManager < GtVolView
         % viewSegmentedGrain(obj, phaseID, grainID)
-            grainSeg = obj.cache.get('grain', {phaseID, grainID}, 'seg');
-            GtVolView(grainSeg);
+            try
+                gr_seg = obj.cache.get('grain_det', {phaseID, grainID}, 'SEG');
+            catch
+                gr_seg = obj.cache.get('grain', {phaseID, grainID}, {'seg'});
+            end
+            GtVolView(gr_seg.seg);
         function displayForwardSim(obj, phaseID, grainID, varargin)
@@ -1329,7 +1337,11 @@ classdef GtGrainsManager < GtVolView
         % GTGRAINSMANAGER/GETCONTOUROFGRAIN Function that gets border of grains,
         % when grain is not into assembled volume
             sample = obj.getSample();
-            vol = obj.cache.get('grain', {phaseID, grainID}, 'seg');
+            try
+                gr_seg = obj.cache.get('grain_det', {phaseID, grainID}, 'SEG');
+            catch
+                gr_seg = obj.cache.get('grain', {phaseID, grainID}, {'seg'});
+            end
             bbox = sample.phases{phaseID}.getBoundingBox(grainID);
             indx = obj.conf.slicendx - bbox(obj.conf.ortDim);
@@ -1337,15 +1349,15 @@ classdef GtGrainsManager < GtVolView
                 switch (obj.conf.ortDim)
                     case 3 % equivalent to plane 'xy' or 'yx'
                         slice = zeros(obj.conf.dim(1), obj.conf.dim(2));
-                        sliceVol = vol(:, :, indx);
+                        sliceVol = gr_seg.seg(:, :, indx);
                         slice = gtPlaceSubVolume(slice, sliceVol, ([bbox(1) bbox(2) 1]-1));
                     case 1 % equivalent to plane 'yz' or 'zy'
                         slice = zeros(obj.conf.dim(2), obj.conf.dim(3));
-                        sliceVol = squeeze(vol(indx, :, :));
+                        sliceVol = squeeze(gr_seg.seg(indx, :, :));
                         slice = gtPlaceSubVolume(slice, sliceVol, ([1 bbox(2) bbox(3)]-1));
                     case 2 % equivalent to plane 'zx' or 'xz'
                         slice = zeros(obj.conf.dim(1), obj.conf.dim(3));
-                        sliceVol = squeeze(vol(:, indx, :));
+                        sliceVol = squeeze(gr_seg.seg(:, indx, :));
                         slice = gtPlaceSubVolume(slice, sliceVol, ([bbox(1) 1 bbox(3)]-1));