diff --git a/zUtil_OAR/gtCompileFunctions.m b/zUtil_OAR/gtCompileFunctions.m
index fb775bffbd57331319c77f7cdf95ccd3853d11f9..5f260195a873d40b7966356ac142dc76060f7be2 100644
--- a/zUtil_OAR/gtCompileFunctions.m
+++ b/zUtil_OAR/gtCompileFunctions.m
@@ -1,50 +1,52 @@
 function gtCompileFunctions( force, mfiles, funcs_to_compile )
-    error_log = {};
-    wrong_names = {};
     force = strcmp(force, 'force');
-    tot_keys = fieldnames(mfiles);
-    if (isempty(funcs_to_compile) ...
-            || (numel(funcs_to_compile) == 1 && strcmp(funcs_to_compile{1}, 'all')) )
-        funcs_to_compile = tot_keys;
-    else
-        valid = true(numel(funcs_to_compile), 1);
-        for ii = 1:numel(funcs_to_compile)
-            if (~ismember(funcs_to_compile{ii}, tot_keys))
-                valid(ii) = false;
-                wrong_names(1, end+1) = funcs_to_compile(ii);
-            end
-        end
+    should_compile_all = isempty(funcs_to_compile) ...
+            || (numel(funcs_to_compile) == 1 && strcmp(funcs_to_compile{1}, 'all'));
+    all_keys = fieldnames(mfiles);
+    if (should_compile_all)
+        wrong_names = {};
+        funcs_to_compile = all_keys;
+    else
+        valid = ismember(funcs_to_compile, all_keys);
+        wrong_names = funcs_to_compile(~valid);
         funcs_to_compile = funcs_to_compile(valid);
     funcs_to_compile = reshape(funcs_to_compile, [1 numel(funcs_to_compile)]);
+    num_funcs = numel(funcs_to_compile);
-    for funcName = funcs_to_compile
-        disp(['Checking function: "' funcName{1} '":'])
-        func = mfiles.(funcName{1});
+    error_log = cell(num_funcs, 2);
+    for ii_f = 1:numel(funcs_to_compile)
+        func_name = funcs_to_compile{ii_f};
+        disp(['Checking function: "' func_name '":'])
+        func = mfiles.(func_name);
         mat_file_path = func.('in_mfile');
         comp_file_path = func.('out_file');
-        [upToDate, msg] = gtCheckFunctionUpToDate(mat_file_path, comp_file_path);
+        [up_to_date, msg] = gtCheckFunctionUpToDate(mat_file_path, comp_file_path);
-        if (force || ~upToDate)
-            disp(['Compiling function: ' funcName{1}]);
+        if (force || ~up_to_date)
+            disp(['Compiling function: ' func_name]);
             comp_file_dir = fileparts(comp_file_path);
-                gt_mcc(funcName{1}, 'out_path', comp_file_dir)
+                gtMcc(func_name, 'bin_path', comp_file_dir)
             catch mexc
-                error_log(1, end+1) = funcName;
+                error_log(ii_f, :) = {func_name, mexc};
-    for err_msg = error_log
-        disp(['Error while compiling: ' err_msg{1}]);
+    errors = find(~isempty(error_log(:, 1)));
+    for ii_e = 1:numel(errors)
+        func_name = error_log{errors(ii_e), 1};
+        mexc = error_log{errors(ii_e), 2};
+        gtPrintException(mexc, ...
+            sprintf('Could not compile function: %s', func_name))
     for wr_name = wrong_names
         disp(['Wrong m-file name: ' wr_name{1}]);
diff --git a/zUtil_OAR/gt_mcc.m b/zUtil_OAR/gtMcc.m
similarity index 68%
rename from zUtil_OAR/gt_mcc.m
rename to zUtil_OAR/gtMcc.m
index 33de6f29e564e634ece49eb0a106ade74c59d9a4..15a71a75a6a453ab4e7de3c1195e9296caf64c58 100644
--- a/zUtil_OAR/gt_mcc.m
+++ b/zUtil_OAR/gtMcc.m
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-function gt_mcc(myfunctionname, varargin)
+function gtMcc(myfunctionname, varargin)
 % gt_mcc.m Compiles an executable and puts it in the right place
     if (isempty(whos('global', 'GT_MATLAB_HOME')))
-        gtError('COMPILE:no_such_variable', ...
+        error('COMPILE:no_such_variable', ...
               ['GT_MATLAB_HOME variable doesn''t exist in global workspace, '...
                'your environment is not sane, and you need to either ' ...
                're-initialise or re-run matlab.'])
@@ -23,30 +23,24 @@ function gt_mcc(myfunctionname, varargin)
     % Parsing arguments
-    conf = [];
-    conf.not_really = false;
-    conf.out_path = '';
-    conf.licence_warning = false;
+    conf = struct( ...
+        'dry_run', false, ...
+        'bin_path', fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'bin', 'compiled'), ...
+        'licence_warning', false, ...
+        'remove_old', false );
     conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
-    if (isempty(conf.out_path))
-        path_for_binaries = fullfile(GT_MATLAB_HOME, 'bin', 'compiled');
-    else
-        path_for_binaries = conf.out_path;
-    end
     % Modify the M name if necessary
     [~, ~, ext] = fileparts(myfunctionname);
-    if ~strcmp(ext, '.m')
+    if (~strcmp(ext, '.m'))
         myfunctionname = [myfunctionname '.m'];
     % check the code is visible at the moment
-    if ~exist(myfunctionname, 'file')
-        gtError('gt_mcc:wrong_file_name', ...
+    if (~exist(myfunctionname, 'file'))
+        error('gtMcc:wrong_file_name', ...
             'Cannot find your function - is it in the path?')
@@ -55,7 +49,7 @@ function gt_mcc(myfunctionname, varargin)
     globalVars = whos('global');
     eval(['global' sprintf(' %s', globalVars.('name'))]);
     if (isempty(whos('global', 'GT_DB')))
-        gtError('COMPILE:no_such_variable', ...
+        error('gtMcc:no_such_variable', ...
               ['GT_DB variable doesn''t exist in global workspace, '...
                'your environment is not sane, and you need to either ' ...
                're-initialise or re-run matlab.'])
@@ -65,27 +59,30 @@ function gt_mcc(myfunctionname, varargin)
     % startup the compiler
     disp('Starting to compile - this may take a few minutes...');
-    disp('- Removing previously compiled code');
-    compFile = fullfile(path_for_binaries, [myfunctionname(1:end-2)]);
-    runFile = fullfile(path_for_binaries, ['run_' myfunctionname(1:end-1) 'sh']);
-    filesToDelele = {compFile, runFile};
-    for fileToDelele = filesToDelele
-        if (conf.not_really)
-            disp(['I should now be deleting: ' fileToDelele{1}]);
-        elseif exist(fileToDelele{1}, 'file')
-            delete(fileToDelele{1});
+    if (conf.remove_old)
+        fprintf('- Removing previously compiled code..');
+        compFile = fullfile(conf.bin_path, myfunctionname(1:end-2));
+        runFile = fullfile(conf.bin_path, ['run_' myfunctionname(1:end-1) 'sh']);
+        filesToDelele = {compFile, runFile};
+        for fileToDelele = filesToDelele
+            if (conf.dry_run)
+                disp(['I should now be deleting: ' fileToDelele{1}]);
+            elseif exist(fileToDelele{1}, 'file')
+                delete(fileToDelele{1});
+            end
+        fprintf('\b\b: Done.\n')
-    disp(['- Placing result in ' path_for_binaries]);
-    if (conf.not_really)
-        cmd = sprintf('mcc -m "%s" -d "%s" -a workspaceGlobal.mat', myfunctionname, path_for_binaries);
+    disp(['- Placing binary in: ' conf.bin_path]);
+    if (conf.dry_run)
+        cmd = sprintf('mcc -m "%s" -d "%s" -a workspaceGlobal.mat', myfunctionname, conf.bin_path);
         disp(['I should now be executing: ''' cmd '''']);
-            mcc('-m', myfunctionname, '-d', path_for_binaries, '-a', 'workspaceGlobal.mat');
+            mcc('-m', myfunctionname, '-d', conf.bin_path, '-a', 'workspaceGlobal.mat');
         catch mexc
-            if gtCheckExceptionType(mexc, 'mcc_err_checkout_failed')
+            if (gtCheckExceptionType(mexc, 'mcc_err_checkout_failed'))
                 disp('Could not get a compiler license.');
                 disp('Surf to http://compweb/public/nice/matlab_licence.php');
                 disp('and call the person with the compiler license to see if you could use it!');