diff --git a/zUtil_Imaging/gtCrop.m b/zUtil_Imaging/gtCrop.m
index 31dfdfffcd889ea8e2621e627493915ab930808d..c126f375c69a833ca39b78d3a392ad7a35600999 100644
--- a/zUtil_Imaging/gtCrop.m
+++ b/zUtil_Imaging/gtCrop.m
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ function img = gtCrop(img, gtbbox)
 % Greg Johnson, September 2006
 % Modified to work also with 3D volumes W. Ludwig,   March 2012
-    [size_img(1), size_img(2), size_img(3)] = size(img);
+    [size_img(1), size_img(2), size_img(3), size_img(4)] = size(img);
     switch (length(gtbbox))
         case 4  %  2D case
-            minLims = gtbbox(1:2)
-            maxLims = minLims + gtbbox(3:4) - 1
+            minLims = gtbbox(1:2);
+            maxLims = minLims + gtbbox(3:4) - 1;
             % if bbox is too large, crop to image extent
-            minLims = max(minLims, 1)
-            maxLims = min(size_img(1:2), maxLims)
+            minLims = max(minLims, 1);
+            maxLims = min(size_img(1:2), maxLims);
             img = img(minLims(2):maxLims(2), minLims(1):maxLims(1));
         case 6
@@ -47,9 +47,19 @@ function img = gtCrop(img, gtbbox)
             maxLims = minLims + gtbbox(4:6) - 1;
             % if bbox is too large, crop to image extent
             minLims = max(minLims, 1);
-            maxLims = min(size_img, maxLims);
+            maxLims = min(size_img(1:3), maxLims);
             img = img(minLims(1):maxLims(1), minLims(2):maxLims(2), minLims(3):maxLims(3));
+        case 8
+            % 4D case, uses different conventions from 2D case: x and y are not
+            % inverted
+            minLims = gtbbox(1:4);
+            maxLims = minLims + gtbbox(5:8) - 1;
+            % if bbox is too large, crop to image extent
+            minLims = max(minLims, 1);
+            maxLims = min(size_img(1:4), maxLims);
+            img = img(minLims(1):maxLims(1), minLims(2):maxLims(2), minLims(3):maxLims(3), minLims(4):maxLims(4));
             error('gtCrop:wrongInput', ...
                   'Argument bbox needs either to be a 4 (2D) or 6 (3D) element vector');