From 90616d96e97fc00763cf3d1772c85e899802be1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laura Nervo <>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 10:34:24 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] gtDrawGrainUnitCells : improved the function, moved to
 zUtil_Drawing, separated sample envelope drawing part into the function

Signed-off-by: Laura Nervo <>

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
 zUtil_Drawing/gtDrawGrainUnitCells.m   | 201 ++++++++++++++++++++
 zUtil_Drawing/gtSampleGeometry.m       |  71 ++++++++
 zUtil_Indexter/gtINDEXDrawGrainCubes.m | 243 -------------------------
 zUtil_Strain/gtDrawGrainCubes.m        | 116 ------------
 4 files changed, 272 insertions(+), 359 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 zUtil_Drawing/gtDrawGrainUnitCells.m
 create mode 100644 zUtil_Drawing/gtSampleGeometry.m
 delete mode 100644 zUtil_Indexter/gtINDEXDrawGrainCubes.m
 delete mode 100644 zUtil_Strain/gtDrawGrainCubes.m

diff --git a/zUtil_Drawing/gtDrawGrainUnitCells.m b/zUtil_Drawing/gtDrawGrainUnitCells.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..248deafb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zUtil_Drawing/gtDrawGrainUnitCells.m
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+function f_handle = gtDrawGrainUnitCells(grains, varargin)
+%     f_handle = gtDrawGrainUnitCells(grains, varargin)
+%     -------------------------------------------------
+%     Draws a figure representing grain size, location and orientation by  
+%     cubes or hexagonal prismes based on the their Rodrigues vectors.
+%     INPUT:
+%       grains      = grain structure from indexing <cell>
+%     OPTIONAL INPUT (varargin):
+%       hf          = figure handle {[]}
+%       cmap        = can be a component of the strain tensor <double>
+%                     {grain.strain.strainT(3,3)} or a colour map (length must be as grains)
+%       latticepar  = lattice parameters <double 1x6>
+%       labgeo      = laboratory geometry as in parameters <struct>
+%       phaseid     = phase number <int> {1}
+%       type        = cell type <string> {'cubic'} / 'hexagonal'
+%       hlight      = grain id-s to be highlighted {[]}
+%       scale       = number to scale grain size; empty to use bbox info in grain <double> {[]}
+%       view        = 3D angular view <double 1x2> {[-37.5 30]}
+%       showbar     = flag to show the colourbar <logical> {false}
+%     OUTPUT:
+%       f_handle = handle to the figure
+%     Version 004 15-11-2012 by LNervo
+%        Use gtSampleGeometry(labgeo) to create the graphics with axis and reference
+%        system
+%     Version 003 23-10-2012 by LNervo
+%        Add varargin
+% modify parameters/global settings
+app.hf          = [];
+app.cmap        = [];
+app.latticepar  = [];
+app.labgeo      = [];
+app.phaseid     = 1;
+app.type        = [];
+app.hlight      = [];
+app.scale       = [];
+app.view        = [-37.5 30];
+app.showbar     = false;
+app = parse_pv_pairs(app, varargin);
+if ~exist('grains','var') || isempty(grains)
+   disp('Loading grain data from 4_grains/phase_##/index.mat ...')
+   tmp = load(fullfile('4_grains',sprintf('phase_%02d',app.phaseid),'index.mat'),'grain');
+   grains = tmp.grain;
+if isempty(app.cmap) 
+  if isfield(grains{1},'strain')
+      app.cmap = gtIndexAllGrainValues(grains,'strain','strainT',3,3);
+      disp('Using strainT(3,3) as colorscale')
+      app.showbar = true;
+  else
+      app.cmap = zeros(length(grains),1);
+      app.showbar = false;
+  end
+    app.showbar = false;
+    if size(app.cmap,1)==1
+        app.cmap = repmat(app.cmap,length(grains),1);
+    end
+if isempty(app.latticepar)
+    load('parameters.mat');
+    app.latticepar = parameters.cryst(app.phaseid).latticepar;
+if isempty(app.labgeo)
+    load('parameters.mat');
+    app.labgeo = parameters.labgeo;
+if isempty(app.type)
+    load('parameters.mat');
+    app.type = parameters.cryst(app.phaseid).crystal_system;
+    if ~strcmpi(app.type,'cubic') && ~strcmpi(app.type, 'hexagonal')
+        app.type = 'cubic';
+        disp('Default shape for unit cells: cubic')
+    end
+if isempty(app.hf)
+    hf = gtSampleGeometry(app.labgeo.samenvrad, app.labgeo.samenvbot, app.labgeo.samenvtop);
+    hf = app.hf;
+hold on
+nof_grains = length(grains);
+pixelsize = (app.labgeo.pixelsizeu + app.labgeo.pixelsizev)/2;
+if app.showbar
+    colormap(jet(1000))
+    cb = colorbar('FontSize', 12, 'ytick', -0.01:0.005:0.01);
+    cbpos = [0.01 0.2 0.025 0.6];
+    set(cb,'Position',cbpos);
+% vertices and faces calculation
+vertices = [];
+faces_sides = [];
+faces_end = [];
+hkl = [];
+if strcmpi(app.type, 'cubic')
+    vertices  = [0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1; 0 1 1] - ...
+                 0.5*repmat([1 1 1],8,1);
+    % Cube face directions
+    %             +yz      -yz      -xz       +xz       +xy      -xy
+    %             +x       -x       -y        +y        +z       -z
+    faces_sides = [2 3 7 6; 4 1 5 8; 1 2 6 5;  3 4 8 7];
+    faces_end   = [5 6 7 8; 1 2 3 4];
+    hkl         = [1 0 0; -1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 1 0; ...
+                   0 0 1; 0 0 -1]';
+elseif strcmpi(app.type, 'hexagonal')
+    a = app.latticepar(1);
+    c = app.latticepar(3);
+    maxx = max(a,c);
+    % normalize the biggest axis to 1
+    vertices = gtHexagonalUnitCell(a/maxx,c/maxx,false);
+    % hexagon face directions
+    %                   +yz      -yz        -xz       +xz                          +xy                -xy
+    %                   +x       -x         -y        +y                           +z                 -z
+    faces_sides = [1 2 8 7; 4 5 11 10; 5 6 12 11; 2 3 9 8; 3 4 10 9; 6 1 7 12];
+    faces_end   = [1 2 3 4 5 6; 7 8 9 10 11 12];
+    hkl         = [1 0 -1 0; -1 0 -1 0; 0 -1 1 0; 0 1 -1 0; -1 1 0 0; 1 -1 0 0; ...
+                   0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 -1]'; % column vectors
+[Bmat, Amat] = gtCrystHKL2CartesianMatrix(app.latticepar);
+pl_cryst = gtCrystHKL2Cartesian(hkl, Bmat); % hkl plane normals in cryst reference
+% draw unit cells
+for ii = 1:nof_grains
+    if ismember(ii, app.hlight)
+        hl = true;
+    else
+        hl = false;
+    end
+    sfPlotGrainCell(grains{ii}, vertices, faces_sides, hl, pixelsize, app.cmap(ii,:), app.scale);
+    sfPlotGrainCell(grains{ii}, vertices, faces_end, hl, pixelsize, app.cmap(ii,:), app.scale);
+f_handle = hf;
+end % of main function
+function sfPlotGrainCell(grain, vertices, faces, hl, pixelsize, cmap, scale)
+if isempty(scale)
+    ga = 0.5*pixelsize*(grain.stat.bbxsmean + grain.stat.bbysmean)/2;
+    ga = 0.5*pixelsize*scale;
+if isfield(grain,'centre')
+	  gc = grain.centre;
+  	gc =;
+if isfield(grain, 'g')
+    g_grain = grain.g;
+    g_grain = Rod2g(grain.R_vector);
+grain_vertices = ga*vertices*g_grain';
+grain_vertices_st = repmat(gc,size(vertices,1),1) + (eye(3)*grain_vertices')';
+if isfield(grain,'strain') && ~any(isnan(grain.strain.strainT(:)))
+	  grain_vertices_st = grain_vertices_st + (grain.strain.strainT*50*grain_vertices')';
+facecolor = repmat(cmap,size(faces,1),1);
+if hl
+    patch('Vertices', grain_vertices_st, 'Faces', faces , ...
+          'FaceVertexCData', facecolor, 'FaceColor', 'flat','EdgeColor','r','LineWidth',2);
+    patch('Vertices', grain_vertices_st, 'Faces', faces , ...
+          'FaceVertexCData', facecolor, 'FaceColor', 'flat');
+end  % of sfPlotGrainCell
diff --git a/zUtil_Drawing/gtSampleGeometry.m b/zUtil_Drawing/gtSampleGeometry.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cb8657f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zUtil_Drawing/gtSampleGeometry.m
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+function hf = gtSampleGeometry(rad, bot, top)
+% GTSAMPLEGEOMETRY  Draws sample envelope and axis
+%     hf = gtSampleGeometry(rad, bot, top)
+%     ------------------------------------
+%     INPUT:
+%       rad = parameters.labgeo.samenvrad
+%       bot = parameters.labgeo.samenvbot
+%       top = parameters.labgeo.samenvtop
+%     OUTPUT:
+%       hf = figure handle
+%     Version 001 15-11-2012 by LNervo
+hf = figure();
+color = [0.501960813999176 0.501960813999176 0.501960813999176];
+% Create axes
+             set(gca,'ZColor',color);
+             set(gca,'YMinorTick','on');
+             set(gca,'YColor',color);
+             set(gca,'XMinorTick','on');
+             set(gca,'XColor',color);
+             set(gca,'FontSize',12);
+             set(gca,'Visible','on');
+             set(gca,'Box','on');
+             set(gca,'XGrid','on');
+             set(gca,'YGrid','on');
+             set(gca,'ZGrid','on');
+% Create xlabel
+% Create ylabel
+% Create zlabel
+h = rotate3d(hf);
+view([-37.5 30]);
+hold on
+t = 1:360;
+circx = cosd(t)*rad;
+circy = sind(t)*rad;
+circbotz(1:360) = bot;
+circtopz(1:360) = top;
+% sample envelope : circles
+plot3(circx, circy, circbotz, 'k-', 'Linewidth', 1);
+plot3(circx, circy, circtopz, 'k-', 'Linewidth', 1);
+% sample envelope : axis
+plot3([0 0],[0 0],[bot top],'k.-.','Linewidth',1);
+% sample envelope : lateral bars
+plot3([-rad -rad],[0 0],[bot top],'k.-','Linewidth',1);
+plot3([0 0],[-rad -rad],[bot top],'k.-','Linewidth',1);
+plot3([rad rad],[0 0],[bot top],'k.-','Linewidth',1);
+plot3([0 0],[rad rad],[bot top],'k.-','Linewidth',1);
+% lab system : x y z vectors
+% axis limits
+axis([-rad-1, rad+1, -rad-1, rad+1, bot-1, top+1])
+axis vis3d
diff --git a/zUtil_Indexter/gtINDEXDrawGrainCubes.m b/zUtil_Indexter/gtINDEXDrawGrainCubes.m
deleted file mode 100644
index b8f31da8..00000000
--- a/zUtil_Indexter/gtINDEXDrawGrainCubes.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-function gtINDEXDrawGrainCubes(grains, parameters, numbered, hlight, strainscale)
-% function gtINDEXDrawGrainCubes(grains, parameters, numbered, hlight, strainscale)
-% Draws a figure representing grain size, location and orientation by cubes 
-% (unit cells in a cubic lattice) based on the their Rodrigues vectors.
-% USAGE  gtDrawGrainCubes
-%        gtDrawGrainCubes(grains(1:10),[],[],1)  
-%   grains:      grain structure from indexing
-%   parameters:  as in parameters file (required field: labgeo)
-%   numbered:    if true, the grain id-s for each grain are shown
-%   hlight:      grain id-s to be highlighted
-%   strainscale: a multiplicative factor for the strain components
-%                     for better visibility (if strain data available)
-if ~exist('grains','var') || isempty(grains)
-   disp('Loading grain data from 4_grains/phase_01/index.mat ...')
-   tmp = load('4_grains/phase_01/index.mat','grain');
-   grains = tmp.grain;
-if ~exist('parameters','var') || isempty(parameters)
-    disp('Loading parameters from parameters.mat ...')
-    load('parameters.mat');
-if ~exist('hlight','var') || isempty(hlight)
-    hlight = [];
-if ~exist('numbered','var') || isempty(numbered)
-    numbered = [];
-if ~exist('strainscale','var') || isempty(strainscale)
-    strainscale = 50;
-sample.rad = parameters.labgeo.samenvrad; = parameters.labgeo.samenvbot; = parameters.labgeo.samenvtop;
-nof_grains = length(grains);
-fs = 20;
-samradmargin = 0.05;
-samtopmargin = 0.2;
-pixelsize = (parameters.labgeo.pixelsizeu + parameters.labgeo.pixelsizev)/2;
-caxis([-0.01 0.01])
-cb = colorbar('FontSize', fs, 'ytick', -0.01:0.005:0.01);
-cbpos = [0.01 0.2 0.025 0.6];
-%set(gca,'Position',[0.1 0 0.9 1])
-set(gca,'Position',[0 0 1 1])
-axhor = 0.01*floor((sample.rad*(1+samradmargin))/0.01);
-axver = 0.01*floor((max(abs(,abs(*(1+samtopmargin))/0.01);
-%axis([-axhor axhor -axhor axhor -axver axver])
-hold on
-t = 1:360;
-circx = cosd(t)*sample.rad;
-circy = sind(t)*sample.rad;
-circbotz(1:360) =;
-circtopz(1:360) =;
-plot3(circx, circy, circbotz, 'k-', 'Linewidth', 1)
-plot3(circx, circy, circtopz, 'k-', 'Linewidth', 1)
-plot3([0 0],[0 0],[],'k.-.','Linewidth',1)
-plot3([-sample.rad -sample.rad],[0 0],[],'k.-','Linewidth',1)
-plot3([0 0],[-sample.rad -sample.rad],[],'k.-','Linewidth',1)
-plot3([sample.rad sample.rad],[0 0],[],'k.-','Linewidth',1)
-plot3([0 0],[sample.rad sample.rad],[],'k.-','Linewidth',1)
-% beam direction: 
-%plot3([-170 170],[0 0],[0 0],'r-','Linewidth',2)
-cube_vertices = [0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1; 0 1 1] - ...
-                0.5*repmat([1 1 1],8,1);
-% Cubed face directions
-%             +yz      -yz      -xz       +xz       +xy      -xy       
-%             +x       -x       -y        +y        +z       -z
-cube_faces = [2 3 7 6; 4 1 5 8; 1 2 6 5;  3 4 8 7;  5 6 7 8; 1 2 3 4];
-cube_planes = [1 0 0; -1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 0 0 -1];
-for ii = 1:nof_grains
-    if ismember(ii,hlight)
-        hl = true;
-    else
-        hl = false;
-    end
-    sfPlotGrainCube(grains{ii}, cube_vertices, cube_faces, ...
-                    hl, strainscale, pixelsize)
-    if numbered
-        text(grains{ii}.center(1), -axhor,grains{ii}.center(3),num2str(ii), 'Color','c')
-        text(axhor, grains{ii}.center(2), grains{ii}.center(3), num2str(ii), 'Color','c')
-    end
-axis equal
-axis([-axhor axhor -axhor axhor -axver axver])
-end % of main function
-function sfPlotGrainCube(grain, cube_vertices, cube_faces, ...
-                         hl, strainscale, pixelsize)
-ga = 0.5*pixelsize*(grain.stat.bbxsmean + grain.stat.bbysmean)/2;
-if isfield(grain,'centre')
-	gc = grain.centre;
-	gc =;
-% if hl
-%   facecolors=cool(8);
-%   facecolors=facecolors(end-5:end,:);
-% else
-%   facecolors=copper(8);
-%   facecolors=facecolors(end-5:end,:);
-% end  
-ggrain = Rod2g(grain.R_vector);
-grain_vertices = ga*cube_vertices*ggrain';
-if isfield(grain,'strain') && ~any(isnan(grain.strain.strainT(:)))
-	grain_vertices_st = repmat(gc,8,1) + ...
-                        ((eye(3) + grain.strain.strainT*strainscale)*grain_vertices')';
-	facecolor = grain.strain.strainT(3,3);
-	grain_vertices_st = repmat(gc,8,1) + (eye(3)*grain_vertices')';
-	facecolor = 0;
-facecolor = repmat(facecolor,6,1);
-%facecolor=facecolor.*repmat([1.0; 0.98; 0.96; 0.94; 0.92; 0.90],1,3);
-% T=Rod2g(grain.R_vector); % T rotation tensor in lab system (align the axes with the crystal axes); 
-% ECRYST=T'*grain.strain.ST*T;  % strain tensor in the crystal reference
-% facecolor=zeros(6,1);
-% facecolor([1,2])=sqrt(ECRYST(1,2)^2+ECRYST(1,3)^2); % xy & xz
-% facecolor([3,4])=sqrt(ECRYST(2,1)^2+ECRYST(2,3)^2); % yx & yz
-% facecolor([5,6])=sqrt(ECRYST(3,1)^2+ECRYST(3,2)^2); % zx & zy
-% ST=grain.strain.ST;
-% grain_vertices=ga*cube_vertices*T';
-% grain_vertices_st=repmat(gc,8,1)+((eye(3)+ST*strainscale)*grain_vertices')';
-if hl
-    patch('Vertices', grain_vertices_st, 'Faces', cube_faces , ...
-        'FaceVertexCData', facecolor, 'FaceColor', 'flat','EdgeColor','r','LineWidth',2);
-    patch('Vertices', grain_vertices_st, 'Faces', cube_faces , ...
-      'FaceVertexCData', facecolor, 'FaceColor', 'flat');
-% x0=[1 0 0];
-% y0=[0 1 0];
-% z0=[0 0 1];
-% xcr=T*x0';
-% ycr=T*y0';
-% zcr=T*z0';
-%  quiver3(gc(1),gc(2),gc(3),xcr(1),xcr(2),xcr(3),200,'r')
-%  quiver3(gc(1),gc(2),gc(3),ycr(1),ycr(2),ycr(3),200,'b')
-%  quiver3(gc(1),gc(2),gc(3),zcr(1),zcr(2),zcr(3),200,'k')
-%  grain_vertices=ga*cube_vertices*T';
-%  grain_vertices_st=repmat(gc,8,1)+((eye(3))*grain_vertices')';
-%  patch('Vertices',grain_vertices_st,'Faces',cube_faces,...
-%       'FaceVertexCData',facecolor,'FaceColor','flat');
-%    edgevec=[0 1 0];
-%    facepos=[1 0 0];
-%    edgevec_g=edgevec*T';
-%    facepos_g=gc+ga/2*facepos*T';
-%    quiver3(facepos_g(1),facepos_g(2),facepos(3),edgevec_g(1),edgevec_g(2),edgevec_g(3),100,'c');
-end  % of sfPlotGrainCube
diff --git a/zUtil_Strain/gtDrawGrainCubes.m b/zUtil_Strain/gtDrawGrainCubes.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d7458cc..00000000
--- a/zUtil_Strain/gtDrawGrainCubes.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-% function gtDrawGrainCubes(grains,sample,numbered,hlight,noaxis)
-% Draws a figure representing grain size and orientation by cubes 
-% (unit cells in a cubic lattice) based on the Rodrigues vectors in the
-% grain variable output from indexing.
-% USAGE  gtDrawGrainCubes(grains,sample)
-%        gtDrawGrainCubes(grains([1:10]),sample,1,[1,3,5],1)  
-% INPUT  grains:   grain structure from indexing
-%        sample:   parameters and definition of the sample reference system  
-%                   (sample=gtSampleGeoInSampleSystem)
-%        numbered: if true, grain id-s are shown
-%        hlight:   ID-s of grains to be highlighted
-%        noaxis:   if true, axes and beam direction are not shown
-function gtDrawGrainCubes(grains,sample,numbered,hlight,noaxis)
-if ~exist('hlight','var')
-  hlight=[];
-if ~exist('numbered','var')
-  numbered=[];
-if ~exist('noaxis','var')
-  noaxis=false;
-axis([-axhor axhor -axhor axhor -axver axver])
-axis equal;
-hold on
-if ~noaxis
-	xlabel('X')
-	ylabel('Y')
-	zlabel('Z')
-	plot3([-axhor axhor],[0 0],[0 0],'r-','Linewidth',2)
-if noaxis
-	set(gca,'xtick',[],'xcolor','w')
-	set(gca,'ytick',[],'ycolor','w')
-	set(gca,'ztick',[],'zcolor','w')
-plot3([0 0],[0 0],[],'k.-.','Linewidth',1)
-plot3([-sample.rad -sample.rad],[0 0],[],'k.-','Linewidth',1)
-plot3([0 0],[-sample.rad -sample.rad],[],'k.-','Linewidth',1)
-plot3([sample.rad sample.rad],[0 0],[],'k.-','Linewidth',1)
-plot3([0 0],[sample.rad sample.rad],[],'k.-','Linewidth',1)
-cube_vertices=[0 0 0; 1 0 0; 1 1 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1; 0 1 1]-0.5*repmat([1 1 1],8,1);
-cube_faces=[2 3 7 6; 4 1 5 8; 1 2 6 5;  3 4 8 7;  5 6 7 8; 1 2 3 4];
-% directions: +yz      -yz      -xz       +xz       +xy      -xy       
-for i=1:nof_grains
-	if ismember(i,hlight)
-		hl=1;
-	else
-		hl=false;
-	end
-	sfPlotGrainCube(grains{i},cube_vertices,cube_faces,hl)
-	if numbered
-		text(grains{i}.center(1),-axhor,grains{i}.center(3),num2str(i),'Color','c')
-		text(axhor,grains{i}.center(2),grains{i}.center(3),num2str(i),'Color','c')
-	end
-function sfPlotGrainCube(grain,cube_vertices,cube_faces,hl)
-if hl
-	facecolors=cool(8);
-	facecolors=facecolors(end-5:end,:);
-	facecolors=copper(12);
-	facecolors=facecolors(end-1-5:end-1,:);
-	%facecolors=gray(12);
-	%facecolors=facecolors(end-1-5:end-1,:);
-	'FaceVertexCData',facecolors,'FaceColor','flat');