From 8d42d06e85593526772db81338ecc8152dc192dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicola Vigano <>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2016 18:20:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 6D-reconstruction: enabling ospace-super-sampling with the
 use of W-shape-functions

Signed-off-by: Nicola Vigano <>
 zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m     | 28 ++++++--
 .../Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m      | 44 ++++++++++--
 zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m     | 28 +++++---
 .../gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW.m              | 70 ++++++++++++++-----
 4 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m
index c1a352c0..1fdf06b9 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m
@@ -289,10 +289,18 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
             num_bytes = 0;
             float_bytes = GtBenchmarks.getSizeVariable(zeros(1, 1, 'single'));
             num_geoms = self.get_number_geometries();
-            for n = 1:num_geoms
-                sinogram_size = [ ...
-                    self.proj_size(1), size(self.geometries{n}, 1), self.proj_size(2)];
-                num_bytes = num_bytes + float_bytes * prod(sinogram_size);
+            if (isempty(self.ss_geometries))
+                for n = 1:num_geoms
+                    sinogram_size = [ ...
+                        self.proj_size(1), size(self.geometries{n}, 1), self.proj_size(2)];
+                    num_bytes = num_bytes + float_bytes * prod(sinogram_size);
+                end
+            else
+                for n = 1:num_geoms
+                    sinogram_size = [ ...
+                        self.proj_size(1), size(self.ss_geometries{n}, 1), self.proj_size(2)];
+                    num_bytes = num_bytes + float_bytes * prod(sinogram_size);
+                end
@@ -514,8 +522,16 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
             fprintf('   + Backprojecting ones sinos (fake bproj)..');
             c = tic();
             num_geoms = self.get_number_geometries();
-            for ii = 1:num_geoms
-                self.bwd_weights{ii} = size(self.geometries{ii}, 1);
+            if (~isempty(self.geometries))
+                for ii = 1:num_geoms
+                    self.bwd_weights{ii} = size(self.geometries{ii}, 1);
+                end
+            else
+                % If this happens we are using oversampling with
+                % shape-functions
+                for ii = 1:num_geoms
+                    self.bwd_weights{ii} = numel(self.blobs);
+                end
             fprintf('\b\b (%2.1f s)\n', toc(c));
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m
index 694214bf..0142bee3 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m
@@ -447,11 +447,18 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
             sel_allb_idxs = sampler.ondet(sampler.included(sel_bls));
             omegas =;
-            orients = sampler.get_orientations();
-            orients = [orients{:}];
+            [orients, orients_ss] = sampler.get_orientations();
+            num_ospace_oversampling = prod(sampler.ss_factor);
+            if (num_ospace_oversampling == 1)
+                ors_struct = [orients{:}];
+            else
+                ors_struct = cat(4, orients_ss{:});
+                ors_struct = [ors_struct{:}];
+            end
             % Array of structures that contain all the info relative to
             % each orientation, for each blob
-            grains_props = self.get_selected_props(orients, sel_bls);
+            grains_props = self.get_selected_props(ors_struct, sel_bls);
             [w_tab, ref_ws] = self.get_shape_funcs_w_tab(shape_funcs, omegas);
             [lims_blobs_w, lims_projs_w, paddings, ext_blobs_w_orig] = self.get_blob_lims(w_tab, bl, ref_ws);
@@ -494,14 +501,39 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
                 psf = {};
+            tot_orient = sampler.get_total_num_orientations();
+            if (num_ospace_oversampling == 1)
+                geometries_ss = {};
+                offsets_ss = {};
+            else
+                geometries = reshape(geometries, num_ospace_oversampling, []);
+                offsets = reshape(offsets, num_ospace_oversampling, []);
+                geometries_ss = cell(tot_orient, 1);
+                offsets_ss = cell(tot_orient, 1);
+                for ii = 1:tot_orient
+                    geometries_ss{ii} = geometries(:, ii);
+                    % merging all the orientation-space super-sampling
+                    % projection coefficients into one structure per
+                    % orientation. This is needed in order to fwd/bwd-project
+                    % all the different sub-orientations together.
+                    offsets_ss{ii} = self.merge_offsets(offsets(:, ii));
+                end
+                geometries = {};
+                offsets = {};
+            end
             algo_params = struct( ...
                 'blobs', {blobs}, ...
                 'geometries', {geometries}, ...
                 'offsets', {offsets}, ...
-                'geometries_ss', {{}}, ...
-                'offsets_ss', {{}}, ...
+                'geometries_ss', {geometries_ss}, ...
+                'offsets_ss', {offsets_ss}, ...
                 'psf', {psf}, ...
-                'good_orients', {true(1, numel(geometries))} );
+                'blobs_w_lims', lims_blobs_w, ...
+                'good_orients', {true(1, tot_orient)} );
         function [sub_blob_slices, proj_coeffs] = get_sub_blobs(self, blobs, slices_interp, padding)
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m b/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m
index f544e63a..e8344cba 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m
@@ -197,15 +197,24 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
                     gr = self.lattice(ii_o).gr{ii_g};
                     beg_pos = gr.R_vector - half_voxel_size + half_steps;
                     end_pos = gr.R_vector + half_voxel_size - half_steps;
-                    gr_ss = {};
-                    for ii_x = beg_pos(1):steps(1):end_pos(1)
-                        for ii_y = beg_pos(2):steps(2):end_pos(2)
-                            for ii_z = beg_pos(3):steps(3):end_pos(3)
-                                gr_ss{end+1} = struct( ...
-                                    'R_vector', {[ii_x, ii_y, ii_z]}, ...
+                    range_x = beg_pos(1):steps(1):end_pos(1);
+                    range_y = beg_pos(2):steps(2):end_pos(2);
+                    range_z = beg_pos(3):steps(3):end_pos(3);
+                    gr_ss = cell(self.ss_factor);
+                    for ii_z = 1:self.ss_factor(3)
+                        for ii_y = 1:self.ss_factor(2)
+                            r_vecs = [ ...
+                                range_x', ...
+                                range_y(ii_y) * ones(self.ss_factor(1), 1), ...
+                                range_z(ii_z) * ones(self.ss_factor(1), 1)];
+                            for ii_x = 1:self.ss_factor(1)
+                                gr_ss{ii_x, ii_y, ii_z} = struct( ...
+                                    'R_vector', {r_vecs(ii_x, :)}, ...
                                     'center', {}, ...
                                     'phaseid', {gr.phaseid}, ...
-                                    'allblobs', {[]} ); %#ok<AGROW>
+                                    'allblobs', {[]} );
@@ -248,7 +257,10 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
             num_lattices = numel(self.lattice);
             or_size = cell(num_lattices, 1);
             for ii = 1:num_lattices
-                or_size{ii} = size(self.lattice(ii).gr);
+                or_size{ii} = [ ...
+                    size(self.lattice(ii).gr, 1), ...
+                    size(self.lattice(ii).gr, 2), ...
+                    size(self.lattice(ii).gr, 3) ];
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW.m b/zUtil_Deformation/gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW.m
index b40eabfe..dad67c49 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW.m
@@ -7,30 +7,49 @@ function sf = gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW(sampler)
     omstep = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(p, sampler.detector_index);
     omstep_rod = tand(omstep / 2);
-    sub_space_size = sampler.stats.sampling.gaps;
-    % Let's first compute the W extent
-    half_rspace_sizes = sub_space_size / 2;
     ref_incs = sampler.ondet(sampler.included);
     ref_inds = sampler.selected;
     num_blobs = numel(find(ref_inds));
     ref_gr = sampler.get_reference_grain();
-    pl_samd = ref_gr.allblobs.plorig(ref_incs(ref_inds), :);
+    if (isfield(ref_gr.allblobs, 'plcry'))
+        pl_cry = ref_gr.allblobs.plcry(ref_incs(ref_inds), :);
+    else
+        pl_samd = ref_gr.allblobs.plorig(ref_incs(ref_inds), :);
+        g = gtMathsRod2OriMat(ref_gr.R_vector');
+        pl_cry = gtVectorLab2Cryst(pl_samd, g)';
+    end
+%     pl_labd = gtGeoSam2Lab(pl_samd, eye(3), self.parameters.labgeo, self.parameters.samgeo, true, false)';
+    sub_space_size = sampler.stats.sampling.gaps;
+    ospace_samp_size = sampler.get_orientation_sampling_size();
+    ospace_samp_size = ospace_samp_size{1};
+    num_ospace_oversampling = prod(sampler.ss_factor);
+    if (num_ospace_oversampling == 1)
+        ospace_samp_lattice =;
+    else
+        ospace_samp_lattice = cat(4,{:});
+        ospace_samp_lattice = reshape(ospace_samp_lattice, [sampler.ss_factor, ospace_samp_size]);
+        ospace_samp_lattice = permute(ospace_samp_lattice, [1 4 2 5 3 6]);
+        ospace_samp_size = ospace_samp_size .* sampler.ss_factor;
+        sub_space_size = sub_space_size ./ sampler.ss_factor;
+        ospace_samp_lattice = reshape(ospace_samp_lattice, ospace_samp_size);
+    end
-    g = gtMathsRod2OriMat(ref_gr.R_vector');
-    pl_cry = gtVectorLab2Cryst(pl_samd, g)';
-%             pl_labd = gtGeoSam2Lab(pl_samd, eye(3), self.parameters.labgeo, self.parameters.samgeo, true, false)';
+    % Let's first compute the W extent
+    half_rspace_sizes = sub_space_size / 2;
     fprintf('Computing bounds of W shape functions: ')
     c = tic();
-    tot_orientations = numel(;
+    tot_orientations = numel(ospace_samp_lattice);
-    oris_bounds_size = [size(, 1), size(, 2), size(, 3)] + 1;
-    oris_lims_min ={1, 1, 1}.R_vector - half_rspace_sizes;
-    oris_lims_max ={end, end, end}.R_vector + half_rspace_sizes;
+    oris_bounds_size = ospace_samp_size + 1;
+    oris_lims_min = ospace_samp_lattice{1, 1, 1}.R_vector - half_rspace_sizes;
+    oris_lims_max = ospace_samp_lattice{end, end, end}.R_vector + half_rspace_sizes;
     oris_steps_x = linspace(oris_lims_min(1), oris_lims_max(1), oris_bounds_size(1));
     oris_steps_y = linspace(oris_lims_min(2), oris_lims_max(2), oris_bounds_size(2));
@@ -131,7 +150,7 @@ function sf = gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW(sampler)
             num_chars = fprintf('%05d/%05d', ii_g, tot_orientations);
-        gr ={ii_g};
+        or = ospace_samp_lattice{ii_g};
         % Extracting ospace boundaries for the given voxel
         w_tab_int = w_tabs_int(:, o_x(ii_g):o_x(ii_g)+1, o_y(ii_g):o_y(ii_g)+1, o_z(ii_g):o_z(ii_g)+1);
@@ -145,7 +164,7 @@ function sf = gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW(sampler)
         % that we want to integrate.
         r_vecs = [pos_x_exp; pos_y_exp; pos_z_exp];
         r_vecs = reshape(r_vecs, 3, []);
-        r_vecs = gr.R_vector(ones_tot_sp, :)' + r_vecs;
+        r_vecs = or.R_vector(ones_tot_sp, :)' + r_vecs;
         gs = gtMathsRod2OriMat(r_vecs);
         % Unrolling and transposing the matrices at the same time
@@ -169,10 +188,10 @@ function sf = gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW(sampler)
         D = Ac .^ 2 + As .^ 2;
         % Precomputing useful values, like sinthetas
-        ominds = gr.allblobs.omind(ref_inds);
+        ominds = or.allblobs.omind(ref_inds);
         ssp = ((ominds == 1) | (ominds == 2));
         ss  = ssp - ~ssp;
-        sinths = ss .* gr.allblobs.sintheta(ref_inds);
+        sinths = ss .* or.allblobs.sintheta(ref_inds);
         sinths = sinths(:, ones(tot_sampling_points, 1));
         CC = Acc + sinths;
@@ -235,4 +254,21 @@ function sf = gtDefShapeFunctionsCreateW(sampler)
     fprintf('Done in %g seconds.\n', toc(c))
+    if (num_ospace_oversampling > 1)
+        fprintf('Re-grouping oversampled W shape functions: ')
+        c = tic();
+        ospace_samp_size = sampler.get_orientation_sampling_size();
+        ospace_samp_size = ospace_samp_size{1};
+        tot_orient = sampler.get_total_num_orientations();
+        regroup = [ ...
+            sampler.ss_factor(1), ospace_samp_size(1), ...
+            sampler.ss_factor(2), ospace_samp_size(2), ...
+            sampler.ss_factor(3), ospace_samp_size(3) ];
+        sf = reshape(sf, regroup);
+        sf = permute(sf, [1 3 5 2 4 6]);
+        sf = reshape(sf, num_ospace_oversampling, tot_orient);
+        fprintf('Done in %g seconds.\n', toc(c))
+    end