diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m b/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m
index 710671ebd26cd4cd4cc5ba78eb392a0093959797..6145aaad22df06e9a8647ad244879121dd070f38 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m
@@ -510,6 +510,7 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
             omstep = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(self.parameters, self.detector_index);
+            omstep_rod = tand(omstep / 2);
             sub_space_size = self.stats.sampling.gaps;
@@ -566,6 +567,28 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
             ref_ws = self.ref_gr.allblobs.omega(self.ondet(self.included(ref_inds))) ./ omstep;
             fprintf('Precomputing shared values..')
+            % Forming the grid in orientation space, on the plane that is
+            % perpendicular to the axis of rotation (z-axis in the w case),
+            % where to sample the sub-regions of the orientation-space voxels
+            space_res = self.estimate_maximum_resolution() ./ 5;
+            num_poins = max(ceil(sub_space_size ./ space_res), 5);
+            pos_x = linspace(-half_rspace_sizes(1), half_rspace_sizes(1), num_poins(1)+1);
+            pos_y = linspace(-half_rspace_sizes(2), half_rspace_sizes(2), num_poins(2)+1);
+            renorm_coeff = (pos_x(2) - pos_x(1)) * (pos_y(2) - pos_y(1)) / prod(sub_space_size);
+            pos_x = (pos_x(1:end-1) + pos_x(2:end)) / 2;
+            pos_y = (pos_y(1:end-1) + pos_y(2:end)) / 2;
+            pos_x_exp = reshape(pos_x, 1, [], 1);
+            pos_x_exp = pos_x_exp(1, :, ones(1, num_poins(2)));
+            pos_y_exp = reshape(pos_y, 1, 1, []);
+            pos_y_exp = pos_y_exp(1, ones(1, num_poins(1)), :);
+            pos_z_exp = zeros(1, num_poins(1), num_poins(2));
+            tot_sampling_points = num_poins(1) * num_poins(2);
+            ones_tot_sp = ones(tot_sampling_points, 1);
             % There is no point in computing the same rotation matrices each
             % time, so we pre compute them here and store them for later
             c = tic();
@@ -575,57 +598,30 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
             w_tabs_int = [allblobs(:).omega];
             w_tabs_int = w_tabs_int(ref_inds, :) ./ omstep;
             w_tabs_int = gtGrainAnglesTabularFix360deg(w_tabs_int, ref_ws, self.parameters);
-            lims_w_proj_int = [min(w_tabs_int, [], 2), max(w_tabs_int, [], 2)];
-            lims_w_proj_int = [floor(lims_w_proj_int(:, 1)), ceil(lims_w_proj_int(:, 2))];
             w_tabs_int = reshape(w_tabs_int, [], oris_bounds_size(1), oris_bounds_size(2), oris_bounds_size(3));
-            precomp_matrix_prods = cell(num_blobs, 1);
             rotcomp_z = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp([0, 0, 1]', 'col');
             rotcomp_w = gtMathsRotationMatrixComp(self.parameters.labgeo.rotdir', 'col');
             % Precomputing A matrix components for all the used omegas
-            for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
-                ws_lims = (lims_w_proj_int(ii_b, 1)-0.5):(lims_w_proj_int(ii_b, 2)+0.5);
-                ws_lims = ws_lims .* omstep;
+            ref_round_int_ws = round(ref_ws + 0.5) - 0.5;
+            ref_round_ws = ref_round_int_ws .* omstep;
+            rot_w = gtMathsRotationTensor(ref_round_ws, rotcomp_w);
-                rot_w = gtMathsRotationTensor(ws_lims, rotcomp_w);
+            beamdirs = self.parameters.labgeo.beamdir * reshape(rot_w, 3, []);
+            beamdirs = reshape(beamdirs, 3, [])';
-                beamdirs = self.parameters.labgeo.beamdir * reshape(rot_w, 3, []);
-                beamdirs = reshape(beamdirs, 3, [])';
+            Ac_part = beamdirs * rotcomp_z.cos;
+            As_part = beamdirs * rotcomp_z.sin;
+            Acc_part = beamdirs * rotcomp_z.const;
-                Ac_part = beamdirs * rotcomp_z.cos;
-                As_part = beamdirs * rotcomp_z.sin;
-                Acc_part = beamdirs * rotcomp_z.const;
+            Ac_part = Ac_part(:, :, ones_tot_sp);
+            As_part = As_part(:, :, ones_tot_sp);
+            Acc_part = Acc_part(:, :, ones_tot_sp);
-                precomp_matrix_prods{ii_b} = struct( ...
-                    'w', [lims_w_proj_int(ii_b, 1) lims_w_proj_int(ii_b, 2)], ...
-                    'Ac', Ac_part, 'As', As_part, 'Acc', Acc_part );
-            end
             fprintf('\b\b: Done in %g seconds.\n', toc(c))
-            space_res = self.estimate_maximum_resolution() ./ 5;
-            num_poins = max(ceil(sub_space_size ./ space_res), 5);
-            pos_x = linspace(-half_rspace_sizes(1), half_rspace_sizes(1), num_poins(1)+1);
-            pos_y = linspace(-half_rspace_sizes(2), half_rspace_sizes(2), num_poins(2)+1);
-            renorm_coeff = (pos_x(2) - pos_x(1)) * (pos_y(2) - pos_y(1)) / prod(sub_space_size);
-            % Forming the grid in orientation space, on the plane that is
-            % perpendicular to the axis of rotation (z-axis in the w case),
-            % where to sample the sub-regions of the orientation-space voxels
-            pos_x = (pos_x(1:end-1) + pos_x(2:end)) / 2;
-            pos_y = (pos_y(1:end-1) + pos_y(2:end)) / 2;
-            pos_x_exp = reshape(pos_x, 1, [], 1);
-            pos_x_exp = pos_x_exp(1, :, ones(1, num_poins(2)));
-            pos_y_exp = reshape(pos_y, 1, 1, []);
-            pos_y_exp = pos_y_exp(1, ones(1, num_poins(1)), :);
-            pos_z_exp = zeros(1, num_poins(1), num_poins(2));
             sf = cell(tot_orientations, 1);
             [o_x, o_y, o_z] = ind2sub(oris_bounds_size-1, 1:tot_orientations);
@@ -637,8 +633,6 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
                     num_chars = fprintf('%05d/%05d', ii_g, tot_orientations);
-                sf{ii_g}(1:num_blobs) = gtFwdSimBlobDefinition();
                 gr = self.lattice.gr{ii_g};
                 % Extracting ospace boundaries for the given voxel
@@ -647,61 +641,75 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
                 lims_w_proj_g_int = round([min(w_tab_int, [], 2), max(w_tab_int, [], 2)]);
-                % the extra index is needed for the last boundary point
-                As_inds = [ ...
-                    lims_w_proj_g_int(:, 1) - lims_w_proj_int(:, 1) ...
-                    lims_w_proj_g_int(:, 2) - lims_w_proj_int(:, 1) + 1] + 1;
                 % Forming the grid in orientation space, on the plane that is
                 % perpendicular to the axis of rotation (z-axis in the w case),
                 % where to sample the sub-regions of the orientation-space voxel
                 % that we want to integrate.
                 r_vecs = [pos_x_exp; pos_y_exp; pos_z_exp];
                 r_vecs = reshape(r_vecs, 3, []);
-                r_vecs = gr.R_vector(ones(1, size(r_vecs, 2)), :)' + r_vecs;
+                r_vecs = gr.R_vector(ones_tot_sp, :)' + r_vecs;
                 gs = gtMathsRod2OriMat(r_vecs);
                 % Unrolling and transposing the matrices at the same time
                 % because we need g^-1
                 gs = reshape(gs, 3, [])';
-                pls = gs * pl_cry;
-                pls = reshape(pls, 3, [], num_blobs);
+                ys = gs * pl_cry;
+                ys = reshape(ys, 3, [], num_blobs);
+                ys = permute(ys, [3 1 2]);
+                % Starting here to compute initial shifts aligned with the
+                % rounded omega, by frst doing three scalar products
+                Ac = sum(Ac_part .* ys, 2);
+                As = sum(As_part .* ys, 2);
+                Acc = sum(Acc_part .* ys, 2);
+                Ac = reshape(Ac, num_blobs, tot_sampling_points);
+                As = reshape(As, num_blobs, tot_sampling_points);
+                Acc = reshape(Acc, num_blobs, tot_sampling_points);
+                D = Ac .^ 2 + As .^ 2;
+                % Precomputing useful values, like sinthetas
                 ominds = gr.allblobs.omind(ref_inds);
                 ssp = ((ominds == 1) | (ominds == 2));
                 ss  = ssp - ~ssp;
                 sinths = ss .* gr.allblobs.sintheta(ref_inds);
+                sinths = sinths(:, ones(tot_sampling_points, 1));
+                CC = Acc + sinths;
+                DD = D - CC .^ 2;
+                E  = sqrt(DD);
+                ok = DD > 0;
                 % Apparently it is inverted, compared to the omega prediction
                 % function. Should be investigated
                 ssp = ~((ominds == 1) | (ominds == 3));
                 ss  = ssp - ~ssp;
+                ss = ss(:, ones(tot_sampling_points, 1));
-                for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
-                    A_inds = As_inds(ii_b, 1):As_inds(ii_b, 2);
-                    Ac_g_part = precomp_matrix_prods{ii_b}.Ac(A_inds, :);
-                    As_g_part = precomp_matrix_prods{ii_b}.As(A_inds, :);
-                    Acc_g_part = precomp_matrix_prods{ii_b}.Acc(A_inds, :);
-                    pls_blob = pls(:, :, ii_b);
+                % Shift along z in orientation space, to align with the images
+                % in proections space
+                dz = (-As + ss .* ok .* E) ./ (CC - Ac);
-                    Ac = Ac_g_part * pls_blob;
-                    As = As_g_part * pls_blob;
-                    Acc = Acc_g_part * pls_blob;
+                ws_disps = [ ...
+                    (lims_w_proj_g_int(:, 1) - 0.5 - ref_round_int_ws), ...
+                    (lims_w_proj_g_int(:, 2) + 0.5 - ref_round_int_ws) ];
+                ws_disps = tand(ws_disps .* omstep / 2);
-                    D = Ac .^ 2 + As .^ 2;
+                num_ds = lims_w_proj_g_int(:, 2) - lims_w_proj_g_int(:, 1) + 2;
-                    CC = Acc + sinths(ii_b);
-                    DD = D - CC .^ 2;
-                    E  = sqrt(DD);
-                    ok = DD > 0;
+                bbwims = cell(num_blobs, 1);
+                intms = cell(num_blobs, 1);
+                bbsizes = cell(num_blobs, 1);
-                    % finding what the positions in w-space, correspond to in
-                    % orientation-space, on the z-axis, at the sampled x and y
-                    % positions around in the considered volume.
-                    d = (-As + ss(ii_b) .* ok .* E) ./ (CC - Ac);
+                % This is the most expensive operation because the different
+                % sizes of the omega spread, which depends on the blob itself,
+                % don't allow to have vectorized operations on all the blobs at
+                % the same time
+                for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
+                    d = (ws_disps(ii_b, 1):omstep_rod:ws_disps(ii_b, 2))';
+                    d = d(:, ones(tot_sampling_points, 1)) + dz(ii_b * ones(num_ds(ii_b), 1), :);
                     upper_limits = min(d(2:end, :), half_rspace_sizes(3));
                     lower_limits = max(d(1:end-1, :), -half_rspace_sizes(3));
@@ -714,10 +722,17 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
                     ints = sum(ints, 2);
                     ints = reshape(ints, 1, 1, []);
-                    sf{ii_g}(ii_b).bbwim = lims_w_proj_g_int(ii_b, :);
-                    sf{ii_g}(ii_b).intm = renorm_coeff * ints;
-                    sf{ii_g}(ii_b).bbsize = [1, 1, numel(ints)];
+                    bbwims{ii_b} = lims_w_proj_g_int(ii_b, :);
+                    intms{ii_b} = renorm_coeff * ints;
+                    bbsizes{ii_b} = [1, 1, numel(ints)];
+                sf_bls_w(1:num_blobs) = gtFwdSimBlobDefinition();
+                [sf_bls_w(:).bbwim] = deal(bbwims{:});
+                [sf_bls_w(:).intm] = deal(intms{:});
+                [sf_bls_w(:).bbsize] = deal(bbsizes{:});
+                sf{ii_g} = sf_bls_w;
                 if (mod(ii_g, chunk_size) == 1)
                     fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]));