diff --git a/4_grains/gtGrainImportTopotomoScan.m b/4_grains/gtGrainImportTopotomoScan.m
index 5a48814c9a5adf023fbebdf0610c0f36ccdeb5c3..97ff14a748de8dffddef350c2332bd4da5903b52 100644
--- a/4_grains/gtGrainImportTopotomoScan.m
+++ b/4_grains/gtGrainImportTopotomoScan.m
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function gr = gtGrainImportTopotomoScan(gr, p, det_ind, data_type)
     lims_bt = p.acq(det_ind).range_basetilt;
     within_lims = gr.allblobs(det_ind).phi > lims_bt(1) & gr.allblobs(det_ind).phi < lims_bt(2);
     phinds = gr.allblobs(det_ind).phind(within_lims);
-    phinds_counts = histcounts(phinds, (1:5)-0.5);
+    phinds_counts = histc(phinds, (1:5)-0.5);
     [~, phind] = max(phinds_counts);
     selectedph = gr.allblobs(det_ind).phind == phind;
diff --git a/4_grains/gtLoadClusterRec.m b/4_grains/gtLoadClusterRec.m
index ffd9c01569bfba19fe8aeb098bf96d4b8c2f26c8..5998795ffe18ddd210896ff209fdfd54309139c0 100644
--- a/4_grains/gtLoadClusterRec.m
+++ b/4_grains/gtLoadClusterRec.m
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ function cluster_rec = gtLoadClusterRec(phase_id, grain_ids, varargin)
 %       fields      = <string>  only load specific  fields from
 %                               cluster structure ('ODF6D', 'SEG')
 %       parameters  = <struct>  for security (make sure to load from right directory)
+%       display     = <logical> if true, it automatically opens GtVolView
+%                               and displays the reconstructed intensity
+%                               for each of the grain_ids as well as the summed intensity
     conf = struct('fields', {{}}, 'parameters', {[]}, 'display', false);
     conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
diff --git a/zUtil_DataStructures/GtPhase.m b/zUtil_DataStructures/GtPhase.m
index 6bc3924e2b50245cea803478d3931db12e07c201..ff6c221da5c68cbedec9ae8f81a8cba888299fc5 100644
--- a/zUtil_DataStructures/GtPhase.m
+++ b/zUtil_DataStructures/GtPhase.m
@@ -116,6 +116,22 @@ classdef GtPhase < handle
             copy.clusters         = obj.clusters;
+        function fillGrain(obj, grain)
+            gr_id                       = grain.id;
+            obj.selectedGrains(gr_id)   = true;
+            obj.completeness(gr_id)     = 0;
+            obj.center(gr_id, :)        = grain.center;
+            obj.R_vector(gr_id, :)      = grain.R_vector;
+            if ~isfield(grain, 'boundingBox')
+                grain.boundingBox       = zeros(1, 6);
+                grain.bboxExtremes      = zeros(1, 6);
+            end
+            obj.boundingBox(gr_id, :)   = grain.boundingBox;
+            obj.bboxExtremes(gr_id, :)  = grain.bboxExtremes;
+            obj.use_extended(gr_id)     = false;
+            obj.extended_params(gr_id)  = GtPhase.makeExtendedField([], []);
+        end
         % Setter Functions