diff --git a/zUtil_ForwardSim/gtSetupForwardSimulation.m b/zUtil_ForwardSim/gtSetupForwardSimulation.m
index 35f0dd49564b49cb60f69ec82d7dd023eaf9ee01..daa483a907675bd976e452a1da111ac9755cab9d 100644
--- a/zUtil_ForwardSim/gtSetupForwardSimulation.m
+++ b/zUtil_ForwardSim/gtSetupForwardSimulation.m
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ if (~isfield(parameters.labgeo, 'omstep') || isempty(parameters.labgeo.omstep))
 % Updating recgeo with a consistent set of parameters
-parameters.recgeo = gtGeoRecDefaultParameters(parameters.detgeo, parameters.samgeo, parameters.acq);
-%parameters.recgeo = gtGeoRecDefaultParameters(parameters.detgeo, parameters.samgeo);
+% parameters.recgeo = gtGeoRecDefaultParameters(parameters.detgeo, parameters.samgeo, parameters.acq);
+parameters.recgeo = gtGeoRecDefaultParameters(parameters.detgeo, parameters.samgeo);
diff --git a/zUtil_Geo/gtGeoDetDefaultParameters.m b/zUtil_Geo/gtGeoDetDefaultParameters.m
index ed267cb3618d0456a8c8cdf8730a7e19a6f5199c..8bc9da259705c3dc37e6e4dc9e3c2320d1aa85cf 100644
--- a/zUtil_Geo/gtGeoDetDefaultParameters.m
+++ b/zUtil_Geo/gtGeoDetDefaultParameters.m
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ elseif (~acq.no_direct_beam)
     % Should take sample envelope from sample bbox (parameters.acq.bb) if
     % exists, otherwise in gtPreprocessing
     if (isfield(acq, 'bb') && ~isempty(acq.bb))
-        par_detgeo.detrefpos(2:3) = sfDetrefpos(acq.bb, par_detgeo);
+        par_detgeo.detrefpos(2:3) = gtGeoDetRefPos(acq.bb, par_detgeo);
 elseif (acq.no_direct_beam && strcmp(acq.detector_definition, 'inline'))
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ elseif (acq.no_direct_beam && strcmp(acq.detector_definition, 'inline'))
         acq.bb = [acq.xdet/2-50 acq.ydet/2-50 100 100];
     if (isfield(acq,'bb') && ~isempty(acq.bb))
-        par_detgeo.detrefpos(2:3) = sfDetrefpos(acq.bb, par_detgeo);
+        par_detgeo.detrefpos(2:3) = gtGeoDetRefPos(acq.bb, par_detgeo);
     disp('Choose a squared sample bounding box in the center of the image...')
@@ -83,18 +83,15 @@ end % end of function
+% has been moved to gtGeoDetRefPos
 function d_yz = sfDetrefpos(acq_bb, par_labgeo)
 % Returns the detector lateral (Y) and vertical (Z) positions which approximately
 % account for an offset of the sample bounding box position:
 %   Y lateral: It assumes that the projection of the rotation axis is at the
 %   center of the sample bounding box.
-%   Z vertical: By definition we set the detector center as 0 position
-%   NB: Obsolete definition:  Vertical center of the sample bounding (beam center) corresponds to Z=0.
+%   Vertical center of the sample bounding (beam center) corresponds to Z=0.
 %   It assumes rotpos = [0 0 0] and view into the beam.
     d_yz(1) = -((acq_bb(1) + acq_bb(3)/2) - par_labgeo.detrefu - 0.5) * par_labgeo.pixelsizeu;
-    %d_yz(2) =  ((acq_bb(2) + acq_bb(4)/2) - par_labgeo.detrefv - 0.5) * par_labgeo.pixelsizev;
-    d_yz(2) = 0;  % By definition
+    d_yz(2) =  ((acq_bb(2) + acq_bb(4)/2) - par_labgeo.detrefv - 0.5) * par_labgeo.pixelsizev;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zUtil_Geo/gtGeoDetRefPos.m b/zUtil_Geo/gtGeoDetRefPos.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7436c982d2b880ef189e7ed2a9d63157c7c13c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zUtil_Geo/gtGeoDetRefPos.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function d_yz = gtGeoDetRefPos(acq_bb, detgeo)
+% Returns the detector lateral (Y) and vertical (Z) positions which approximately
+% account for an offset of the sample bounding box position:
+%   Y lateral: It assumes that the projection of the rotation axis is at the
+%   center of the sample bounding box.
+%   Vertical center of the sample bounding (beam center) corresponds to Z=0.
+%   It assumes rotpos = [0 0 0] and view into the beam.
+    d_yz(1) = -((acq_bb(1) + acq_bb(3)/2) - detgeo.detrefu - 0.5) * detgeo.pixelsizeu;
+    d_yz(2) =  ((acq_bb(2) + acq_bb(4)/2) - detgeo.detrefv - 0.5) * detgeo.pixelsizev;
\ No newline at end of file