diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m b/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m
index 6145aaad22df06e9a8647ad244879121dd070f38..ea10a86c4459167ecaf2557f4613465e6adf06fc 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/GtOrientationSampling.m
@@ -570,8 +570,8 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
             % Forming the grid in orientation space, on the plane that is
             % perpendicular to the axis of rotation (z-axis in the w case),
             % where to sample the sub-regions of the orientation-space voxels
-            space_res = self.estimate_maximum_resolution() ./ 5;
-            num_poins = max(ceil(sub_space_size ./ space_res), 5);
+            space_res = tand(self.estimate_maximum_resolution() ./ 2);
+            num_poins = max(ceil(sub_space_size ./ space_res ./ 2), 5);
             pos_x = linspace(-half_rspace_sizes(1), half_rspace_sizes(1), num_poins(1)+1);
             pos_y = linspace(-half_rspace_sizes(2), half_rspace_sizes(2), num_poins(2)+1);
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ classdef GtOrientationSampling < handle
             xy_resolution = atand(delta_pixel ./ (norm(detgeo.detrefpos) .* tand(2 .* t)));
             xy_resolution = min(xy_resolution);
-            z_resolution = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(self.parameters);
+            z_resolution = gtGetOmegaStepDeg(self.parameters, self.detector_index);
             resolution = [xy_resolution, xy_resolution, z_resolution];