diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m
index 6b0c4693cfaee9a89055efc41b3f58d294873cf2..b57a06f966d3b4f1f79e6fae894a343a6ea85958 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DBlobReconstructor.m
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
                 timing_bp = 0;
                 for n = 1:numel(self.currentSolution)
                     cbp = tic();
-                    v = self.bck_project_single_volumes(p, n);
+                    v = self.bwd_project_single_volumes(p, n);
                     timing_bp = timing_bp + toc(cbp);
                     [self.currentSolution{n}, nextEnhancedSolution{n}] ...
@@ -396,24 +396,24 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
         function initializeWeights(self)
             c = tic();
             fprintf('   + Projecting ones vols..');
-            self.forwardWeights = self.getRowsSum();
+            self.fwd_weights = self.getRowsSum();
             fprintf('\b\b (%3.1f s), Fixing it..', toc(c));
             c = tic();
-            for ii = 1:numel(self.forwardWeights)
-                self.forwardWeights{ii} = 1 ./ (self.forwardWeights{ii} + (self.forwardWeights{ii} == 0));
+            for ii = 1:numel(self.fwd_weights)
+                self.fwd_weights{ii} = 1 ./ (self.fwd_weights{ii} + (self.fwd_weights{ii} == 0));
             fprintf('\b\b (%2.1f s)\n', toc(c));
             fprintf('   + Backprojecting ones sinos (fake bproj)..');
             c = tic();
             for ii = 1:numel(self.geometries)
-                self.backwardWeights{ii} = 1 / size(self.geometries{ii}, 1);
+                self.bwd_weights{ii} = 1 / size(self.geometries{ii}, 1);
             fprintf('\b\b (%2.1f s)\n', toc(c));
         function [sigma1, sigma1_1, tau] = initializeCPWeights(self)
-            sigma1 = self.forwardWeights;
+            sigma1 = self.fwd_weights;
             for n = 1:numel(sigma1)
                 sigma1{n} = sigma1{n};
@@ -423,14 +423,14 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
                 sigma1_1{n} = 1 ./ (1 + sigma1_1{n});
-            tau = self.backwardWeights;
+            tau = self.bwd_weights;
             for n = 1:numel(tau)
                 tau{n} = - 1 ./ (1 ./ tau{n} + 1);
         function [sigma1, sigma1_1, tau] = initializeCPWeightsTV(self)
-            sigma1 = self.forwardWeights;
+            sigma1 = self.fwd_weights;
             for n = 1:numel(sigma1)
                 sigma1{n} = sigma1{n};
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ classdef Gt6DBlobReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector
                 sigma1_1{n} = 1 ./ (1 + sigma1_1{n});
-            tau = self.backwardWeights;
+            tau = self.bwd_weights;
             for n = 1:numel(tau)
                 tau{n} = - 1 ./ (1 ./ tau{n} + 1 / numel(tau));
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DSpotReconstructor.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DSpotReconstructor.m
deleted file mode 100755
index b72e25de66ad9c767233fef78909fe4164438de4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DSpotReconstructor.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-classdef Gt6DSpotReconstructor < Gt6DVolumeToSpotProjector
-    properties
-        spots;
-        moderated_spots;
-        currentSolution = {};
-        % CG specific variables
-        currentResidual;
-        currentCondResidual;
-        currentCorrection;
-        currentProjCorrection;
-        squareProjCorr;
-        % FISTA params
-        lambda = 1e-3;
-        weightFISTA = 1;
-        % NonNegative param
-        non_negative = true;
-        % Info parameters
-        dotResiduals;
-        detectorResiduals;
-        maxVals;
-        minVals;
-        thresholds;
-        alpha;
-        beta;
-        % Used to display stuff
-        verbose = true;
-    end
-    methods (Access = public)
-        function self = Gt6DSpotReconstructor(initialVols, spots, varargin)
-            fprintf('Initializing SPOT Recontruction:\n - Variables..');
-            c = tic();
-            detectorSize = size(spots);
-            self = self@Gt6DVolumeToSpotProjector(initialVols, ...
-                [detectorSize(1) detectorSize(3)], varargin{:});
-            self.statistics.add_task('sirt_apply_sum', 'SIRT Apply time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('sirt_fista_sum', 'SIRT Fista time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('sirt_bbox_sum', 'SIRT Bbox cut time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('sirt_norm_residual', 'SIRT resiual norm time');
-            self.initProjectionGeometry();
-            self.initProjectionGeometrySS();
-            self.spots = spots;
-            self.currentSolution = initialVols;
-            fprintf('\b\b (%2.1f s)\n - Weights:\n', toc(c));
-            c = tic();
-            self.initializeWeights();
-            fprintf('   Tot (%3.1f s)), Done.\n', toc(c));
-        end
-        function cg(self, numIters, lambda)
-            if (exist('lambda', 'var'))
-                self.lambda = lambda;
-            end
-            fprintf('Initialization: ')
-            self.initializeVariables(numIters);
-            if (self.verbose)
-                fprintf('(lambda: %e) Done.\nReconstruction: ', self.lambda)
-                f1 = figure('name', sprintf('CG: Lambda(%e), Iterations(%d)', ...
-                                            self.lambda, numIters));
-                ax1 = subplot(2, 2, 1, 'Parent', f1);
-                ax2 = subplot(2, 2, 2, 'Parent', f1);
-                ax3 = subplot(2, 2, 3, 'Parent', f1);
-                drawnow;
-            end
-            t = tic();
-            % Initial setup of variables needed for the first iteration
-            self.initializeCG();
-            % Iterations loop
-            for ii = 1:numIters
-                fprintf('%05d/%05d', ii, numIters)
-                try
-                    self.makeCGIteration(ii, numIters);
-                catch mexc
-                    gtPrintException(mexc, 'Cleaning Gradient Memory');
-                    self.initializeCG();
-                end
-                if (self.verbose)
-                    self.visualize(ax1, ax2, ax3, ii);
-                    drawnow;
-                end
-                fprintf('\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b')
-            end
-            fprintf('(%04d) Done in %f seconds.\n', numIters, toc(t) )
-            self.printStats();
-        end
-        function sirt(self, numIters, lambda)
-            if (exist('lambda', 'var'))
-                self.lambda = lambda;
-            end
-            fprintf('Initialization: ')
-            self.initializeVariables(numIters);
-            if (self.verbose)
-                fprintf('(lambda: %e) Done.\nReconstruction: ', self.lambda)
-                f1 = figure('name', sprintf('SIRT: Lambda(%e), Iterations(%d)', ...
-                                            self.lambda, numIters));
-                ax1 = subplot(2, 2, 1, 'Parent', f1);
-                ax2 = subplot(2, 2, 2, 'Parent', f1);
-                ax3 = subplot(2, 2, 3, 'Parent', f1);
-                drawnow;
-            end
-            t = tic();
-            elapsedTime = toc(t);
-            % Initial setup of variables needed for the first iteration
-            self.currentResidual = self.computeResiduals();
-            % Iterations loop
-            for ii = 1:numIters
-                numchars = fprintf('%03d/%03d (in %f s)', ii, numIters, elapsedTime);
-                self.makeSIRTIteration(ii);
-                if (self.verbose)
-                    self.visualize(ax1, ax2, ax3, ii);
-                    drawnow;
-                end
-                fprintf('%s', repmat(sprintf('\b'), 1, numchars))
-                elapsedTime = toc(t);
-            end
-            fprintf('(%04d) Done in %f seconds.\n', numIters, toc(t) )
-            self.printStats();
-        end
-        function solution = getCurrentSolution(self)
-            % solution: x = P^(1/2) u
-            solution = internal_cell_div_copy(self.currentSolution, self.backwardWeights);
-        end
-        function finalVols = getMergeMultipleJunction(self, threshold)
-            indices = cellfun(@(x){x > threshold}, self.currentSolution);
-            finalVols = zeros(size(self.currentSolution{1}));
-            numVols = length(self.currentSolution);
-            for ii = 1:numVols
-                first = true;
-                for jj = 1:numVols
-                    if ii ~= jj
-                        if (first)
-                            indices{ii} = indices{ii} & (self.currentSolution{ii} >= self.currentSolution{jj});
-                        else
-                            indices{ii} = indices{ii} & (self.currentSolution{ii} > self.currentSolution{jj});
-                        end
-                    end
-                    first = false;
-                end
-                finalVols = finalVols + indices{ii} * ii;
-            end
-        end
-        function finalVols = getMergeTwins(self, threshold)
-            indices1 = (self.currentSolution{1} > self.currentSolution{2}) ...
-                & (self.currentSolution{1} > threshold * max(self.currentSolution{1}(:)));
-            indices2 = (self.currentSolution{2} >= self.currentSolution{1}) ...
-                & (self.currentSolution{2} > threshold * max(self.currentSolution{2}(:)));
-            finalVols = indices1 + 2 * indices2;
-        end
-        function cp(self, numIters, lambda)
-            self.initializeVariables(numIters);
-            sample_rate = 5;
-            [sigma1, sigma1_1, tau] = self.initializeCPWeights();
-            theta = 1;
-            p = gtMathsGetSameSizeZeros(self.spots);
-            q = gtMathsGetSameSizeZeros(self.currentSolution);
-            nextEnhancedSolution = self.currentSolution;
-            fprintf('Reconstruction: ')
-            c = tic();
-            switch (numel(numIters))
-                case 1
-                    iters = 1:numIters;
-                case 2
-                    iters = numIters(1):numIters(2);
-                otherwise
-                    iters = numIters;
-            end
-            tot_iters = numel(iters);
-            for ii = iters
-                numchars = fprintf('%03d/%03d (in %f s)', ii-min(iters), tot_iters, toc(c));
-                l = self.projectVolume(nextEnhancedSolution);
-                p = (p + (l - self.spots) .* sigma1) .* sigma1_1;
-                q = internal_cell_sum_assign(q, nextEnhancedSolution);
-                for n = 1:numel(q)
-                    q{n} = lambda * q{n} ./ max(lambda, abs(q{n}));
-                end
-                nextSolution = self.backprojectVolume(p);
-                nextSolution = internal_cell_sum_assign(nextSolution, q);
-                nextSolution = internal_cell_prod_assign(nextSolution, tau);
-                nextSolution = internal_cell_sum_assign(nextSolution, self.currentSolution);
-                nextSolution = internal_cell_non_neg_assign(nextSolution);
-                nextEnhancedSolution = internal_cell_sum_FISTA_scaled_copy(nextSolution, self.currentSolution, theta);
-                self.currentSolution = nextSolution;
-                fprintf('%s', repmat(sprintf('\b'), 1, numchars))
-                if (mod(ii, sample_rate) == 0)
-                    l = self.projectVolume(self.currentSolution);
-                    l = l - self.spots;
-                    self.dotResiduals(ii / sample_rate) = ...
-                        gtMathsNorm_l2(l) / 2 ...
-                        + lambda * gtMathsNorm_l1(self.currentSolution) ...
-                        + gtMathsNorm_l2(p) / 2 ...
-                        + gtMathsDotProduct(p, self.spots);
-                end
-            end
-            fprintf('(%04d) Done in %f seconds.\n', tot_iters, toc(c) )
-            self.printStats();
-            figure;
-            subplot(1, 2, 1), plot(self.dotResiduals(1:floor(max(iters) / sample_rate)));
-            subplot(1, 2, 2), semilogy(abs(self.dotResiduals));
-        end
-    end
-    methods (Access = protected)
-        function initializeWeights(self)
-            c = tic();
-            fprintf('   + Projecting ones vols..');
-            self.forwardWeights = self.getRowsSum();
-            fprintf('\b\b (%3.1f s), Fixing it..', toc(c));
-            c = tic();
-            self.forwardWeights = 1 ./ sqrt(self.forwardWeights + (self.forwardWeights == 0));
-            fprintf('\b\b (%2.1f s)\n', toc(c));
-            fprintf('   + Backrojecting ones sinos..');
-            self.backwardWeights = self.getColumnsSum();
-            fprintf('\b\b (%3.1f s), Fixing it..', toc(c));
-            c = tic();
-            numGeoms = length(self.backwardWeights);
-            for ii = 1:numGeoms
-                self.backwardWeights{ii} = 1 ./ sqrt(self.backwardWeights{ii} + (self.backwardWeights{ii} == 0));
-            end
-            fprintf('\b\b (%2.1f s)\n', toc(c));
-            self.moderated_spots = self.spots .* self.forwardWeights;
-        end
-        function initializeVariables(self, numIters)
-            self.dotResiduals = zeros(numIters, 1);
-            self.detectorResiduals = zeros(numIters, 1);
-            self.squareProjCorr = zeros(numIters, 1);
-            self.maxVals = zeros(numIters, 1);
-            self.minVals = zeros(numIters, 1);
-            self.alpha = zeros(numIters, 1);
-            self.beta = zeros(numIters, 1);
-        end
-        function w = getFISTAWeight(self, t_1)
-            w = (self.weightFISTA - 1) / t_1;
-        end
-        function initializeCG(self)
-            self.currentResidual = self.computeResiduals(self.currentSolution);
-            self.currentCondResidual = self.currentResidual;
-            self.currentCorrection = internal_cell_prod_scalar_copy(self.currentResidual, -1);
-            self.currentProjCorrection = self.project(self.currentCorrection);
-        end
-        function [sigma1, sigma1_1, tau] = initializeCPWeights(self)
-            sigma1 = self.forwardWeights .^ 2;
-            sigma1_1 = 1 ./ (1 + sigma1);
-            tau = self.backwardWeights;
-            for n = 1:numel(tau)
-                tau{n} = - 1 ./ (1 ./ (tau{n} .^ 2) + 1);
-            end
-        end
-        function [residual, detectorResidual] = computeResiduals(self, newVolumes)
-            if (~exist('newVolumes', 'var'))
-                newVolumes = self.currentSolution;
-            end
-            % projectedVols = W * u
-            % Where: W = Q^(1/2) A P^(1/2) and u = P^(-1/2) x
-            projectedVols = self.project(newVolumes);
-            % detectorResidual = W u - f
-            % Where: f = Q^(1/2) b
-            detectorResidual = projectedVols - self.moderated_spots;
-            % residual = W^T (f - W u)
-            residual = self.backproject(detectorResidual);
-        end
-        function makeCGIteration(self, ii, totIters)
-            % Square of projected correction -> ||W p_{k}||^2
-            backprojCorr = self.backproject(self.currentProjCorrection);
-            self.squareProjCorr(ii) = gtMathsDotProduct(self.currentCorrection, backprojCorr);
-%             self.squareProjCorr(ii) = gtMathsSquareNorm(self.currentProjCorrection);
-            % Dot product of current residual and corrected residual
-            % -> r_{k}^{T} t_{k}
-            self.dotResiduals(ii) = gtMathsSquareNorm(...
-                                                        self.currentResidual);
-            alphaPrefactor = length(self.currentSolution) * numel(self.currentSolution{1}) / totIters;
-%             alphaPrefactor = 1;
-            % Alpha_{k} - Quenched
-            self.alpha(ii) = self.dotResiduals(ii) / self.squareProjCorr(ii) * alphaPrefactor;
-            self.alpha(ii) = min(self.alpha(ii), 1);
-            self.alpha(ii) = max(self.alpha(ii), 0);
-            % x_{k+1} = r_{k} + alpha_{k} p_{k}
-            nextSolution = internal_cell_sum_scaled_copy( ...
-                self.currentSolution, self.currentCorrection, self.alpha(ii));
-            % FISTA - regularization
-            nextSolution = self.softThreshold(nextSolution, self.lambda);
-            % NonNegative constrains
-            nextSolution = gtMathsNonNegative(nextSolution);
-            % FISTA and "non_negative" change the volumes, so we should update
-            % the residuals (and corrections) as a consequence.
-            nextResidual = self.computeResiduals(nextSolution);
-            % squareNewRes = ||r_{k+1}||^2
-            dotNextResisuals = gtMathsSquareNorm(nextResidual);
-            % beta_{k+1} = ||r_{k+1}||^2 / ||r_{k}||^2
-            self.beta(ii) = dotNextResisuals / self.dotResiduals(ii);
-            self.beta(ii) = min(self.beta(ii), 1.0);
-            self.beta(ii) = max(self.beta(ii), 0);
-            nextCorrection = internal_cell_prod_scalar_copy(nextResidual, -1);
-            nextCorrection = internal_cell_sum_scaled_assign(nextCorrection, self.currentCorrection, self.beta(ii));
-            % W p_{k+1}
-            self.currentProjCorrection = self.project(nextCorrection);
-            % Next iteration assignments
-            self.currentResidual = nextResidual;
-            self.currentCorrection = nextCorrection;
-            % Save Volumes x_{k}
-            self.currentSolution = nextSolution;
-            self.maxVals(ii) = mean(cellfun(@(x)max(x(:)), nextSolution));
-            self.minVals(ii) = mean(cellfun(@(x)min(x(:)), nextSolution));
-        end
-        function visualize(self, ax1, ax2, ax3, ii)
-            if ((mod(ii, 10) == 0) || (ii < 25) ...
-                    || ((ii < 50) && (mod(ii, 2) == 0)) ...
-                    || ((ii < 80) && (mod(ii, 5) == 0)))
-                semilogy(abs(self.dotResiduals(1:ii)), 'Parent', ax1);
-                hold(ax1, 'on')
-                plot(abs(self.alpha(1:ii)), 'r', 'Parent', ax1);
-                plot(self.squareProjCorr(1:ii), 'g', 'Parent', ax1);
-                plot(abs(self.beta(1:ii)), 'y', 'Parent', ax1);
-                hold(ax1, 'off')
-                plot(self.maxVals(1:ii), 'r', 'Parent', ax3);
-                hold(ax3, 'on')
-                plot(self.minVals(1:ii), 'g', 'Parent', ax3);
-                hold(ax3, 'off')
-            end
-            if (mod(ii, 3) == 0)
-                slice_indx = round(size(self.currentSolution{1}, 3) / 2);
-                imagesc(self.currentSolution{1}(:, :, slice_indx), 'Parent', ax2)
-            end
-        end
-        function makeSIRTIteration(self, ii)
-            numCells = numel(self.currentSolution);
-            % Step length for FISTA
-            self.statistics.tic('sirt_norm_residual');
-            self.dotResiduals(ii) ...
-                = internal_cell_square_norm(self.currentResidual);
-            self.statistics.toc('sirt_norm_residual');
-            self.statistics.tic('sirt_apply_sum');
-            if (self.verbose)
-                nextCorrection = internal_cell_prod_scalar_copy(self.currentResidual, -1);
-                self.currentProjCorrection = self.project(nextCorrection);
-                self.squareProjCorr(ii) = gtMathsSquareNorm(self.currentProjCorrection);
-                nextSolution = internal_cell_sum_copy(self.currentSolution, nextCorrection);
-            else
-                nextSolution = internal_cell_sub_copy(self.currentSolution, self.currentResidual);
-            end
-            self.statistics.toc('sirt_apply_sum');
-            % fista and nonnegative;
-            % For theoretical reasons, step is always 1
-            self.statistics.tic('sirt_fista_sum');
-            nextSolution = self.applyFISTA(nextSolution, self.currentSolution);
-            self.statistics.toc('sirt_fista_sum');
-            self.statistics.tic('sirt_bbox_sum');
-%             if (self.non_negative)
-%                 nextSolution = gtMathsNonNegative(nextSolution);
-%             end
-            sizes = size(nextSolution{1});
-            for n = 1:numCells
-                nextSolution{n}([1:3 sizes(1)-2:sizes(1)], :, :) = 0;
-                nextSolution{n}(:, [1:3 sizes(2)-2:sizes(2)], :) = 0;
-                if (sizes(3) == 8)
-                    nextSolution{n}(:, :, [1 2 3 6 7 8]) = 0;
-                else
-                    nextSolution{n}(:, :, [1 sizes(3)]) = 0;
-                end
-            end
-            self.statistics.toc('sirt_bbox_sum');
-            nextResidual = self.computeResiduals(nextSolution);
-            self.currentSolution = nextSolution;
-            self.currentResidual = nextResidual;
-            self.maxVals(ii) = mean(cellfun(@(x)max(x(:)), nextSolution));
-            self.minVals(ii) = mean(cellfun(@(x)min(x(:)), nextSolution));
-        end
-        function nextSolution = softThreshold(self, nextSolution, thresh)
-%             waveletLevel = 1;
-%             nextSolution = dwt_haar_soft_threshold(nextSolution, waveletLevel, thresh);
-            for ii = 1:numel(nextSolution)
-                nextSolution{ii} = gtSoftThreshold2(nextSolution{ii}, thresh);
-            end
-        end
-        function nextSolution = applyFISTA(self, nextSolution, currentSolution)
-            nextSolution = softThreshold(self, nextSolution, self.lambda);
-            newWeightFISTA = Gt6DSpotReconstructor.getTplus1(self.weightFISTA);
-            fistaCurrentWeight = self.getFISTAWeight(newWeightFISTA);
-            self.weightFISTA = newWeightFISTA;
-%             nextSolution = internal_cell_sum_FISTA_scaled_assign(...
-%                         nextSolution, currentSolution, fistaCurrentWeight);
-            nextSolution = internal_cell_sum_FISTA_scaled_non_neg_assign(...
-                        nextSolution, currentSolution, fistaCurrentWeight);
-        end
-    end
-    methods (Static, Access = public)
-        function t_1 = getTplus1(t)
-            t_1 = (1 + sqrt(1+ 4 * t * t)) / 2;
-        end
-    end
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeProjector.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeProjector.m
index c9cf81a7cf1794c534eedcc1feb675582b3b3288..c26fb640e38a138d64ebd593290775bd969ad65c 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeProjector.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeProjector.m
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeProjector < handle
         astra_volume_geometries = {};
         geometries = {};
-        astra_geometries = {};
+        astra_projection_geometries = {};
         ss_coeffs = {};
         ss_geometries = {};
@@ -29,52 +29,43 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeProjector < handle
     methods (Access = public)
-        function self = Gt6DVolumeProjector(initialVolumes, detectorSize, varargin)
-%             self.checkGPU()
+        function self = Gt6DVolumeProjector(init_volumes, detector_size, varargin)
-            if (~exist('initialVolumes', 'var') || isempty(initialVolumes))
+            if (~exist('init_volumes', 'var') || isempty(init_volumes))
                 error('Gt6DVolumeProjector:wrong_argument', ...
                     'No initial volumes specified')
-            numVolumes = length(initialVolumes);
-            self.statistics.add_task('fproj_raw_sum', 'Raw FP time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('bproj_raw_sum', 'Raw BP time');
-            self.statistics.add_task_partial('fproj_raw_sum', 'copy_input', 'FP input creation/copy time');
-            self.statistics.add_task_partial('bproj_raw_sum', 'copy_input', 'BP input creation/copy time');
-            self.statistics.add_task_partial('fproj_raw_sum', 'compute', 'FP computation time');
-            self.statistics.add_task_partial('bproj_raw_sum', 'compute', 'BP computation time');
-            self.statistics.add_task_partial('fproj_raw_sum', 'copy_output', 'FP output get/copy time');
-            self.statistics.add_task_partial('bproj_raw_sum', 'copy_output', 'BP output get/copy time');
+            num_volumes = length(init_volumes);
             self.statistics.add_task('fproj_raw_ss_single', 'Raw SS FP time (single)');
             self.statistics.add_task('bproj_raw_ss_single', 'Raw SS BP time (single)');
-            for ii = 2:numVolumes
-                self.testVolumeGeometry(initialVolumes{1}, initialVolumes{ii});
+            [vol_size(1), vol_size(2), vol_size(3)] = size(init_volumes{1});
+            for ii = 2:num_volumes
+                if (~all(vol_size == size(init_volumes{ii})))
+                    error('PROJECTOR:wrong_argument', ...
+                        'Size mismatch between the old and the new volume');
+                end
             % volume geometry (x, y, z)
-            self.volume_geometries = cell(numVolumes, 1);
-            self.astra_volume_geometries = cell(numVolumes, 1);
-            volSize = [size(initialVolumes{1}, 1), ...
-                size(initialVolumes{1}, 2), size(initialVolumes{1}, 3)];
-            tempVolGeom = astra_create_vol_geom(volSize(1), volSize(2), volSize(3));
-            for n = 1:numVolumes
-                self.volume_geometries{n} = volSize;
-                self.astra_volume_geometries{n} = tempVolGeom;
+            self.volume_geometries = cell(num_volumes, 1);
+            self.astra_volume_geometries = cell(num_volumes, 1);
+            astra_vol_geom = astra_create_vol_geom(vol_size(1), vol_size(2), vol_size(3));
+            for n = 1:num_volumes
+                self.volume_geometries{n} = vol_size;
+                self.astra_volume_geometries{n} = astra_vol_geom;
-            self.volume_ids = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-vol', self.astra_volume_geometries, initialVolumes);
+            self.volume_ids = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-vol', self.astra_volume_geometries, init_volumes);
-            if (~exist('detectorSize', 'var'))
-                diagonal = round(norm(size(initialVolumes{1})));
+            if (~exist('detector_size', 'var'))
+                diagonal = round(norm(size(init_volumes{1})));
                 self.proj_size = [diagonal diagonal];
-                self.proj_size = detectorSize;
+                self.proj_size = detector_size;
             self = parse_pv_pairs(self, varargin);
@@ -101,8 +92,9 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeProjector < handle
             % center
             % Let's clean up previous geometries
-            if (~isempty(self.astra_geometries))
-                self.astra_geometries = {};
+            if (~isempty(self.astra_projection_geometries))
+                self.astra_projection_geometries = {};
                 astra_mex_data3d('delete', self.sinogram_ids{:});
                 self.sinogram_ids = {};
                 astra_mex_algorithm('delete', self.algo_fproj_ids{:});
@@ -111,25 +103,15 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeProjector < handle
                 self.algo_bproj_ids = {};
-            geometry = self.geometries;
-            if (iscell(geometry))
-                num_geoms = numel(geometry);
-                for n = 1:num_geoms
-                    self.astra_geometries{n} = astra_create_proj_geom(...
-                        'parallel3d_vec', self.proj_size(2), self.proj_size(1), geometry{n});
-                end
-                self.sinogram_ids = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-proj3d', self.astra_geometries);
-            else
-                self.astra_geometries{end+1} = astra_create_proj_geom(...
-                    'parallel3d_vec', self.proj_size(2), self.proj_size(1), geometry);
-                self.sinogram_ids = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-proj3d', self.astra_geometries);
+            num_geoms = numel(self.geometries);
+            for n = 1:num_geoms
+                self.astra_projection_geometries{n} = astra_create_proj_geom(...
+                    'parallel3d_vec', self.proj_size(2), self.proj_size(1), self.geometries{n});
+            self.sinogram_ids = astra_mex_data3d('create', '-proj3d', self.astra_projection_geometries);
             % Let's preallocate the algorithms
             cfg = astra_struct('FP3D_CUDA');
-%             cfg.option.DetectorSuperSampling = self.angular_sampling;
-%             cfg.option.AngularDeviation = self.angular_deviation;
             for ii = 1:numel(self.sinogram_ids)
                 cfg.ProjectionDataId = self.sinogram_ids{ii};
                 cfg.VolumeDataId = self.volume_ids{ii};
@@ -140,8 +122,6 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeProjector < handle
             cfg = astra_struct('BP3D_CUDA');
-%             cfg.option.VoxelSuperSampling = self.angular_sampling;
-%             cfg.option.AngularDeviation = self.angular_deviation;
             for ii = 1:numel(self.sinogram_ids)
                 cfg.ProjectionDataId = self.sinogram_ids{ii};
                 cfg.ReconstructionDataId = self.volume_ids{ii};
@@ -171,70 +151,9 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeProjector < handle
         function stats = get_statistics(self)
             stats = self.statistics;
-        function forwardWeights = getRowsSum(self)
-            numGeoms = numel(self.astra_volume_geometries);
-            ones_cell = arrayfun(@(z){1}, 1:numGeoms);
-            forwardWeights = self.projectVolume(ones_cell);
-        end
-        function backwardWeights = getColumnsSum(self)
-            backwardWeights = self.backprojectVolume(1);
-        end
     methods (Access = protected)
-        function sinograms = projectVolume(self, volumes)
-            numGeoms = numel(self.astra_geometries);
-            if (numGeoms ~= numel(volumes))
-                error('Gt6DVolumeProjector:wrong_argument', ...
-                    'Number of volumes mismatch with allocated buffers')
-            end
-            self.statistics.tic('fproj_raw_sum');
-            self.statistics.tic('fproj_raw_sum', 'copy_input');
-            astra_mex_data3d('store', self.volume_ids, volumes);
-            self.statistics.toc('fproj_raw_sum', 'copy_input');
-            self.statistics.tic('fproj_raw_sum', 'compute');
-            for ii = 1:numGeoms
-                astra_mex_algorithm('iterate', self.algo_fproj_ids{ii});
-            end
-            self.statistics.toc('fproj_raw_sum', 'compute');
-            self.statistics.tic('fproj_raw_sum', 'copy_output');
-            sinograms = astra_mex_data3d('get_single', self.sinogram_ids);
-            self.statistics.toc('fproj_raw_sum', 'copy_output');
-            self.statistics.toc('fproj_raw_sum');
-        end
-        function volumes = backprojectVolume(self, sinograms)
-            numGeoms = numel(self.astra_geometries);
-            if (numGeoms ~= numel(sinograms))
-                error('Gt6DVolumeProjector:backprojVol:wrong_argument', ...
-                    'Sinograms should be either a volume, or a cell of volumes')
-            end
-            self.statistics.tic('bproj_raw_sum');
-            self.statistics.tic('bproj_raw_sum', 'copy_input');
-            astra_mex_data3d('store', self.sinogram_ids, sinograms);
-            self.statistics.toc('bproj_raw_sum', 'copy_input');
-            self.statistics.tic('bproj_raw_sum', 'compute');
-            for ii = 1:numGeoms
-                astra_mex_algorithm('iterate', self.algo_bproj_ids{ii});
-            end
-            self.statistics.toc('bproj_raw_sum', 'compute');
-            self.statistics.tic('bproj_raw_sum', 'copy_output');
-            volumes = astra_mex_data3d('get_single', self.volume_ids);
-            self.statistics.toc('bproj_raw_sum', 'copy_output');
-            self.statistics.toc('bproj_raw_sum');
-        end
         function ss_sinogram = projectSingleVolumeSS(self, volumes, ii)
@@ -293,18 +212,10 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeProjector < handle
             sinogram = astra_mex_data3d('get_single', self.sinogram_ids{geom_idx});
-        function volume = bck_project_single_volume(self, sinogram, geom_idx)
+        function volume = bwd_project_single_volume(self, sinogram, geom_idx)
             astra_mex_data3d('store', self.sinogram_ids{geom_idx}, sinogram);
             astra_mex_algorithm('iterate', self.algo_bproj_ids{geom_idx});
             volume = astra_mex_data3d('get_single', self.volume_ids{geom_idx});
-        function testVolumeGeometry(~, referenceVol, newVol)
-            if (~isequal(size(referenceVol), size(newVol)))
-                mexc = MException('PROJECTOR:wrong_argument', ...
-                            'Size mismatch between the old and the new volume');
-                throw(mexc)
-            end
-        end
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m
index 0696b9c0e0f3c51c0b791c1631512250415bda99..de880eebc2d9de6756e9caf9d180e22b46335a7c 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
         blobs_depths = [];
         % Weights
-        forwardWeights = {};
-        backwardWeights = {};
+        fwd_weights = {};
+        bwd_weights = {};
         blob_sinogram_c_functions = true;
@@ -17,25 +17,19 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             self.blobs_depths = blobs_depths;
-            self.statistics.add_task('fproj_create_sum', 'FP Create Blob time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('bproj_create_sum', 'BP Create Blob time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('fproj_permute_sum', 'FP Permute Blob time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('bproj_permute_sum', 'BP Permute Blob time');
             self.statistics.add_task('fproj_permute_ss_single', 'SS FP Permute Blob time (single)');
             self.statistics.add_task('bproj_permute_ss_single', 'SS BP Permute Blob time (single)');
-        function forwardWeights = getRowsSum(self)
-            forwardWeights = gtMathsGetSameSizeZeros(self.blobs);
+        function fwd_weights = getRowsSum(self)
+            fwd_weights = gtMathsGetSameSizeZeros(self.blobs);
             for n = 1:numel(self.geometries);
-                forwardWeights = self.fwd_project_single_volumes( ...
-                    forwardWeights, 1, n);
+                fwd_weights = self.fwd_project_single_volumes( ...
+                    fwd_weights, 1, n);
-        function backwardWeights = getColumnsSum(self)
+        function bwd_weights = getColumnsSum(self)
             num_blobs = numel(self.blobs_depths);
             blobs = cell(1, num_blobs);
             for n = 1:num_blobs
@@ -44,50 +38,14 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             num_geoms = numel(self.geometries);
-            backwardWeights = cell(1, num_geoms);
+            bwd_weights = cell(1, num_geoms);
             for n = 1:num_geoms
-                backwardWeights{n} = self.bck_project_single_volumes(blobs, n);
+                bwd_weights{n} = self.bwd_project_single_volumes(blobs, n);
     methods (Access = protected)
-        function blobs = projectVolume(self, volumes)
-        % We get volumes in input and we want the blobs as output, but the
-        % output from the base function is stacks of sinograms relative to
-        % the geometry of the volumes, so we need to actually decompose the
-        % output and recompose the slices into blobs
-            sinograms = self.projectVolume@Gt6DVolumeProjector(volumes);
-            numBlobs = numel(self.blobs_depths);
-            self.statistics.tic('fproj_create_sum');
-            blobs = cell(1, numBlobs);
-            for m = 1:numBlobs
-                blobs{m} = zeros(self.proj_size(1), ...
-                    self.blobs_depths(m), self.proj_size(2), 'single');
-            end
-            self.statistics.toc('fproj_create_sum');
-            self.statistics.tic('fproj_permute_sum');
-            for n = 1:numel(sinograms)
-                if (self.blob_sinogram_c_functions)
-%                     blobs = internal_cell_single_sinogram_to_blobs(...
-%                         blobs, sinograms{n}, self.offsets{n});
-                    blobs = gt6DSingleSinoToBlobs_c(...
-                        blobs, sinograms{n}, self.offsets{n});
-                else
-                    blobs = self.single_sinogram_to_blobs( ...
-                        blobs, sinograms{n}, self.offsets{n});
-                end
-            end
-            self.statistics.toc('fproj_permute_sum');
-            if (~isempty(self.ss_offsets))
-                blobs = self.projectVolumeSS(blobs, volumes);
-            end
-        end
         function blobs = projectVolumeSS(self, blobs, volumes)
         % We get volumes in input and we want the blobs as output, but the
         % output from the base function is stacks of sinograms relative to
@@ -115,42 +73,6 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             blobs = internal_cell_prod_scalar_assign(blobs, renorm_factor);
-        function volumes = backprojectVolume(self, blobs)
-        % Similar problem to the projection function, with the only
-        % difference that in this case the input is blobs and we want to
-        % transform them into stack of sinograms
-            numSinograms = numel(self.astra_geometries);
-            self.statistics.tic('bproj_create_sum');
-            sinograms_sizes = cell(1, numSinograms);
-            for n = 1:numSinograms
-                sinograms_sizes{n} = [self.proj_size(1), ...
-                    size(self.geometries{n}, 1), self.proj_size(2)];
-            end
-            sinograms = cell(1, numSinograms);
-            self.statistics.toc('bproj_create_sum');
-            self.statistics.tic('bproj_permute_sum');
-            for n = 1:numSinograms
-                if (self.blob_sinogram_c_functions)
-%                     sinograms{n} = internal_cell_blobs_to_single_sinogram( ...
-%                         sinograms_sizes{n}, blobs, self.offsets{n});
-                    sinograms{n} = gt6DBlobsToSingleSino_c( ...
-                        sinograms_sizes{n}, blobs, self.offsets{n});
-                else
-                    sinograms{n} = self.blobs_to_single_sinogram(...
-                        sinograms_sizes{n}, blobs, self.offsets{n});
-                end
-            end
-            self.statistics.toc('bproj_permute_sum');
-            volumes = self.backprojectVolume@Gt6DVolumeProjector(sinograms);
-            if (~isempty(self.ss_offsets))
-                volumes = self.backprojectVolumeSS(volumes, blobs);
-            end
-        end
         function volumes = backprojectVolumeSS(self, volumes, blobs)
         % Similar problem to the projection function, with the only
         % difference that in this case the input is blobs and we want to
@@ -212,7 +134,7 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
-        function volume = bck_project_single_volumes(self, blobs, n)
+        function volume = bwd_project_single_volumes(self, blobs, n)
         % Similar problem to the projection function, with the only
         % difference that in this case the input is blobs and we want to
         % transform them into stack of sinograms
@@ -230,7 +152,7 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
                     sinogram_size, blobs, self.offsets{n});
-            volume = self.bck_project_single_volume(sino, n);
+            volume = self.bwd_project_single_volume(sino, n);
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToSpotProjector.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToSpotProjector.m
index c2d9ca994d370fc7645aa0908a4ec4b26af74a2a..255bc96bb9a343aeecd3c99065d5681467961662 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToSpotProjector.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToSpotProjector.m
@@ -1,68 +1,39 @@
 classdef Gt6DVolumeToSpotProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
         % Weights
-        forwardWeights = {};
-        backwardWeights = {};
+        fwd_weights = {};
+        bwd_weights = {};
     methods (Access = public)
         function self = Gt6DVolumeToSpotProjector(initialVolumes, detectorSize, varargin)
             self = self@Gt6DVolumeProjector(initialVolumes, detectorSize, varargin{:});
-            self.statistics.add_task('fproj_sum', 'FP Spot Sum time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('bproj_dupl', 'BP Spot Duplication time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('fproj_pre_weight', 'FP Pre-weight time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('bproj_pre_weight', 'BP Pre-weight time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('fproj_post_weight', 'FP Post-weight time');
-            self.statistics.add_task('bproj_post_weight', 'BP Post-weight time');
-    end
-    methods (Access = protected)
-        function sinograms = projectVolume(self, volumes)
-            sinograms = self.projectVolume@Gt6DVolumeProjector(volumes);
-            self.statistics.tic('fproj_sum');
-            sinograms = gtMathsSumCellVolumes(sinograms);
-            self.statistics.toc('fproj_sum');
+        function fwd_weights = getRowsSum(self)
+            fwd_weights = gtMathsGetSameSizeZeros(self.sinogram);
+            for n = 1:numel(self.geometries);
+                fwd_weights = self.fwd_project_single_volumes( ...
+                    fwd_weights, 1, n);
+            end
-        function volumes = backprojectVolume(self, sinogram)
-            self.statistics.tic('bproj_dupl');
-            numGeoms = numel(self.astra_geometries);
-            sinograms = cell(numGeoms, 1);
-            for n = 1:numGeoms
-                sinograms{n} = sinogram;
+        function bwd_weights = getColumnsSum(self)
+            num_geoms = numel(self.geometries);
+            bwd_weights = cell(1, num_geoms);
+            for n = 1:num_geoms
+                bwd_weights{n} = self.bwd_project_single_volumes(1, n);
-            self.statistics.toc('bproj_dupl');
-            volumes = self.backprojectVolume@Gt6DVolumeProjector(sinograms);
+    end
-        function y = project(self, x)
-            self.statistics.tic('fproj_pre_weight');
-            y = internal_cell_prod_copy(x, self.backwardWeights);
-            self.statistics.toc('fproj_pre_weight');
-            y = self.projectVolume(y);
-            self.statistics.tic('fproj_post_weight');
-            y = y .* self.forwardWeights;
-            self.statistics.toc('fproj_post_weight');
+    methods (Access = protected)
+        function sinogram = fwd_project_single_volumes(self, sinogram, volume, n)
+            sinogram = sinogram + self.fwd_project_single_volume(volume, n);
-        function y = backproject(self, x)
-            self.statistics.tic('bproj_pre_weight');
-            y = x .* self.forwardWeights;
-            self.statistics.toc('bproj_pre_weight');
-            y = self.backprojectVolume(y);
-            self.statistics.tic('bproj_post_weight');
-            y = internal_cell_prod_assign(y, self.backwardWeights);
-            self.statistics.toc('bproj_post_weight');
+        function volume = bwd_project_single_volumes(self, sinogram, n)
+            volume = self.bwd_project_single_volume(sinogram, n);
\ No newline at end of file