diff --git a/zUtil_ForwardSim/gtForwardSimulate_v2.m b/zUtil_ForwardSim/gtForwardSimulate_v2.m
index f2226e331f6cf302490a2d51c8ddaecc47b1578c..6f30f93c0095123b19d222e3bba367ed7feabe7e 100644
--- a/zUtil_ForwardSim/gtForwardSimulate_v2.m
+++ b/zUtil_ForwardSim/gtForwardSimulate_v2.m
@@ -413,8 +413,9 @@ for n = first : last
         for ii_d = 1:num_dets
             fprintf('   + Detector: %d\n', conf.det_index(ii_d))
             for ii_t = 1:numel(fp_twins)
-                fprintf('     %d) %d\n', ii_t, ...
-                    numel(fp_twins(ii_t).proj(ii_d).included));
+                fprintf('     %d) included: %d, auto-selected: %d\n', ii_t, ...
+                    numel(fp_twins(ii_t).proj(ii_d).included), ...
+                    numel(find(fp_twins(ii_t).proj(ii_d).selected)) );
         fprintf(' - Assembling final data-structure..')
@@ -706,6 +707,10 @@ function twin_vars = forward_simulate_twin(gr, gr_fwd_sim, gr_proj, conf, spotsC
             'R_vector', twin_vars(ii_t).R_vector, 'center', gr.center);
         twin = gtCalculateGrain(twin, parameters, 'ref_omind', gr.allblobs.omind);
+        % Determining reflections that are shared with the twin and
+        % selected by the parent
+        refl_match = gt6DGetMatchingReflections(gr, twin, conf.twin_angular_toll_deg * 2);
         twin.stat = gr.stat;
         twin.stat.bbxsstd = twin.stat.bbxsstd * 0.1;
         twin.stat.bbysstd = twin.stat.bbysstd * 0.1;
@@ -737,9 +742,19 @@ function twin_vars = forward_simulate_twin(gr, gr_fwd_sim, gr_proj, conf, spotsC
                 twin_proj(ii_d).stack = permute(cat(3, spots{:}), [1 3 2]);
+            % We will auto-select the shared reflections with the parent
+            % that got also selcted there (if the same blob was used!)
+            parent_sel = false(size(gr.allblobs.omega));
+            parent_sel(gr_proj.ondet(gr_proj.included(gr_proj.selected))) = true;
+            parent_spots = zeros(size(gr.allblobs.omega));
+            parent_spots(gr_proj(ii_d).ondet(gr_proj(ii_d).included)) = gr_fwd_sim(ii_d).difspotID;
             twin_proj(ii_d).ondet = twin_ondet;
             twin_proj(ii_d).included = twin_incl;
-            twin_proj(ii_d).selected = false(numel(twin_incl), 1);
+            twin_proj(ii_d).selected = refl_match(twin_ondet(twin_incl))...
+                & parent_sel(twin_ondet(twin_incl)) ...
+                & (parent_spots(twin_ondet(twin_incl)) == twin_fwd_sim(ii_d).difspotID);
         twin_vars(ii_t).allblobs = twin.allblobs;