diff --git a/zUtil_Crack/GtCrackAnalysis.m b/zUtil_Crack/GtCrackAnalysis.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6121c16b2a215b360ec3f0be222580a93793eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zUtil_Crack/GtCrackAnalysis.m
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+classdef GtCrackAnalysis < handle
+% Complete procedure
+% - create a new crack analysis:
+%   >> study = GtCrackAnalysis();
+% - load the mesh of the crack
+%   >> study.loadCrackMesh('crack_mesh.vtk');
+% - set the scale factor applied when segmenting the crack (compared to DCT 
+%   voxel size)
+%   >> study.setScaleFactor(factor);
+% - load the binary volume of the crack
+%   >> study.loadCrackVolume('crack_binary_volume.tif');
+% - load the grain IDs from the DCT volume
+%   >> study.loadGrainsVolume('dct.edf');
+% - match crack mesh faces with grains ID
+%   >> study.matchCrackFacesWithGrains();
+% - load the Rodigues Vectors of each grain
+%   >> study.loadRVectors('r_vectors.mat');
+% - set the crystal system of each phase
+%   >> study.setPhasesCrystalSystem({'cubic', 'hexagonal'});
+% - play with the functions
+%   >> study.computeNormalSample();
+%   >> study.computeNormalCrystal();
+%   >> study.computeNormalCrystalSST();
+%   >> study.computeSchmidFactors();
+    name;                 % Name of the study
+    %N;                   % Number of cycles
+    Nphases;              % Number of phases
+    p_crystalSystem;      % Crystal system of each phase
+    p_symm;               % Symmetry operators of each phase
+    p_grainIDs;           % List of grain IDs for each phase
+    p_faces;              % List of grain IDs for each phase
+    p_slipSystemsFamilies;% List of slip system families of each phase
+    binCrack;              % Binary volume of the crack
+    binCrackVoxelSize;    % Voxel size of crack binary volume (µm)
+    binBBox;              % BoundingBox of the binary volume of the crack
+    dctVol;               % DCT volume containing the grain IDs
+    dctVoxelSize;         % Voxel size of DCT volume
+    r_vectors;            % Rodrigues vectors
+    scaleFactor;          % Scale factor between DCT volume and crack volume
+    mesh;                 % Mesh for figures
+    Nvertices;            % Number of vertices
+    Nfaces;               % Number of faces
+    f_grainID;            % Grain ID of each face
+    f_GB                  % Faces indices corresponding to Grain Boundaries
+    Ngrains;              % Number of grains
+    grainIDs;             % List of grain IDs
+    maxGrainID;           % Maximal grain ID
+    g_phaseID;            % Phase related to grain ID
+    g_orientation;        % Orientation matrix g for each grain ID
+    g_schmidFactors;      % Schmid factors for each grains
+    norm_samp;            % Normal vector for each face in sample CS
+    norm_cryst;           % Normal vector for each face in crystal CS
+    %norm_cryst_sst;       % Normal vector for each face in crystal SST
+    facecol_phys;         % Face orientation color in sample CS
+    facecol_cryst;        % Face orientation color in crystal CS
+    facecol_cryst_sst;    % Face orientation color in crystal SST
+    grainIDColorMap;      % Color map for grain ID/label
+    grainIPFColorMap;     % Color map for grain inverse pole figure
+methods (Access = public)
+    function obj = GtCrackAnalysis()
+        obj.name = '';
+        obj.Nphases = 0;
+        obj.p_crystalSystem = {};
+        obj.p_symm = {};
+        obj.p_grainIDs = {};
+        obj.p_faces = {};
+        obj.p_slipSystemsFamilies = {};
+        obj.binCrack = [];
+        obj.binCrackVoxelSize = 0;
+        obj.binBBox = [];
+        obj.dctVol = [];
+        obj.dctVoxelSize = 0;
+        obj.r_vectors = [];
+        obj.scaleFactor = 0;
+        obj.mesh = struct;
+        obj.Nvertices = 0;
+        obj.Nfaces = 0;
+        obj.f_grainID = [];
+        obj.f_GB = [];
+        obj.Ngrains = 0;
+        obj.grainIDs = [];
+        obj.maxGrainID = 0;
+        obj.g_phaseID = [];
+        obj.g_orientation = {};
+        obj.g_schmidFactors = [];
+        obj.norm_samp = [];
+        obj.norm_cryst = [];
+        %obj.norm_cryst_sst = [];
+        obj.facecol_phys = [];
+        obj.facecol_cryst = [];
+        obj.facecol_cryst_sst = [];
+        obj.grainIDColorMap = [];
+        obj.grainIPFColorMap = [];
+    end
+    function delete(obj)
+        clear obj;
+    end
+    function loadCrackMesh(obj, filename)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/LOADCRACKMESH  Load the mesh of the crack.
+        if ~exist('filename', 'var') || isempty(filename)
+            [f, p] = uigetfile('*', 'Select the file containing the mesh ' ...
+                of the crack');
+            filename = fullfile(f, p);
+        end
+        [fpath, fname, fext] = fileparts(filename);
+        if strcmp(fext, '.vtk')
+            disp(['  Loading crack mesh from ' filename ' ... ']);
+            obj.mesh = gtVTKMeshReader(filename);
+            obj.Nvertices = length(obj.mesh.vertices);
+            obj.Nfaces    = length(obj.mesh.faces);
+            disp(['    number of vertices : ' num2str(obj.Nvertices) ]);
+            disp(['    number of faces    : ' num2str(obj.Nfaces)    ]);
+            disp(' ');
+        else
+            gtError(['Cannot load mesh from ' fext ' file!']);
+        end
+    end
+    function setScaleFactor(obj, factor)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/SETUPSCALEFACTOR  Set the scale factor applied to the 
+    % initial volume.
+        if obj.binCrackVoxelSize == 0
+            obj.binCrackVoxelSize = inputwdefaultnumeric('Please enter ' ...
+                'the voxel size of binary crack volume.', '0.7');
+        end
+        if obj.dctVoxelSize == 0
+            obj.dctVoxelSize = inputwdefaultnumeric('Please enter the ' ...
+                'voxel size of the DCT volume.', '1.4');
+        end
+        obj.scaleFactor = binCrackVoxelSize/dctVoxelSize;
+        %obj.scaleFactor = factor;
+    end
+    function loadCrackVolume(obj, filename, voxelSize)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/LOADCRACKVolume  Load the binary volume of the crack.
+        if ~exist('voxelSize', 'var') || isempty(voxelSize)
+            voxelSize = 0.7;
+            disp(['Warning: crack volume voxel size not given, setting it ' ...
+                'to default: ' num2str(voxelSize)]);
+        end
+        obj.binCrackVoxelSize = voxelSize;
+        if ~exist('filename', 'var') || isempty(filename)
+            [f, p] = uigetfile('*', 'Select the file containing the binary ' ...
+                'volume of the crack');
+            filename = fullfile(f, p);
+        end
+        [fpath, fname, fext] = fileparts(filename);
+        disp(['  Loading crack binary volume from ' filename ' ... ']);
+        switch fext
+        case '.edf'
+            bin = logical(edf_read(filename));
+        case {'.tif', '.tiff'}
+            bin = logical(gtTIFVolReader(filename));
+        case {'.raw', '.vol'}
+            bin = logical(gtHSTVolReader(filename));
+        otherwise
+            gtError('Unsupported type of volume data!');
+        end
+        obj.binCrack = bin;
+        disp(['    size of crack binary volume: ' num2str(size(bin))]);
+        disp(' ');
+        bboxFile = fullfile(fpath, [fname '.bbox']);
+        disp(['  Loading crack binary volume from ' bboxFile ' ... ']);
+        if exist(bboxFile, 'file')
+            fid = fopen(bboxFile, 'r');
+            obj.binBBox = fscanf(fid, '[%d, %d, %d] [%d, %d, %d]')';
+            fclose(fid);
+        end
+        disp(['    BoundingBox of crack volume: ' num2str(obj.binBBox)]);
+        disp(' ');
+    end
+    function loadGrainsVolume(obj, volume, voxelSize)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/LOADGRAINSVOLUME  Load the grains volume containing the 
+    % grains ID.
+        if ~exist('voxelSize', 'var') || isempty(voxelSize)
+            voxelSize = 1.4;
+            disp(['Warning: DCT volume voxel size not given, setting it to ' ...
+                'default: ' num2str(voxelSize)]);
+        end
+        obj.dctVoxelSize = voxelSize;
+        %if obj.scaleFactor == 0
+        %    obj.setScaleFactor();
+        %end
+        if isnumeric(volume) && ndims(volume == 3)
+            dct = volume;
+        else
+            if ~exist('volume', 'var') || isempty(volume)
+                [f, p] = uigetfile('*', 'Select the file containing the ' ...
+                    'binary volume of the crack');
+                volume = fullfile(f, p);
+            end
+            [fpath, fname, fext] = fileparts(volume);
+            disp(['  Loading grains volume from ' volume ' ... ']);
+            switch fext
+            case '.edf'
+                dct = uint16(edf_read(volume));
+            case '.tif'
+                dct = uint16(gtTIFVolReader(volume));
+            case {'.raw', '.vol'}
+                dct = uint16(gtHSTVolReader(volume));
+            otherwise
+                gtError('Unsupported type of volume data!');
+            end
+        end
+        if isempty(obj.Nphases)
+            disp('  Phases not set, please set it!');
+            obj.setPhasesCrystalSystem();
+        end
+        obj.grainIDs = unique(dct)';
+        obj.grainIDs = obj.grainIDs(obj.grainIDs>0);
+        obj.maxGrainID = max(obj.grainIDs);
+        obj.Ngrains = length(obj.grainIDs);
+        obj.dctVol = dct;
+        disp(['    Grains volume size  : ' num2str(size(obj.dctVol))]);
+        disp(['    Number of grains    : ' num2str(obj.Ngrains)       ]);
+        disp(['    Number of grain IDs : ' num2str(obj.maxGrainID)    ]);
+        disp(' ');
+        % The multi-phase material is not completely managed right now
+        obj.g_phaseID = ones(1, obj.maxGrainID);
+    end
+    function setPhaseGrainID(obj)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/SETPHASEGRAINID  Set grain IDs of each phases
+        if isempty(obj.dctVol)
+            gtCrackAnalysis.loadGrainsVolume();
+        end
+        if isempty(obj.Nphases)
+            disp('  Phases not set, please set it!');
+            obj.setPhasesCrystalSystem();
+        end
+        obj.p_grainIDs = cell(1, obj.Nphases);
+        for iphase=1:obj.Nphases
+            obj.p_grainIDs{iphase} = uint16(obj.grainIDs);
+        end
+    end
+    function matchCrackFacesWithGrains(obj)
+    % with the grains.
+        if obj.Nvertices == 0 || obj.Nfaces == 0
+            gtCrackAnalysis.loadCrackMesh();
+        end
+        if isempty(obj.dctVol)
+            gtCrackAnalysis.loadGrainsVolume();
+        end
+        volSize = size(obj.dctVol);
+        obj.f_grainID = zeros(obj.Nfaces, 1, 'uint16');
+        disp(['  Grain volume size is: ' num2str(volSize)]);
+        p1 = round(obj.mesh.vertices(obj.mesh.faces(:, 1), :) / obj.dctVoxelSize);
+        p2 = round(obj.mesh.vertices(obj.mesh.faces(:, 2), :) / obj.dctVoxelSize);
+        p3 = round(obj.mesh.vertices(obj.mesh.faces(:, 3), :) / obj.dctVoxelSize);
+        minIndex = ones(obj.Nfaces, 3);
+        maxIndex = volSize(ones(1, obj.Nfaces), :);
+        ok = between(p1, minIndex, maxIndex) & ...
+             between(p2, minIndex, maxIndex) & ...
+             between(p3, minIndex, maxIndex);
+        if any(~ok)
+            disp(['Problem with ' num2str(sum(~ok)) ' vertices:']);
+        end
+        for iface=1:length(obj.mesh.faces)
+            if ok(iface)
+                igrain1 = obj.dctVol(p1(iface, 1), p1(iface, 2), p1(iface, 3));
+                igrain2 = obj.dctVol(p2(iface, 1), p2(iface, 2), p2(iface, 3));
+                igrain3 = obj.dctVol(p3(iface, 1), p3(iface, 2), p3(iface, 3));
+                if igrain1 == igrain2 && igrain1 == igrain3
+                    obj.f_grainID(iface) = igrain1;
+                else
+                    % GB labeled as maxGrainID+1
+                    obj.f_grainID(iface) = obj.maxGrainID + 1;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        obj.f_GB = find(obj.f_grainID == obj.maxGrainID+1);
+        %obj.f_GB = obj.f_grainID == obj.maxGrainID+1;
+        disp(' ');
+    end
+    function loadRVectors(obj, filename)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/LOADRVECTORS  Load the list of R vectors and compute
+    % orientation matrices.
+        if ~exist('filename', 'var') || isempty(filename)
+            if exist('r_vectors.mat', 'file')
+                filename = fullfile(pwd, 'r_vectors.mat');
+            else
+                [f, p] = uigetfile('*.mat', 'Select the Matlab file ' ...
+                    'containing the R vectors');
+                filename = fullfile(f, p);
+            end
+        end
+        [fpath, fname, fext] = fileparts(filename);
+        if isempty(fext)
+            filename = fullfile(fpath, fname, '.mat');
+        end
+        tmp = load(filename, 'r_vectors');
+        obj.r_vectors = tmp.r_vectors(:, 2:4);
+        % Might be better to check that grain IDs match with array index...
+        %if length(obj.r_vectors) ~= obj.maxGrainID
+        %end
+        % Compute orientation matrices g
+        obj.g_orientation = gtMathsRod2RotMat(obj.r_vectors);
+    end
+    function setPhasesCrystalSystem(obj, crystal_systems)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/SETPHASESCRYSTALSYSTEM  Set the crystal system of each
+    % phase.
+        if ~exist('crystal_systems', 'var') || isempty(crystal_systems)
+            N = inputwdefaultnumeric('Number of phases', '1');
+            crystal_systems = cell(1, N);
+            for iphase=1:N
+                crystal_systems{iphase} = inputwdefault([...
+                    'Crystal systems for phase ' num2str(iphase) ''], 'cubic');
+            end
+        elseif ~iscell(crystal_systems) && ischar(crystal_systems)
+            crystal_systems = {crystal_systems};
+        end
+        obj.Nphases = length(crystal_systems);
+        for iphase=1:obj.Nphases
+            % Get crystal system
+            try
+                validatestring(crystal_systems{iphase}, {'cubic', ...
+                    'hexagonal', 'trigonal'});
+            catch Mexc
+                throw(Mexc);
+            end
+            syst = crystal_systems{iphase};
+            % Get symmetry operators
+            tmp = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators(syst);
+            if isfield(tmp, 'g3')
+                symm{iphase} = {tmp.g3};
+            else
+                symm{iphase} = {tmp.g};
+            end
+            % Store phase crystal system and symmetry operators
+            obj.p_crystalSystem{iphase} = syst;
+            obj.p_symm{iphase} = symm{iphase};
+        end
+    end
+    function computeNormalSampleColor(obj)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/COMPUTENORMALSAMPLE  Compute the normal of all faces in 
+    % the sample CS.
+        if obj.Nvertices == 0 || obj.Nfaces == 0
+            gtCrackAnalysis.loadCrackMesh();
+        end
+        %obj.norm_samp = zeros(obj.Nfaces, 3);
+        p1 = obj.mesh.vertices(obj.mesh.faces(:, 1), :);
+        p2 = obj.mesh.vertices(obj.mesh.faces(:, 2), :);
+        p3 = obj.mesh.vertices(obj.mesh.faces(:, 3), :);
+        %v1 = p1 - p2;
+        %v2 = p3 - p2;
+        %n = cross(  v1  ,   v2   );
+        %n = cross(p3 - p2, p1 - p2);
+        n = cross(p1 - p2, p3 - p2);
+        n_norm = sqrt(sum(n.^2, 2));
+        obj.norm_samp = n./n_norm(:, [1 1 1]);
+        norm_zero = find(n_norm < 1.e-5);
+        obj.norm_samp(norm_zero, :) = repmat([1 0 0], size(norm_zero, 1) 1]);
+        % Get the vector orientation color in sample
+        rgb = gtVectorOrientationColor(obj.norm_samp);
+        % Label GBs in black
+        obj.facecol_phys = obj.colorGBFaces(rgb);
+    end
+    function computeNormalCrystalColor(obj)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/COMPUTENORMALCRYST  Compute the normal of all faces in 
+    % the crystal CS.
+        if isempty(obj.norm_samp)
+            obj.computeNormalSampleColor();
+        end
+        if isempty(obj.r_vectors)
+            obj.loadRVectors();
+        end
+        if isempty(obj.f_grainID)
+            obj.matchCrackFacesWithGrains();
+        end
+        obj.norm_cryst = zeros(obj.Nfaces, 3);
+        for iphase=1:obj.Nphases
+            for igrain=obj.p_grainIDs{iphase}
+                g_facesID = find(obj.f_grainID == igrain);
+                if g_facesID
+                    g = obj.g_orientation{igrain};
+                    obj.norm_cryst(g_facesID, :) = ...
+                        gtVectorLab2Cryst(obj.norm_samp(g_facesID, :), g);
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        %%%%% TEST
+        % Turn all normals so that they lay in upper half of sphere
+        %lower_sphere = obj.norm_cryst(:,3) < 0;
+        %obj.norm_cryst(lower_sphere,:) = -obj.norm_cryst(lower_sphere,:);
+        %%%%% TEST 
+        % Get the vector orientation color in crystal
+        rgb = gtVectorOrientationColor(obj.norm_cryst);
+        % Label GBs in black
+        obj.facecol_cryst = obj.colorGBFaces(rgb);
+    end
+    function computeNormalCrystalSSTColor(obj)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/COMPUTENORMALCRYSTSST  Compute the normal of all faces 
+    % in the crystal CS SST.
+        if isempty(obj.norm_cryst)
+            obj.computeNormalCrystalColor();
+        end
+        obj.facecol_cryst_sst = zeros(obj.Nfaces, 3);
+        for iphase=1:obj.Nphases
+            for igrain=obj.p_grainIDs{iphase}
+                g_facesID = find(obj.f_grainID == igrain);
+                if length(g_facesID)
+                    obj.facecol_cryst_sst(g_facesID, :) = gtCrystVector2SST(...
+                        obj.norm_cryst(g_facesID, :), ...
+                        obj.p_crystalSystem{iphase}, obj.p_symm{iphase}, false);
+                        %obj.norm_cryst(g_facesID, :), ...
+                        %obj.p_crystalSystem{iphase}, obj.p_symm{iphase});
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    function computeSchmidFactors(obj, load)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/COMPUTESCHMIDFACTORS  Compute Schmid factors depending on
+    % the given load direction.
+        if isempty(obj.r_vectors)
+            obj.loadRVectors();
+        end
+        if ~exist('load', 'var') || isempty(load)
+            load = [0 0 1];
+        end
+        load = load / norm(load);
+        for iphase=1:obj.Nphases
+            grainIDs = obj.p_grainIDs{iphase};
+            loadCryst = gtVectorLab2Cryst(load, {obj.g_orientation{grainIDs}});
+            slipFamilies = obj.p_slipSystemsFamilies{iphase};
+            slipSystems = gtGetSlipSystems(slipFamilies);
+            for ifam=1:length(slipFamilies)
+                syst = getfield(slipSystems, slipFamilies{ifam});
+                schmid = zeros(1, length(syst));
+                for igrain=1:obj.maxGrainID
+                    for isyst=1:length(syst)
+                        theta = dot(F, syst(isyst).n');
+                        kappa = dot(F, syst(isyst).l');
+                        schmid(isyst) = abs(theta * kappa);
+                    end
+                end
+                setfield(obj.g_schmidFactors(iphase), slipFamilies{ifam}, schmid);
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    function [hf, ha, hp] = drawCrackEdgesHeight(obj)
+        disp('  Drawing faces height map ...');
+        disp(' ');
+        if isempty(obj.f_grainID)
+            obj.matchCrackFacesWithGrains();
+        end
+        heightColor = squeeze(obj.mesh.vertices(:, 3));
+        [hf, ha, hp] = obj.drawCrackEdgesColor(heightColor, 'Name', ...
+            'Height of the crack vertices');
+    end
+    function [hf, ha, hp] = drawCrackGrainLabel(obj)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/DRAWCRACKGRAINLABEL  Draw the crack faces grain ID/label
+        disp('  Drawing grain label map ...');
+        disp(' ');
+        if isempty(obj.f_grainID)
+            obj.matchCrackFacesWithGrains();
+        end
+        if isempty(obj.grainIDColorMap)
+            obj.createGrainIDColorMap();
+        end
+        [hf, ha, hp] = obj.drawCrackFacesColor(obj.f_grainID, false, ...
+            'Name', 'Grain labels', 'Colormap', obj.grainIDColorMap);
+    end
+    function [hf, ha, hp] = drawCrackGrainIPF(obj)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/DRAWCRACKGRAINIPF  Draw the crack faces grain inverse 
+    % pole figure
+        disp('  Drawing grain inverse pole figure map ...');
+        disp(' ');
+        if isempty(obj.grainIPFColorMap)
+            obj.createGrainIPFColorMap();
+        end
+        [hf, ha] = obj.drawCrackFacesColor(obj.f_grainID, false, 'Name', ...
+            'Grain inverse pole figure', 'Colormap', obj.grainIPFColorMap);
+    end
+    function [hf, ha, hp] = drawCrackFacesHeight(obj)
+        disp('  Drawing faces height map ...');
+        disp(' ');
+        if isempty(obj.f_grainID)
+            obj.matchCrackFacesWithGrains();
+        end
+        f_height = squeeze(mean(reshape(obj.mesh.vertices(...
+            obj.mesh.faces(:, :), 3), [obj.Nfaces 3 1]), 2));
+        Ncolor = 50;
+        colorGB = (1-1/Ncolor) * min(f_height) - max(f_height)/Ncolor;
+        heightColor = obj.colorGBFaces(f_height, colorGB);
+        cmap = [0 0 0 ; jet(Ncolor)];
+        [hf, ha, hp] = obj.drawCrackFacesColor(heightColor, false, ...
+            'ColorMap', cmap, ...
+            'Name', 'Height of the crack faces');
+        set(hp, 'CDataMapping', 'scaled');
+    end
+    function [hf, ha, hp] = drawCrackFacesOrientationSample(obj)
+    % with the sample orientation color code.
+        disp('  Drawing faces orientation in sample CS ...');
+        disp(' ');
+        if isempty(obj.facecol_phys) || isempty(obj.norm_samp)
+            obj.computeNormalSampleColor();
+        end
+        [hf, ha, hp] = obj.drawCrackFacesColor(obj.facecol_phys, false, ...
+            'Name', 'Orientation of the crack faces in the sample');
+    end
+    function [hf, ha, hp] = drawCrackFacesOrientationCrystal(obj)
+    % with the crystal orientation color code.
+        disp('  Drawing faces orientation in crystal CS ...');
+        disp(' ');
+        if isempty(obj.facecol_cryst) || isempty(obj.norm_cryst)
+            obj.computeNormalCrystalColor();
+        end
+        [hf, ha, hp] = obj.drawCrackFacesColor(obj.facecol_cryst, false, ...
+            'Name', 'Orientation of the crack faces in the crystal');
+    end
+    function [hf, ha, hp] = drawCrackFacesOrientationCrystalSST(obj, sat)
+    % faces with the crystal SST orientation color code.
+        if ~exist('sat', 'var') || isempty(sat)
+            saturation = true;
+        end
+        disp('  Drawing faces orientation in crystal SST ...');
+        disp(' ');
+        if isempty(obj.facecol_cryst_sst) || isempty(obj.norm_cryst) || ...
+                isempty(obj.norm_cryst)
+            obj.computeNormalCrystalSSTColor();
+        end
+        [hf, ha, hp] = obj.drawCrackFacesColor(obj.facecol_cryst_sst, sat, ...
+            'Name', 'Orientation of the crack faces in the crystal SST');
+    end
+end % end of public methods
+methods (Access = protected)
+    function x = colorGBFaces(obj, x, color)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/COLORGBFACES  Change the color of GB faces to black or 
+    % white.
+        if isempty(obj.f_grainID)
+            obj.matchCrackFacesWithGrains();
+        end
+        Ncomp = size(x, 2);
+        if ~exist('color', 'var') || isempty(color)
+            color = zeros(1, Ncomp);
+        elseif ~size(color) == [1 Ncomp]
+            gtError('GtCrackAnalysis:colorGBFaces', ...
+                'Wrong RGB color vector size!');
+        end
+        if Ncomp == 1
+            x(obj.f_GB) = color(ones(1, size(obj.f_GB, 1)));
+        elseif Ncomp == 3
+            x(obj.f_GB, :) = color(ones(1, size(obj.f_GB, 1)), :);
+        end
+    end
+    function createGrainIDColorMap(obj)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/CREATEGRAINIDCOLORMAP  Creates a colormap for grain 
+    % labels.
+        cmap = gtRandCmap(obj.maxGrainID);
+        cmap(1, :) = [ 1 1 1 ];
+        obj.grainIDColorMap = [ cmap ; 0 0 0 ];
+    end
+    function createGrainIPFColorMap(obj, LD)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/CREATEGRAINIPFCOLORMAP  Creates a colormap for grain 
+    % inverse pole figure for LD direction.
+        if isempty(obj.f_grainID)
+            obj.matchCrackFacesWithGrains();
+        end
+        if isempty(obj.r_vectors)
+            obj.loadRVectors();
+        end
+        if ~exist('LD', 'var') || isempty(LD)
+            LD = [ 0 0 1 ];
+        end
+        obj.setPhaseGrainID();
+        map = zeros(obj.maxGrainID, 3);
+        for iphase=1:obj.Nphases
+            grainIDs = obj.p_grainIDs{iphase};
+            LDc = gtVectorLab2Cryst(LD, {obj.g_orientation{grainIDs}});
+            map(grainIDs, :) = gtCrystVector2SST(LDc, ...
+                obj.p_crystalSystem{iphase}, obj.p_symm{iphase});
+        end
+        obj.grainIPFColorMap = [ 1 1 1 ; map ; 0 0 0 ];
+    end
+    function [hf, ha, hp] = drawCrackEdgesColor(obj, edgeColor, varargin)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/DRAWCRACKORIENTATION  Draw the crack faces orientation
+    % with given color.
+        par.Color = 'w';
+        par.ColorMap = [];
+        par.Name = [];
+        par = parse_pv_pairs(par, varargin);
+        % Create figure
+        hf = figure();
+        ha = axes();
+        % Create a patch from the crack mesh
+        hp = patch(obj.mesh);
+        set(hp, 'FaceVertexCData', edgeColor, ...
+                'FaceColor', 'interp', ...
+                'CDataMapping', 'scaled', ...
+                'EdgeColor', 'interp');
+                %'LineWidth', 5 ...)
+        minColor = min(edgeColor);
+        maxColor = max(edgeColor);
+        shading(ha, 'flat');
+        axis equal;
+        axis vis3d;
+        set(ha, 'XTickLabel', '', 'YTickLabel', '', 'ZTickLabel', '', ...
+                'Xcolor', 'w', 'Ycolor', 'w', 'Zcolor', 'w', ...
+                'GridLineStyle', 'none', ...
+                'CLim', [minColor maxColor]);
+        if exist('title', 'var') && ~isempty(title)
+            set(hf, 'Name', title);
+        end
+        parFields = fieldnames(par);
+        for i=1:numel(parFields)
+            val = par.(parFields{i});
+            if ~isempty(val)
+                set(hf, parFields{i}, val);
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    function [hf, ha, hp] = drawCrackFacesColor(obj, faceColor, sat, varargin)
+    % GTCRACKANALYSIS/DRAWCRACKORIENTATION  Draw the crack faces orientation 
+    % with given color.
+        % Set and get figure parameters
+        par.Color = 'w';
+        par.ColorMap = [];
+        par.Name = [];
+        par = parse_pv_pairs(par, varargin);
+        if sat
+            ok = any(faceColor ~= 0, 2);
+            saturated = max(faceColor(ok, :), [], 2);
+            faceColor(ok, :) = faceColor(ok, :)./saturated(:, [1 1 1]);
+        end
+        % Create figure
+        hf = figure();
+        ha = axes();
+        % Create a patch from the crack mesh
+        hp = patch(obj.mesh);
+        set(hp, 'FaceVertexCData', faceColor);
+        shading(ha, 'flat');
+        axis equal;
+        axis vis3d;
+        set(ha, 'XTickLabel', '', 'YTickLabel', '', 'ZTickLabel', '', ...
+                'Xcolor', 'w', 'Ycolor', 'w', 'Zcolor', 'w', ...
+                'GridLineStyle', 'none');
+        if exist('title', 'var') && ~isempty(title)
+            set(hf, 'Name', title);
+        end
+        parFields = fieldnames(par);
+        for i=1:numel(parFields)
+            val = par.(parFields{i});
+            if ~isempty(val)
+                set(hf, parFields{i}, val);
+            end
+        end
+        shg;
+    end
+end % end of protected methods
+end % end of class
diff --git a/zUtil_Cryst/gtGetSlipSystems.m b/zUtil_Cryst/gtGetSlipSystems.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e51aad2754c8acb29e8df60fa190407bad12d8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zUtil_Cryst/gtGetSlipSystems.m
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+function slipSystems = gtGetSlipSystems(slipFamilies)
+% Based on Z-set slip systems definition
+slipSystems = struct;
+for ifam:1:length(slipFamilies)
+    switch slipFamilies{ifam}
+    case {'fcc', 'FCC', 'octahedral'}
+        fcc(1).n  = [ 1  1  1]; fcc(1).l  = [-1  0  1]; % Bd / B4
+        fcc(2).n  = [ 1  1  1]; fcc(2).l  = [ 0 -1  1]; % Ba / B2
+        fcc(3).n  = [ 1  1  1]; fcc(3).l  = [-1  1  0]; % Bc / B5
+        fcc(4).n  = [ 1 -1  1]; fcc(4).l  = [-1  0  1]; % Db / D4
+        fcc(5).n  = [ 1 -1  1]; fcc(5).l  = [ 0  1  1]; % Dc / D1
+        fcc(6).n  = [ 1 -1  1]; fcc(6).l  = [ 1  1  0]; % Da / D6
+        fcc(7).n  = [-1  1  1]; fcc(7).l  = [ 0 -1  1]; % Ab / A2
+        fcc(8).n  = [-1  1  1]; fcc(8).l  = [ 1  1  0]; % Ad / A6
+        fcc(9).n  = [-1  1  1]; fcc(9).l  = [ 1  0  1]; % Ac / A3
+        fcc(10).n = [ 1  1 -1]; fcc(10).l = [-1  1  0]; % Cb / C5
+        fcc(11).n = [ 1  1 -1]; fcc(11).l = [ 1  0  1]; % Ca / C3
+        fcc(12).n = [ 1  1 -1]; fcc(12).l = [ 0  1  1]; % Cd / C1
+        slipSystems.fcc = fcc;
+    case {'bcc', 'BCC'}
+        bcc(1).n  = [-1  0  1]; bcc(1).l  = [ 1  1  1]; % Bd / B4
+        bcc(2).n  = [ 0 -1  1]; bcc(2).l  = [ 1  1  1]; % Ba / B2
+        bcc(3).n  = [-1  1  0]; bcc(3).l  = [ 1  1  1]; % Bc / B5
+        bcc(4).n  = [-1  0  1]; bcc(4).l  = [ 1 -1  1]; % Db / D4
+        bcc(5).n  = [ 0  1  1]; bcc(5).l  = [ 1 -1  1]; % Dc / D1
+        bcc(6).n  = [ 1  1  0]; bcc(6).l  = [ 1 -1  1]; % Da / D6
+        bcc(7).n  = [ 0 -1  1]; bcc(7).l  = [-1  1  1]; % Ab / A2
+        bcc(8).n  = [ 1  1  0]; bcc(8).l  = [-1  1  1]; % Ad / A6
+        bcc(9).n  = [ 1  0  1]; bcc(9).l  = [-1  1  1]; % Ac / A3
+        bcc(10).n = [-1  1  0]; bcc(10).l = [ 1  1 -1]; % Cb / C5
+        bcc(11).n = [ 1  0  1]; bcc(11).l = [ 1  1 -1]; % Ca / C3
+        bcc(12).n = [ 0  1  1]; bcc(12).l = [ 1  1 -1]; % Cd / C1
+        slipSystems.bcc = bcc;
+    case {'bcc112', 'BCC112'}
+        bcc112(1).n  = [ 1  1  2]; bcc112(1).l  = [  1  1 -1];
+        bcc112(2).n  = [-1  1  2]; bcc112(2).l  = [  1 -1  1];
+        bcc112(3).n  = [ 1 -1  2]; bcc112(3).l  = [ -1  1  1];
+        bcc112(4).n  = [ 1  1 -2]; bcc112(4).l  = [  1  1  1];
+        bcc112(5).n  = [ 1  2  1]; bcc112(5).l  = [  1 -1  1];
+        bcc112(6).n  = [-1  2  1]; bcc112(6).l  = [  1  1 -1];
+        bcc112(7).n  = [ 1 -2  1]; bcc112(7).l  = [  1  1  1];
+        bcc112(8).n  = [ 1  2 -1]; bcc112(8).l  = [ -1  1  1];
+        bcc112(9).n  = [ 2  1  1]; bcc112(9).l  = [ -1  1  1];
+        bcc112(10).n = [-2  1  1]; bcc112(10).l = [  1  1  1];
+        bcc112(11).n = [ 2 -1  1]; bcc112(11).l = [  1  1 -1];
+        bcc112(12).n = [ 2  1 -1]; bcc112(12).l = [  1 -1  1];
+        slipSystems.bcc112 = bcc112;
+    case {'bcc123', 'BCC123'}
+        bcc123(1).n  = [ 1  2  3]; bcc123(1).l  = [ 1  1 -1];
+        bcc123(2).n  = [-1  2  3]; bcc123(2).l  = [ 1 -1  1];
+        bcc123(3).n  = [ 1 -2  3]; bcc123(3).l  = [-1  1  1];
+        bcc123(4).n  = [ 1  2 -3]; bcc123(4).l  = [ 1  1  1];
+        bcc123(5).n  = [ 3  1  2]; bcc123(5).l  = [-1  1  1];
+        bcc123(6).n  = [-3  1  2]; bcc123(6).l  = [ 1  1  1];
+        bcc123(7).n  = [ 3 -1  2]; bcc123(7).l  = [ 1  1 -1];
+        bcc123(8).n  = [ 3  1 -2]; bcc123(8).l  = [ 1 -1  1];
+        bcc123(9).n  = [ 2  3  1]; bcc123(9).l  = [ 1 -1  1];
+        bcc123(10).n = [-2  3  1]; bcc123(10).l = [ 1  1 -1];
+        bcc123(11).n = [ 2 -3  1]; bcc123(11).l = [ 1  1  1];
+        bcc123(12).n = [ 2  3 -1]; bcc123(12).l = [-1  1  1];
+        bcc123(13).n = [ 1  3  2]; bcc123(13).l = [ 1 -1  1];
+        bcc123(14).n = [-1  3  2]; bcc123(14).l = [ 1  1 -1];
+        bcc123(15).n = [ 1 -3  2]; bcc123(15).l = [ 1  1  1];
+        bcc123(16).n = [ 1  3 -2]; bcc123(16).l = [-1  1  1];
+        bcc123(17).n = [ 2  1  3]; bcc123(17).l = [ 1  1 -1];
+        bcc123(18).n = [-2  1  3]; bcc123(18).l = [ 1 -1  1];
+        bcc123(19).n = [ 2 -1  3]; bcc123(19).l = [-1  1  1];
+        bcc123(20).n = [ 2  1 -3]; bcc123(20).l = [ 1  1  1];
+        bcc123(21).n = [ 3  2  1]; bcc123(21).l = [-1  1  1];
+        bcc123(22).n = [-3  2  1]; bcc123(22).l = [ 1  1  1];
+        bcc123(23).n = [ 3 -2  1]; bcc123(23).l = [ 1  1 -1];
+        bcc123(24).n = [ 3  2 -1]; bcc123(24).l = [ 1 -1  1];
+        slipSystems.bcc123 = bcc123;
+    otherwise
+        gtError('gtGetSlipSystems:wrong_input', ...
+            'Unsupported slip systems family!');