From 3ef964889aa3e764cbb90b86303aa08c2247f244 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laura Nervo <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 11:52:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Color maps : fixing bugs for c-axis and IPF maps.

Signed-off-by: Laura Nervo <>

git-svn-id: 4c865b51-4357-4376-afb4-474e03ccb993
 6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m       | 18 ++++++--
 6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap.m      | 19 ++++++--
 6_rendering/gtMakePoleFigure2.m | 82 ---------------------------------
 3 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 6_rendering/gtMakePoleFigure2.m

diff --git a/6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m b/6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m
index f33afecf..a7633bc1 100644
--- a/6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m
+++ b/6_rendering/gtCaxisCmap.m
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-function c_axismap = gtCaxisCmap(phaseid)
+function c_axismap = gtCaxisCmap(phaseid, bodge)
 % GTCAXISCMAP  Make a colourmap according to c-axis orientation
-%     c_axismap = gtCaxisCmap(phaseid)
+%     c_axismap = gtCaxisCmap(phaseid, bodge)
 %     --------------------------------
 %     Loads parameters.mat and 4_grains/phase_##/r_vectors.mat
-%     Saves and c_axismap.mat
+%     Saves c_axis.mat, map.mat and c_axismap.mat
 %     INPUT:
 %       phaseid   = phase number <int> {1}
 %     OUTPUT:
-%       c_axismap = c_axis colourmpa calculated from r_vectors list as produced by gtReadGrains
+%       c_axismap = c_axis colourmap calculated from r_vectors list as produced by gtReadGrains
 %     r_vectors -> c-axis -> phi/psi -> hsl -> rgb colormap
 %     use psi to give brightness; phi to give colour
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ function c_axismap = gtCaxisCmap(phaseid)
 if ~exist('phaseid','var') || isempty(phaseid)
     phaseid = 1;
+if ~exist('bodge','var') || isempty(bodge)
+    bodge = 0;
 parameters = [];
 r_vectors  = [];
@@ -54,6 +57,10 @@ all_hkls = all_hkils;
 for i=1:size(r_vectors,1)
     g = Rod2g(r_vectors(i,2:4));
+    disp([num2str(bodge) ' degrees bodge here!'])
+    g=[cosd(bodge) sind(bodge) 0; -sind(bodge) cosd(bodge) 0; 0 0 1]*g;
     all_normals = (g * normalised_hkls')';
     if all_normals(2,3)>=0
@@ -108,4 +115,7 @@ end
 %save the caxis colourmap
+map = gtIVPhexCmap(r_vectors,bodge);
 end % end of function
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap.m b/6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap.m
index b597d7f6..9a4e79c2 100644
--- a/6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap.m
+++ b/6_rendering/gtIVPhexCmap.m
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
-function cmap = gtIVPhexCmap(r_vectors)
-% map = gtIVPhexCmap(r_vectors)
+function cmap = gtIVPhexCmap(r_vectors, bodge)
+% map = gtIVPhexCmap(r_vectors, bodge)
+if ~exist('bodge','var') || isempty(bodge)
+    bodge = 0; % degrees
 cmap = [];
 RD=[0 0 1];
@@ -7,12 +12,12 @@ RD=[0 0 1];
 % six fold rotation around z
 for i=1:6
-    sym(i).g3 = [...
+    symm(i).g3 = [...
         cosd(a) sind(a) 0;...
         -sind(a) cosd(a) 0;...
         0 0 1];
     % include the mirror
-    sym(i+6).g3=[1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 1]*sym(i).g3;
+    symm(i+6).g3=[1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 1]*symm(i).g3;
 map = zeros(length(r_vectors+1),3);
@@ -20,18 +25,22 @@ map = zeros(length(r_vectors+1),3);
 for i=1:length(r_vectors)
     g=Rod2g(r_vectors(i, 2:4));
+    disp([num2str(bodge) ' degrees bodge here!'])
+    g=[cosd(bodge) sind(bodge) 0; -sind(bodge) cosd(bodge) 0; 0 0 1]*g;
     % RD in cryst axes
     RDc = g*RD';
     % all equivilents by sym
     for jj=1:12
-        RDc_sym(jj, :)=(sym(jj).g3*RDc)';
+        RDc_sym(jj, :)=(symm(jj).g3*RDc)';
     RDc_sym=[RDc_sym; -RDc_sym];
     RDc_phi=rad2deg(atan2(RDc_sym(:,2), RDc_sym(:,1)));
     % pick equiv that is in out triangle
     ndx=find(RDc_psi<90 & RDc_phi>=60 & RDc_phi<90);
diff --git a/6_rendering/gtMakePoleFigure2.m b/6_rendering/gtMakePoleFigure2.m
deleted file mode 100644
index c85ecfd0..00000000
--- a/6_rendering/gtMakePoleFigure2.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-function gtMakePoleFigure2(poles, weights)
-% as for gtMakePoleFigure...  however, given poles, gtMakePoleFigure uses a
-% search radius to find all poles close to each data point on the pole
-% figure, thus doing some inherent smoothing.  This is also slow for large
-% numbers of poles.  If the data going in does not require smoothing
-% (remains to be seen!) maybe can construct the pole figue data in a faster
-% way.
-%at the mo this is quick (~10x cf gtMakePoleFigure) but not clever enough
-%because the sampling areas get too small near the pole, and thus noise
-% here overpowers the signal.  Needs something cleverer...  Triangle mesh
-% from isosurface on a sphere?
-%step size in pole figure
-%change this if you want a 360deg or 90deg view
-%before building figure, take only those poles that fall in the range 0-phimax,
-%0-psimax (allowing for seach radius)
-if phimax==pi/2
-   %for a 90 degree section of the pole figure
-   poles=poles(find(poles(:,1)>0 & poles(:,2)>0 & poles(:,3)>0),:);
-elseif phimax==2*pi
-    %for 360 pole figure - reduce only using psi
-   poles=poles(find(poles(:,3)>cos(psimax)-sin(searchR)),:);
-    disp('dont know how take a subset of the poles input')
-%preallocate density
-density=zeros(length(phi_range), length(psi_range));
-%calc phi and psi for all poles
-phi=atan2(poles(:,2), poles(:,1));
-for i=1:length(phi_range)
-    i
-    for j=1:length(psi_range)
-        dum=find(phi>=phi_range(i) & phi<phi_range(i)+inc & psi>=psi_range(j) & psi<psi_range(j)+inc);
-        density(i, j)=sum(weights(dum));     
-    end
-%normalise density values
-%needs to be wrt random population, and account for the search area
-%increment size as function of psi:
-inc_area=repmat(inc_area, length(phi_range), 1);
-%total density/total area
-phi=0:inc:phimax; %around z-axis
-psi=0:inc:psimax; %away from z axis
-%radius distorted for stereographic proj
-hold on
-axis equal