diff --git a/4_grains/gtLoadCluster.m b/4_grains/gtLoadCluster.m
index 4d6043350dc41e7b9da68a11cfe326cd117cc1d8..b8493056c0265a3b639baa78f5689e6a0a96afb6 100644
--- a/4_grains/gtLoadCluster.m
+++ b/4_grains/gtLoadCluster.m
@@ -1,17 +1,4 @@
-function cluster = gtLoadCluster(phase_id, cl_or_gr_ids, varargin)
-% GTLOADCLUSTER load the projection input of a grain cluster
-%     cl = function cluster = gtLoadCluster(phase_id, cl_or_gr_ids, varargin)
-%     INPUT:
-%       phaseID          = <int>     phase ID
-%       cl_or_gr_ids     = <int>     either the cluster_id (->sample) or
-%                                    list of grain_ids composing the
-%                                    cluster
-%     OPTIONAL INPUT (p/v pairs):
-%       fields           = <string>  only load specific  fields from
-%                                    cluster structure ('ODF6D', 'SEG')
-%       parameters       = <struct>  for security (make sure to load from right directory)                                
+function cluster = gtLoadCluster(phase_id, grain_ids, varargin)
     conf = struct('fields', {{}}, 'parameters', {[]});
     conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
@@ -21,18 +8,12 @@ function cluster = gtLoadCluster(phase_id, cl_or_gr_ids, varargin)
         phase_dir = fullfile(conf.parameters.acq.dir, '4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phase_id));
-    if numel(cl_or_gr_ids) == 1  %if only one element we assume it refers to a cluster
-        sample = GtSample.loadFromFile;
-        grain_ids_sorted = sample.phases{phase_id}.clusters(cl_or_gr_ids).included_ids;
-    else
-        grain_ids_sorted = sort(cl_or_gr_ids);
-        if (any(grain_ids_sorted ~= cl_or_gr_ids))
-            warning('gtLoadCluster:wrong_argumet', ...
-            'Some grain IDs were no sorted: %s', sprintf(' %d', cl_or_gr_ids));
-        end
-    end
+    grain_ids_sorted = sort(grain_ids);
+    if (any(grain_ids_sorted ~= grain_ids))
+        warning('gtLoadCluster:wrong_argumet', ...
+            'Some grain IDs were no sorted: %s', sprintf(' %d', grain_ids));
+    end
     str_ids = sprintf('_%04d', grain_ids_sorted);
     cluster_file = fullfile(phase_dir, sprintf('grain_cluster%s.mat', str_ids));
diff --git a/4_grains/gtLoadClusterRec.m b/4_grains/gtLoadClusterRec.m
index 75bb4e456c95d3ff60d5db75e3f1421bb0f77580..f4128239cc00e31a8766e71db7e07ee1e1ff58b2 100644
--- a/4_grains/gtLoadClusterRec.m
+++ b/4_grains/gtLoadClusterRec.m
@@ -1,18 +1,4 @@
-function cluster_rec = gtLoadClusterRec(phase_id, cl_or_gr_ids, varargin)
-% GTLOADCLUSTERREC load the 6D reconstruction output of a grain cluster
-%     cl = function cluster_rec = gtLoadClusterRec(phase_id, cl_or_gr_ids, varargin)
-%     INPUT:
-%       phaseID          = <int>     phase ID
-%       cl_or_gr_ids     = <int>     either the cluster_id (->sample) or
-%                                    list of grain_ids composing the
-%                                    cluster
-%     OPTIONAL INPUT (p/v pairs):
-%       fields           = <string>  only load specific  fields from
-%                                    cluster structure ('ODF6D', 'SEG')
-%       parameters       = <struct>  for security (make sure to load from right directory)                               
+function cluster_rec = gtLoadClusterRec(phase_id, grain_ids, varargin)
     conf = struct('fields', {{}}, 'parameters', {[]});
     conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
@@ -22,15 +8,11 @@ function cluster_rec = gtLoadClusterRec(phase_id, cl_or_gr_ids, varargin)
         phase_dir = fullfile(conf.parameters.acq.dir, '4_grains', sprintf('phase_%02d', phase_id));
-    if numel(cl_or_gr_ids) == 1  %only one element - it refers to a cluster
-        sample = GtSample.loadFromFile;
-        grain_ids_sorted = sample.phases{phase_id}.clusters(cl_or_gr_ids).included_ids;
-    else
-        grain_ids_sorted = sort(cl_or_gr_ids);
-        if (any(grain_ids_sorted ~= cl_or_gr_ids))
-            warning('gtLoadCluster:wrong_argumet', ...
-            'Some grain IDs were no sorted: %s', sprintf(' %d', cl_or_gr_ids));
-        end
+    grain_ids_sorted = sort(grain_ids);
+    if (any(grain_ids_sorted ~= grain_ids))
+        warning('gtLoadCluster:wrong_argumet', ...
+            'Some grain IDs were no sorted: %s', sprintf(' %d', grain_ids));
     str_ids = sprintf('_%04d', grain_ids_sorted);
diff --git a/5_reconstruction/gtReconstructGrainTwinCluster.m b/5_reconstruction/gtReconstructGrainTwinCluster.m
index fb407da3de04996f70090d7f3d0a470d220737d7..72747aee40758c537c9445e19369e4e6b3afe81a 100644
--- a/5_reconstruction/gtReconstructGrainTwinCluster.m
+++ b/5_reconstruction/gtReconstructGrainTwinCluster.m
@@ -1,20 +1,7 @@
-function gtReconstructGrainTwinCluster(phase_id, cluster_id, workingdirectory, parameters, varargin)
+function gtReconstructGrainTwinCluster(grain_ids, phase_id, parameters, varargin)
 % gtReconstructGrainOrientation  6D reconstructions on a GPU machine
-%     gtReconstructGrainTwinCluster(phase_id, cluster_id, workingdirectory, parameters, varargin)
+%     gtAstraReconstructGrain(grainIDs, phaseID, [parameters])
 %     -------------------------------------------------------
-    cd(workingdirectory);
-    if (isdeployed)
-        global GT_DB %#ok<NUSED,TLEV>
-        global GT_MATLAB_HOME %#ok<NUSED,TLEV>
-        load('workspaceGlobal.mat');
-        phase_id   = str2double(phase_id);
-        cluster_id = str2double(cluster_id);
-    end
-    sample = GtSample.loadFromFile;
-    grain_ids = sample.phases{phase_id}.clusters(cluster_id).included_ids;
     if (~exist('parameters', 'var') || isempty(parameters))
         parameters = gtLoadParameters();
@@ -163,3 +150,4 @@ function gtReconstructGrainTwinCluster(phase_id, cluster_id, workingdirectory, p
         save(grain_full_details_file, 'ODF6D', '-v7.3');
diff --git a/5_reconstruction/gtSetupReconstruction.m b/5_reconstruction/gtSetupReconstruction.m
index 9efebf03e76a1ea2322d45556a4560a6d3c0adc5..57f1f6448a309c57d508261ee257193b5bb167a2 100644
--- a/5_reconstruction/gtSetupReconstruction.m
+++ b/5_reconstruction/gtSetupReconstruction.m
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
-function gtSetupReconstruction(phaseID, varargin)
+function gtSetupReconstruction(phaseID, list)
 % GTSETUPRECONSTRUCTION  Simple helper function to launch reconstruction and segmentation of
 %                        absorption volume - as well as reconstruction and segmentation of grain volumes
-%     gtSetupReconstruction(phaseID, varargin)
+%     gtSetupReconstruction(phaseID, list)
 %     ------------------------------
 %     INPUT:
 %       phaseID = number of the phase <double> {1}
+%       list    = vector of grainids, default value is {[1: num_grains]}
-%       grain_ids    = vector of grain_ids, default value is {[1: num_grains]}
-%       cluster_ids  = vector of cluster_ids, default value is {[1: num_clusters]}
-%       'is_cluster
-%     Version 005 12-10-2016 by W. Ludwig
-%       Add possibility to launch grain-cluster reconstructions
 %     Version 004 25-05-2016 by W. Ludwig
 %       Add possibility to specify a list of grainids - which will be
 %       handled by OAR
@@ -28,12 +23,6 @@ function gtSetupReconstruction(phaseID, varargin)
 %       Move gtModifyStructure to before the abs reconstruction is done.
 GPU_OK = gtCheckGpu();
-conf.grain_ids = [];
-conf.cluster_ids = [];
-if (~isempty(varargin))
-    conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
 if (~GPU_OK)
     disp('Not on a GPU machine, you won''t  be able to reconstruct localy!');
@@ -68,7 +57,7 @@ gtSaveParameters(parameters);
 nof_phases = numel(parameters.cryst);
-if (nof_phases > 1) && isempty(phaseID)
+if (nof_phases > 1)
     phaseID = inputwdefaultnumeric('Enter phaseID', num2str(1));
 phaseID_str = sprintf('%02d', phaseID);
@@ -139,21 +128,16 @@ else
-% If input parameter grain_ids is empty, we will use all  grains by default
+% If input parameter list is empty, we will use all grains by default
+first = 1;
+last  = sample.phases{phaseID}.getNumberOfGrains();
-if ~isempty(varargin)
-    conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
+if (~exist('list', 'var') || isempty(list))
+   list = [first : last];
-if isempty(conf.grain_ids)
-    first = 1;
-    last  = sample.phases{phaseID}.getNumberOfGrains();
-    list = [first : last];
-check = inputwdefault('Launch grain reconstruction? [y/n]', 'y');
+check = inputwdefault('Launch reconstruction? [y/n]', 'y');
 rec_on_OAR = false;
 if  strcmpi(check, 'y')
     if (GPU_OK)
@@ -164,35 +148,13 @@ if  strcmpi(check, 'y')
     if (rec_on_OAR)
         launch_on_OAR('gtReconstructGrains', first, last, phaseID_str, ...
-                parameters, 'njobs', 8, 'walltime', 3600 * 16, ...
-                'gpu', true, 'distribute', true, 'list', list);
+            parameters, 'njobs', 8, 'walltime', 3600 * 16, ...
+            'gpu', true, 'distribute', true, 'list', list);
         gtReconstructGrains(first, last, parameters.acq.dir, phaseID, parameters, 'list', list);
-if ~isempty(conf.cluster_ids)
-    list = conf.cluster_ids;
-    check = inputwdefault('Launch cluster reconstruction? [y/n]', 'y');
-    rec_on_OAR = false;
-    if  strcmpi(check, 'y')
-        if (GPU_OK)
-            check2 = inputwdefault('Launch grain reconstruction via OAR? [y/n]', 'y');
-            rec_on_OAR = strcmpi(check2, 'y');
-        else
-            rec_on_OAR = true;
-        end
-        if (rec_on_OAR)
-            launch_on_OAR('gtReconstructGrainTwinClusters', first, last, phaseID_str, ...
-                    parameters, 'njobs', 8, 'walltime', 3600 * 16, ...
-                    'gpu', true, 'distribute', true, 'list', list);
-        else
-                gtReconstructGrainTwinClusters(first, last, parameters.acq.dir, phaseID, parameters, 'list', list);
-        end
-    end
 if (~rec_on_OAR)
     check = inputwdefault('Launch grain segmentation? [y/n]', 'y');
     if  strcmpi(check, 'y')
diff --git a/zUtil_Conf/batch-dev-conf.xml b/zUtil_Conf/batch-dev-conf.xml
index 1c8fd69ceb68eea2337149f616dc9906fc904c81..ee2084224625bb8690ede7a1f1e5c21eb0847320 100644
--- a/zUtil_Conf/batch-dev-conf.xml
+++ b/zUtil_Conf/batch-dev-conf.xml
@@ -47,9 +47,6 @@
     <function name="gtReconstructGrains">
       <path absolute="false">5_reconstruction/gtReconstructGrains.m</path>
-    <function name="gtReconstructGrainTwinClusters">
-      <path absolute="false">5_reconstruction/gtReconstructGrainTwinClusters.m</path>
-    </function>
     <function name="gtForwardSimulate_v2">
       <path absolute="false">zUtil_ForwardSim/gtForwardSimulate_v2.m</path>