From 2e1640722daa3cddfcd74b5eda67ef18aa32d493 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicola Vigano <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 19:39:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 6D-Reconstruction: added reconstruction support for parent +

Signed-off-by: Nicola Vigano <>
 .../Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m      |  78 ++-
 .../gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrain.m      |  92 +--
 ...t6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrainFwdProj.m | 535 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 654 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 zUtil_Deformation/gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrainFwdProj.m

diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m
index fc8a06e6..5153113f 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory.m
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
         volume_downscaling = 1;
         rspace_oversize = 1.2;
+        use_predicted_scatter_ints = true;
@@ -59,7 +61,10 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
         function [algo, good_orients, blobs] = getTwinReconstructionAlgo(self, sampler, num_interp, varargin)
             num_grains = numel(sampler);
             for ii_g = 1:num_grains
+                gr = sampler(ii_g).get_reference_grain();
+                fprintf('%d) Grainid %d:\n', ii_g,
                 algo_params(ii_g) = self.get_algorithm_params(sampler(ii_g), num_interp); %#ok<AGROW>
+                fprintf('\n')
             % Build Empty volumes
@@ -72,6 +77,12 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
             blobs = cat(1, algo_params(:).blobs);
+            % This vector will tell us where we will find in the blobs, the
+            % ones that were selected among the included, because the
+            % information we have in the twins about the spots that
+            % coincide are about the included and not the selected
+            included_pos_in_selected = zeros(size(ref_gr.proj.included));
+            included_pos_in_selected(ref_gr.proj.selected) = 1:numel(find(ref_gr.proj.selected));
             psf = cat(1, algo_params(:).psf);
             good_orients = cat(1, algo_params(:).good_orients);
@@ -84,18 +95,27 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
             base_offset_shift = numel(algo_params(1).blobs);
             for ii_g = 2:num_grains
                 temp_gr = sampler(ii_g).get_reference_grain();
-                shared = temp_gr.proj.shared_parent(sampler(ii_g).selected);
+                shared = temp_gr.proj.shared_parent(sampler(ii_g).selected) > 0;
+                shared_pos = temp_gr.proj.shared_parent(sampler(ii_g).selected);
                 orient_offsets = algo_params(ii_g).offsets;
                 for ii_o = 1:numel(orient_offsets)
                     to_be_summed = ~shared(orient_offsets{ii_o}.blob_offsets);
                     orient_offsets{ii_o}.blob_offsets(to_be_summed) ...
                         = orient_offsets{ii_o}.blob_offsets(to_be_summed) + base_offset_shift;
+                    orient_offsets{ii_o}.blob_offsets(~to_be_summed) ...
+                        = included_pos_in_selected(shared_pos(orient_offsets{ii_o}.blob_offsets(~to_be_summed)));
                     for ii_p = 1:numel(orient_offsets{ii_o}.proj)
                         ii_b = orient_offsets{ii_o}.proj(ii_p).blob_offset;
-                        if (~temp_gr.proj.shared_parent(ii_b))
+                        if (~shared(ii_b))
                             orient_offsets{ii_o}.proj(ii_p).blob_offset ...
                                 = ii_b + base_offset_shift;
+                        else
+                            orient_offsets{ii_o}.proj(ii_p).blob_offset ...
+                                = included_pos_in_selected(shared_pos(ii_b));
@@ -106,8 +126,23 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
                     for ii_o = 1:numel(orient_offsets_ss)
                         for ii_ss = 1:numel(orient_offsets_ss{ii_o})
                             to_be_summed = ~shared(orient_offsets{ii_o}{ii_ss}.blob_offsets);
                             orient_offsets_ss{ii_o}{ii_ss}.blob_offsets(to_be_summed) ...
                                 = orient_offsets_ss{ii_o}{ii_ss}.blob_offsets(to_be_summed) + base_offset_shift;
+                            orient_offsets_ss{ii_o}{ii_ss}.blob_offsets(~to_be_summed) ...
+                                = included_pos_in_selected(shared_pos(orient_offsets_ss{ii_o}{ii_ss}.blob_offsets(~to_be_summed)));
+                            for ii_p = 1:numel(orient_offsets{ii_o}{ii_ss}.proj)
+                                ii_b = orient_offsets{ii_o}{ii_ss}.proj(ii_p).blob_offset;
+                                if (~shared(ii_b))
+                                    orient_offsets{ii_o}{ii_ss}.proj(ii_p).blob_offset ...
+                                        = ii_b + base_offset_shift;
+                                else
+                                    orient_offsets{ii_o}{ii_ss}.proj(ii_p).blob_offset ...
+                                        = included_pos_in_selected(shared_pos(ii_b));
+                                end
+                            end
                     offsets_ss = cat(1, offsets_ss, orient_offsets_ss);
@@ -162,6 +197,9 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
                 = self.get_sub_blob_lims(w_tab, bl, ref_ws, slices_interp, padding);
             [sub_blob_slices, proj_coeffs] = self.get_sub_blobs(bl, slices_interp, padding);
+            if (self.use_predicted_scatter_ints)
+                sub_blob_slices = self.renormalize_blobs(sampler, sub_blob_slices);
+            end
             [overflow_b, overflow_o] = self.compute_overflow(w_tab, extreemes_blobs_w);
@@ -181,11 +219,16 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
                 fprintf(['WARNING! Some selected blobs were filtered out, ' ...
                     'due to no orientation projecting to the said blob:\n'])
-                titles = {'blobs img lims:', 'projs img lims:'};
-                fprintf(' %15s %15s\n', titles{:})
-                fprintf('       %4d %4d       %4d %4d\n', ...
-                    [extreemes_blobs_w(~good_blobs, :), round(extreemes_projs_w(~good_blobs, :))]');
+                fprintf('Position in the included vector:\n')
+                incl_pos = false(size(sel_bls));
+                incl_pos(sel_incl_indx(~good_blobs)) = true;
+                disp(find(incl_pos)')
+                titles = {'blobs img lims:', 'blobs img lims:', 'projs img lims:'};
+                fprintf(' %15s %15s %15s\n', titles{:})
+                fprintf('       %4d %4d       %4d %4d       %4d %4d\n', ...
+                    [extreemes_blobs_w(~good_blobs, :), cat(1, bl(~good_blobs).bbwim), ...
+                    round(extreemes_projs_w(~good_blobs, :))]');
             bl = bl(good_blobs);
             sub_blob_slices = sub_blob_slices(good_blobs);
@@ -371,7 +414,9 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
                 % Let's build the interpolated slices
                 blob = blobs(ii).intm;
                 blob(blob < 0) = 0;
-%                 blob = blob ./ sum(blob(:));
+                if (self.use_predicted_scatter_ints)
+                    blob = blob .* blobs(ii).intensity;
+                end
                 sub_blob_slices{ii} = zeros(blob_sizes(ii, 1), blob_sizes(ii, 2), nums_slices(ii), self.data_type);
                 for n = nums_slices(ii):-1:1
@@ -600,6 +645,23 @@ classdef Gt6DReconstructionAlgorithmFactory < handle
                 geometries{ii} = double(geometries{ii}(valid_proj_dirs, :));
+        function blobs = renormalize_blobs(self, sampler, blobs)
+            ref_gr = sampler.get_reference_grain();
+            if (isfield(self.parameters.cryst(ref_gr.phaseid), 'int_exp'))
+                cryst_scatter_ints = self.parameters.cryst(ref_gr.phaseid).int_exp;
+            else
+                cryst_scatter_ints = self.parameters.cryst(ref_gr.phaseid).int;
+            end
+            sel = sampler.ondet(sampler.included(sampler.selected));
+            thetatypes = ref_gr.allblobs.thetatype(sel);
+            scatter_ints = cryst_scatter_ints(thetatypes);
+            lorentz_fact = ref_gr.allblobs.lorentzfac(sel);
+            for ii_b = 1:numel(blobs)
+                blobs{ii_b} = blobs{ii_b} ./ scatter_ints(ii_b) ./ lorentz_fact(ii_b);
+            end
+        end
     methods (Access = protected, Static)
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrain.m b/zUtil_Deformation/gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrain.m
index c7f51d01..f9a30f7b 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrain.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrain.m
@@ -22,12 +22,16 @@ function [samp_ors, estim_space_bbox_pix, estim_orient_bbox] = gt6DCreateProjDat
         'save', false );
     conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
+    p = gtLoadParameters();
+    symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators(p.cryst(phase_id).crystal_system);
     num_grains = numel(grs_list);
     if (~isstruct(grs_list))
         fprintf('Loading grains: ')
         for ii_g = num_grains:-1:1
             num_chars = fprintf('%02d/%02d (%d)', num_grains-ii_g+1, num_grains, grs_list(ii_g));
             grs(ii_g) = gtLoadGrain(phase_id, grs_list(ii_g));
+            grs(ii_g) = gtCalculateGrain(grs(ii_g), p);
             fprintf(repmat('\b', [1 num_chars]));
             fprintf(repmat(' ', [1 num_chars]));
             fprintf(repmat('\b', [1 num_chars]));
@@ -37,8 +41,6 @@ function [samp_ors, estim_space_bbox_pix, estim_orient_bbox] = gt6DCreateProjDat
         grs = grs_list;
         grs_list = cat(2, grs(:).id);
-    p = gtLoadParameters();
-    symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators(p.cryst(phase_id).crystal_system);
     if (conf.verbose)
@@ -177,16 +179,19 @@ function [samp_ors, estim_space_bbox_pix, estim_orient_bbox] = gt6DCreateProjDat
     if (conf.verbose)
         vis_sel = fwdsim_inc_refl;
 %         vis_sel = ref_ondet;
-        fprintf('%02d) w1 %6.2f, w2 %6.2f, w_inds (%d<->%d), hkls [%2d %2d %2d]<->[%2d %2d %2d] <- diff: %7.2f (!! %d) [twin: i %d, s %d]\n', ...
+        fprintf('%02d) w1 %6.2f, w2 %6.2f, n1 %6.2f, n2 %6.2f, w_inds (%d<->%d), hkls [%2d %2d %2d]<->[%2d %2d %2d] <- diff: %7.2f (!! %d, L %g) [twin: i %d, s %d]\n', ...
             [(1:numel(vis_sel))', ...
             grs(1), ...
             grs(2), ...
+            grs(1).allblobs.eta(vis_sel), ...
+            grs(2).allblobs.eta(vis_sel), ...
             grs(1).allblobs.omind(vis_sel), ...
             grs(2).allblobs.omind(vis_sel), ...
             grs(1).allblobs.hklsp(vis_sel, [1 2 4]), ...
             grs(2).allblobs.hklsp(vis_sel, [1 2 4]), ...
-            grs(1) - grs(2), ...
-            abs(grs(1) - grs(2) < 1, ...
+            abs(mod(grs(1) - grs(2) + 180, 360) - 180), ...
+            abs(mod(grs(1) - grs(2) + 180, 360) - 180) < grs(1).allblobs.lorentzfac(vis_sel), ...
+            grs(1).allblobs.lorentzfac(vis_sel), ...
             bool_twin_inc(vis_sel), bool_twin_sel(vis_sel)]');
@@ -292,6 +297,7 @@ function [samp_ors, estim_space_bbox_pix, estim_orient_bbox] = gt6DCreateProjDat
     inc_ref_ondet = ref_ondet(ref_included(inc_reflections));
     inc_ref_omegas = samp_ors(1);
+    inc_ref_Lfac = samp_ors(1).allblobs.lorentzfac(inc_ref_ondet);
     for ii_g = 1:num_grains
         fprintf('Loading raw images for grain %d: ', ii_g)
@@ -299,7 +305,7 @@ function [samp_ors, estim_space_bbox_pix, estim_orient_bbox] = gt6DCreateProjDat
         if (ii_g > 1)
             w_diff = inc_ref_omegas - samp_ors(ii_g);
             % Could be improved
-            shared_parent = abs(w_diff) < 1;
+            shared_parent = abs(mod(w_diff + 180, 360) - 180) < inc_ref_Lfac;
         temp_gr = grs(ii_g);
@@ -361,43 +367,43 @@ function [samp_ors, estim_space_bbox_pix, estim_orient_bbox] = gt6DCreateProjDat
-    partial_ints = zeros(numel(inc_reflections), num_grains);
-    phys_renorm = ones(numel(inc_reflections), num_grains);
-    partial_ints(:, 1) = cat(1, samp_ors(1);
-    for ii_g = 2:num_grains
-        to_be_summed = ~samp_ors(ii_g).proj.shared_parent;
-        partial_ints(to_be_summed, ii_g) = cat(1, samp_ors(ii_g);
-    end
-    if (~conf.flat_normalization)
-        for ii_g = 1:num_grains
-            try
-                temp_or = gtComputeIncomingBeamIntensity(samp_ors(ii_g), p);
-                beam_ints = temp_or.beam_intensity;
-            catch mexc
-                gtPrintException(mexc, 'Turning beam inensity correction off, because interlaced acquisition is not supported')
-                beam_ints = 1;
-            end
-            phys_renorm(:, ii_g) = 1 ...
-                ./ samp_ors(ii_g).allblobs.lorentzfac(inc_ref_ondet) ...
-                ./ (beam_ints / mean(beam_ints));
-        end
-    end
-    total_ints = sum(partial_ints .* phys_renorm, 2);
-    % Let's renormalize
-    for ii_g = 1:num_grains
-        for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
-            ints_renorm = phys_renorm(:, ii_g) ./ total_ints(:);
-            if (ii_g > 1 && samp_ors(ii_g).proj.shared_parent(ii_b))
-                fprintf('Shared!\n')
-            else
-                samp_ors(ii_g) = samp_ors(ii_g) * ints_renorm(ii_b);
-            end
-        end
-    end
+%     partial_ints = zeros(numel(inc_reflections), num_grains);
+%     phys_renorm = ones(numel(inc_reflections), num_grains);
+%     partial_ints(:, 1) = cat(1, samp_ors(1);
+%     for ii_g = 2:num_grains
+%         to_be_summed = ~samp_ors(ii_g).proj.shared_parent;
+%         partial_ints(to_be_summed, ii_g) = cat(1, samp_ors(ii_g);
+%     end
+%     if (~conf.flat_normalization)
+%         for ii_g = 1:num_grains
+%             try
+%                 temp_or = gtComputeIncomingBeamIntensity(samp_ors(ii_g), p);
+%                 beam_ints = temp_or.beam_intensity;
+%             catch mexc
+%                 gtPrintException(mexc, 'Turning beam inensity correction off, because interlaced acquisition is not supported')
+%                 beam_ints = 1;
+%             end
+%             phys_renorm(:, ii_g) = 1 ...
+%                 ./ samp_ors(ii_g).allblobs.lorentzfac(inc_ref_ondet) ...
+%                 ./ (beam_ints / mean(beam_ints));
+%         end
+%     end
+%     total_ints = sum(partial_ints .* phys_renorm, 2);
+%     % Let's renormalize
+%     for ii_g = 1:num_grains
+%         for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
+%             ints_renorm = phys_renorm(:, ii_g) ./ total_ints(:);
+%             if (ii_g > 1 && samp_ors(ii_g).proj.shared_parent(ii_b))
+%                 fprintf('Shared!\n')
+%             else
+%                 samp_ors(ii_g) = samp_ors(ii_g) * ints_renorm(ii_b);
+%             end
+%         end
+%     end
     if (conf.verbose)
         f = figure();
diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrainFwdProj.m b/zUtil_Deformation/gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrainFwdProj.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9ce90a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrainFwdProj.m
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+function [samp_ors, estim_space_bbox_pix, estim_orient_bbox] = gt6DCreateProjDataFromTwinnedGrainFwdProj(grs_list, phase_id, varargin)
+% FUNCTION [refor] = gt6DCreateProjDataFromGrainCluster(grs_list, phase_id, varargin)
+%   proj: is a grain.proj structure
+%   refor: is a grain structure for the average orientation in the average
+%       point
+%   or: is a set of grain structures for the extreeme corners of the
+%       orientation space that should be considered
+    if (~exist('phase_id', 'var'))
+        phase_id = 1;
+    end
+    conf = struct( ...
+        'verbose', false, ...
+        'min_eta', 15, ...
+        'ospace_oversize', 1.1, ...
+        'rspace_oversize', 1.1, ...
+        'flat_normalization', true, ...
+        'check_spots', false, ...
+        'mask_spots', true, ...
+        'oversize', 1.4, ...
+        'save', false );
+    conf = parse_pv_pairs(conf, varargin);
+    p = gtLoadParameters();
+    symm = gtCrystGetSymmetryOperators(p.cryst(phase_id).crystal_system);
+    num_grains = numel(grs_list);
+    if (~isstruct(grs_list))
+        fprintf('Loading grains: ')
+        for ii_g = num_grains:-1:1
+            num_chars = fprintf('%02d/%02d (%d)', num_grains-ii_g+1, num_grains, grs_list(ii_g));
+            grs(ii_g) = gtLoadGrain(phase_id, grs_list(ii_g));
+            grs(ii_g) = gtCalculateGrain(grs(ii_g), p);
+            fprintf(repmat('\b', [1 num_chars]));
+            fprintf(repmat(' ', [1 num_chars]));
+            fprintf(repmat('\b', [1 num_chars]));
+        end
+        fprintf('Done.\n')
+    else
+        grs = grs_list;
+        grs_list = cat(2, grs(:).id);
+    end
+    if (conf.verbose)
+        fprintf('R_vectors:\n')
+        cat(1, grs(:).R_vector)
+        fprintf('Reciprocal disorientations:\n')
+        for ii_g_1 = 1:num_grains
+            grs_to_check = (ii_g_1+1):num_grains;
+            if (numel(grs_to_check) > 0)
+                fprintf(' - Disorientations from grain: %d\n', grs(ii_g_1).id)
+                for ii_g_2 = grs_to_check
+                    dis_angle = gtDisorientation(grs(ii_g_1).R_vector', grs(ii_g_2).R_vector', symm);
+                    fprintf('   + Grain %d: %f\n', grs(ii_g_2).id, dis_angle);
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    refgr = grs(1);
+    grs(2:end) = reorder_reflections(grs(2:end), refgr);
+    if (isfield(refgr.proj, 'ondet'))
+        ref_ondet = refgr.proj.ondet;
+        ref_included = refgr.proj.included;
+        ref_selected = refgr.proj.selected;
+    else
+        ref_ondet = refgr.ondet;
+        ref_included = refgr.included;
+        ref_selected = refgr.selected;
+    end
+    if (conf.verbose)
+        try
+            refgr = gtComputeIncomingBeamIntensity(refgr, p);
+            beam_ints = refgr.beam_intensity(ref_selected);
+            beam_ints = beam_ints / mean(beam_ints);
+        catch mexc
+            gtPrintException(mexc, 'Skipping beam intensity renormalization')
+            beam_ints = 1;
+        end
+        blob_ints = refgr.intensity(ref_selected);
+        vis_spots = ref_ondet(ref_included(ref_selected));
+        thetatypes = refgr.allblobs.thetatype(vis_spots);
+        if (isfield(p.cryst(phase_id), 'int_exp'))
+            predicted_ints = p.cryst(phase_id).int_exp(thetatypes)';
+            f = figure();
+            ax = axes('parent', f);
+            plot(ax, blob_ints)
+            hold(ax, 'on')
+            plot(ax, predicted_ints / mean(predicted_ints) * mean(blob_ints), 'y')
+            predicted_ints = predicted_ints .* refgr.allblobs.lorentzfac(vis_spots);
+            plot(ax, predicted_ints / mean(predicted_ints) * mean(blob_ints), 'r')
+            predicted_ints = predicted_ints .* beam_ints;
+            plot(ax, predicted_ints / mean(predicted_ints) * mean(blob_ints), 'g')
+        end
+        predicted_ints = p.cryst(phase_id).int(thetatypes)';
+        f = figure();
+        ax = axes('parent', f);
+        plot(ax, blob_ints)
+        hold(ax, 'on')
+        plot(ax, predicted_ints / mean(predicted_ints) * mean(blob_ints), 'y')
+        predicted_ints = predicted_ints .* refgr.allblobs.lorentzfac(vis_spots);
+        plot(ax, predicted_ints / mean(predicted_ints) * mean(blob_ints), 'r')
+        predicted_ints = predicted_ints .* beam_ints;
+        plot(ax, predicted_ints / mean(predicted_ints) * mean(blob_ints), 'g')
+        fprintf('%d) %d, %g\n', ...
+            [(1:numel(blob_ints))', refgr.allblobs.thetatype(vis_spots), ...
+            blob_ints - predicted_ints / mean(predicted_ints) * mean(blob_ints)]')
+        hold(ax, 'off')
+    end
+    if (conf.verbose)
+        vis_sel = ref_ondet(ref_included);
+%         vis_sel = ref_ondet;
+        fprintf('%02d) w1 %6.2f, w2 %6.2f, n1 %6.2f, n2 %6.2f, w_inds (%d<->%d), hkls [%2d %2d %2d]<->[%2d %2d %2d] <- diff: %7.2f (!! %d, L %g) [bad n1 %d n2 %d]\n', ...
+            [(1:numel(vis_sel))', ...
+            grs(1), ...
+            grs(2), ...
+            grs(1).allblobs.eta(vis_sel), ...
+            grs(2).allblobs.eta(vis_sel), ...
+            grs(1).allblobs.omind(vis_sel), ...
+            grs(2).allblobs.omind(vis_sel), ...
+            grs(1).allblobs.hklsp(vis_sel, [1 2 4]), ...
+            grs(2).allblobs.hklsp(vis_sel, [1 2 4]), ...
+            abs(mod(grs(1) - grs(2) + 180, 360) - 180), ...
+            abs(mod(grs(1) - grs(2) + 180, 360) - 180) < grs(1).allblobs.lorentzfac(vis_sel), ...
+            grs(1).allblobs.lorentzfac(vis_sel), ...
+            acosd(abs(cosd(grs(1).allblobs.eta(vis_sel)))) < conf.min_eta, ...
+            acosd(abs(cosd(grs(2).allblobs.eta(vis_sel)))) < conf.min_eta, ...
+            ]');
+    end
+    vol_half_size = [refgr.proj.vol_size_y, refgr.proj.vol_size_x, refgr.proj.vol_size_z] / 2;
+    space_bbox = [ ...
+            refgr.proj.centerpix - vol_half_size * conf.rspace_oversize, ...
+            refgr.proj.centerpix + vol_half_size * conf.rspace_oversize ];
+    estim_space_bbox_pix = [floor(space_bbox(1:3)), ceil(space_bbox(4:6))];
+    bbox_size_pix = estim_space_bbox_pix(4:6) - estim_space_bbox_pix(1:3);
+    estim_space_bbox_mm = [ ...
+        gtGeoSam2Sam(estim_space_bbox_pix(1:3), p.recgeo, p.samgeo, false, false), ...
+        gtGeoSam2Sam(estim_space_bbox_pix(4:6), p.recgeo, p.samgeo, false, false) ];
+    bbox_size_mm = estim_space_bbox_mm(4:6) - estim_space_bbox_mm(1:3);
+    img_sizes = zeros(num_grains, 2);
+    for ii_g = num_grains:-1:1
+        sampler = GtOrientationSampling(p, grs(ii_g), 'verbose', conf.verbose);
+        r_vecs = sampler.guess_ODF_BB()';
+        estim_orient_bbox = [min(r_vecs, [], 1), max(r_vecs, [], 1)];
+        bbox_size_rod = estim_orient_bbox(4:6) - estim_orient_bbox(1:3);
+        % oversizing the orienation a bit
+        delta_bbox_size_rod = bbox_size_rod * 0.05;
+        estim_orient_bbox = estim_orient_bbox + [-delta_bbox_size_rod, delta_bbox_size_rod];
+        bbox_size_rod = estim_orient_bbox(4:6) - estim_orient_bbox(1:3);
+        bbox_size_deg = 2 * atand(bbox_size_rod);
+        if (conf.verbose)
+            fprintf('\n');
+            fprintf('Estimated spatial voxel BBox: [%3d, %3d, %3d] -> [%3d, %3d, %3d]\n', estim_space_bbox_pix);
+            fprintf('                   BBox size: %3d, %3d, %3d (%f, %f, %f mm)\n', bbox_size_pix, bbox_size_mm);
+            fprintf('  Estimated orientation BBox: [%3.3f, %3.3f, %3.3f] -> [%3.3f, %3.3f, %3.3f]\n', estim_orient_bbox);
+            fprintf('                   BBox size: %3.3f, %3.3f, %3.3f (deg)\n', bbox_size_deg);
+            fprintf('\n');
+        end
+        refor = struct( ...
+            'id', grs(ii_g).id, 'phaseid', grs(ii_g).phaseid, ...
+            'center', estim_space_bbox_mm(1:3) + bbox_size_mm / 2, ...
+            'R_vector', grs(ii_g).R_vector );
+        refor = gtCalculateGrain(refor, p);
+        refor.bb_ors = get_6D_space_corners(estim_space_bbox_mm, ...
+            bbox_size_mm, estim_orient_bbox, bbox_size_rod, refgr, p);
+        img_sizes(ii_g, :) = [size(grs(ii_g).proj.stack, 1), size(grs(ii_g).proj.stack, 3), ];
+        samp_ors(ii_g) = refor;
+    end
+    samp_ors = reorder_reflections(samp_ors, refgr);
+    [stackUSize, stackVSize] = get_stack_UV_size(cat(1, img_sizes), p, conf);
+    bool_ref_inc = false(size(;
+    bool_ref_inc(ref_ondet(ref_included)) = true;
+    bool_ref_sel = false(size(;
+    bool_ref_sel(ref_ondet(ref_included(ref_selected))) = true;
+    for ii_g = 1:num_grains
+        fprintf('Loading raw images for grain %d: ', ii_g)
+        if (ii_g > 1)
+            twingr = grs(ii_g);
+            if (isfield(twingr.proj, 'ondet'))
+                twin_ondet = twingr.proj.ondet;
+                twin_inc = twingr.proj.included;
+                twin_sel = twingr.proj.selected;
+            else
+                twin_ondet = twingr.ondet;
+                twin_inc = twingr.included;
+                twin_sel = twingr.selected;
+            end
+            bool_twin_inc = false(size(;
+            bool_twin_inc(twin_ondet(twin_inc)) = true;
+            bool_twin_sel = false(size(;
+            bool_twin_sel(twin_ondet(twin_inc(twin_sel))) = true;
+            bool_test_inc = bool_ref_inc | bool_twin_inc;
+            inc_ref_omegas = samp_ors(1);
+            inc_ref_Lfac = samp_ors(1).allblobs.lorentzfac(bool_test_inc);
+            inc_ref_etas = samp_ors(1).allblobs.eta(bool_test_inc);
+            inc_twin_omegas = samp_ors(ii_g);
+            inc_twin_etas = samp_ors(ii_g).allblobs.eta(bool_test_inc);
+            w_diff = abs(mod(inc_ref_omegas - inc_twin_omegas + 180, 360) - 180);
+            n_diff = abs(mod(inc_ref_etas   - inc_twin_etas   + 180, 360) - 180);
+            test_shared = (w_diff < inc_ref_Lfac) & (n_diff < 5);
+            % let's add them as included
+            bool_test_inc_indx = find(bool_test_inc);
+            shared_parent = false(size(;
+            shared_parent(bool_test_inc_indx(test_shared)) = true;
+            % So if it is shared, we use the parent's blob
+            bool_twin_inc = bool_twin_inc | shared_parent;
+            % If the parent enables it, we enable it as well
+            bool_twin_sel = bool_twin_sel | (shared_parent & bool_ref_sel);
+            twin_inc = find(bool_twin_inc(twin_ondet));
+            twin_sel = bool_twin_sel(twin_ondet(twin_inc));
+            shared_parent_pos = bool_ref_inc & shared_parent;
+            shared_parent_pos = shared_parent_pos(ref_ondet(ref_included));
+            % We cut it down to the size of the included
+            shared_parent = shared_parent(twin_ondet(twin_inc));
+            local_ondet = twin_ondet;
+            local_included = twin_inc;
+            local_selected = twin_sel;
+        else
+            local_ondet = ref_ondet;
+            local_included = ref_included;
+            local_selected = ref_selected;
+        end
+        num_blobs = numel(local_included);
+        if (ii_g == 1)
+            blobs = grs(ii_g);
+        else
+            blobs = get_default_blob();
+            blobs(~shared_parent) = grs(ii_g);
+            % Using the same because it gives the same size/uvw-limits
+            blobs(shared_parent) = samp_ors(1);
+        end
+        for ii_b = 1:num_blobs
+            num_chars = fprintf('%02d/%02d', ii_b, num_blobs);
+            blobs(ii_b) = include_blob(blobs(ii_b), stackUSize, stackVSize);
+            fprintf(repmat('\b', [1 num_chars]));
+            fprintf(repmat(' ', [1 num_chars]));
+            fprintf(repmat('\b', [1 num_chars]));
+        end
+        fprintf('Done.\n')
+        spots = arrayfun(@(x){sum(x.intm, 3)}, blobs);
+        spots = permute(cat(3, spots{:}), [1 3 2]);
+        proj.centerpix = estim_space_bbox_pix(1:3) + bbox_size_pix / 2;
+ = blobs;
+        proj.stack = spots;
+        vol_size = bbox_size_pix + mean(bbox_size_pix) * 0.3;
+        proj.vol_size_x = vol_size(2);
+        proj.vol_size_y = vol_size(1);
+        proj.vol_size_z = vol_size(3);
+        proj.ondet = local_ondet;
+        proj.included = local_included;
+        proj.selected = local_selected;
+        if (ii_g > 1)
+            proj.shared_parent = zeros(size(shared_parent));
+            proj.shared_parent(shared_parent) = find(shared_parent_pos);
+        end
+        samp_ors(ii_g).proj = proj;
+        if (conf.check_spots)
+            samp_ors(ii_g).proj.selected = gtGuiGrainMontage(samp_ors(ii_g), [], true);
+        end
+    end
+    if (conf.verbose)
+        f = figure();
+        ax = axes('parent', f);
+        hold(ax, 'on');
+        for ii_g = 1:num_grains
+            gt6DPlotOrientationBBox(ax, cat(1, samp_ors(ii_g).bb_ors(:).R_vector));
+            scatter3(ax, grs(ii_g).R_vector(1), grs(ii_g).R_vector(2), grs(ii_g).R_vector(3), 30);
+        end
+        hold(ax, 'off');
+        drawnow();
+    end
+    if (
+        str_ids = sprintf('_%04d', grs_list);
+        grain_filename = fullfile(p.acq.dir, '4_grains', ...
+            sprintf('phase_%02d', phase_id), ...
+            sprintf('grain_twin_cluster%s.mat', str_ids));
+        fprintf('Saving the cluster file "%s"..', grain_filename)
+        save(grain_filename, 'samp_ors', '-v7.3');
+        fprintf('\b\b: Done.\n')
+%         fprintf('Saving to sample.mat..')
+%         sample = GtSample.loadFromFile();
+%         sample.phases{phase_id}.clusters(end+1) = ...
+%             GtPhase.makeCluster(grs_list, refor.R_vector, estim_space_bbox_pix, estim_orient_bbox);
+%         sample.saveToFile();
+%         fprintf('\b\b: Done.\n')
+    end
+function orients = get_6D_space_corners(estim_space_bbox_mm, bbox_size_mm, estim_orient_bbox, bbox_size_rod, refgr, p)
+    orients = {};
+    for ii_x1 = 0:1
+        base_x1 = estim_space_bbox_mm(1:3) + [ii_x1 * bbox_size_mm(1), 0, 0];
+        for ii_x2 = 0:1
+            base_x2 = base_x1 + [0, ii_x2 * bbox_size_mm(2), 0];
+            for ii_x3 = 0:1
+                base_x3 = base_x2 + [0, 0, ii_x3 * bbox_size_mm(3)];
+                for ii_r1 = 0:1
+                    base_r1 = estim_orient_bbox(1:3) + [ii_r1 * bbox_size_rod(1), 0, 0];
+                    for ii_r2 = 0:1
+                        base_r2 = base_r1 + [0, ii_r2 * bbox_size_rod(2), 0];
+                        for ii_r3 = 0:1
+                            base_r3 = base_r2 + [0, 0, ii_r3 * bbox_size_rod(3)];
+%                             fprintf(' center: %f, %f, %f, r_vec: %f, %f, %f\n', base_x3, base_r3)
+                            orients{end+1} = struct( ...
+                                'id',, 'phaseid', refgr.phaseid, ...
+                                'center', base_x3, 'R_vector', base_r3); %#ok<AGROW>
+                        end
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    orients = gtCalculateGrain_p(orients, p);
+    orients = [orients{:}];
+    orients = reorder_reflections(orients, refgr);
+function orients = reorder_reflections(orients, refgr)
+    refgr_omind = refgr.allblobs.omind;
+    refgr_omind_ind = [ ...
+        find(refgr_omind == 1); find(refgr_omind == 2); ...
+        find(refgr_omind == 3); find(refgr_omind == 4) ];
+    for ii_g = 1:numel(orients)
+        orients(ii_g) = gtGrainAllblobsFilterOrder(orients(ii_g), refgr_omind_ind);
+    end
+function uvw_tab = recenter_w_tab(uvw_tab, refor_ws, p)
+    num_images = gtGetTotNumberOfImages(p);
+    % Let's treat those blobs at the w edge 360->0
+    % (from the sampled orientations perspective)
+    opposite_ws = mod(refor_ws + num_images / 2, num_images);
+    gt_ref_int = opposite_ws > num_images / 2;
+    lt_ref_int = ~gt_ref_int;
+    opposite_ws_repmat = opposite_ws(:, ones(1, size(uvw_tab(:, :, 3), 2)));
+    uvw_tab(gt_ref_int, :, 3) = uvw_tab(gt_ref_int, :, 3) ...
+        - num_images .* (uvw_tab(gt_ref_int, :, 3) > opposite_ws_repmat(gt_ref_int, :));
+    uvw_tab(lt_ref_int, :, 3) = uvw_tab(lt_ref_int, :, 3) ...
+        + num_images .* (uvw_tab(lt_ref_int, :, 3) < opposite_ws_repmat(lt_ref_int, :));
+function uvw_tab = get_uvw_tab(orientations, refl_sel)
+    num_ors = numel(orientations);
+    or_abs = cat(1, orientations(:).allblobs);
+    uvw_tab = zeros(numel(refl_sel), num_ors, 3);
+    for ii_o = 1:num_ors
+        if (isfield(or_abs(1), 'detector'))
+            uvw_tab(:, ii_o, :) = or_abs(ii_o).detector(1).uvw(refl_sel, :);
+        else
+            uvw_tab(:, ii_o, :) = or_abs(ii_o).uvw(refl_sel, :);
+        end
+    end
+function [u_size, v_size] = get_stack_UV_size(img_sizes, p, conf)
+    max_img_sizes = [max(img_sizes(:, 1)), max(img_sizes(:, 2))];
+    stack_imgs_oversize = min(p.fsim.oversize, conf.oversize);
+    u_size = round(max_img_sizes(1) * stack_imgs_oversize);
+    v_size = round(max_img_sizes(2) * stack_imgs_oversize);
+    if (conf.verbose)
+        fprintf('\n');
+        fprintf('               Maximum images size: [%3d, %3d]\n', max_img_sizes);
+        fprintf('Stack images size (oversize: %1.2f): [%3d, %3d]\n', stack_imgs_oversize, u_size, v_size);
+        fprintf('\n');
+    end
+function blob = load_blob(img_bboxes, img_sizes, stackUSize, stackVSize, gbl_norm, gbl_cut, p)
+    blob = get_default_blob();
+    bb = [img_bboxes(1, 1:2), img_sizes(1, 1:2)];
+    blob_vol = gtGetRawRoi(img_bboxes(3), img_bboxes(6), p.acq, bb);
+    blob_vol(blob_vol < 0) = 0;
+    blob_vol(isnan(blob_vol)) = 0;
+    blob_bb = [img_bboxes(1, 1:3), img_sizes(1, :)];
+    % Transposing to keep the same convention as spots
+    blob_vol = permute(blob_vol, [2 1 3]);
+    blob.mbbsize = blob_bb(4:6);
+    blob.mbbu = [blob_bb(1), blob_bb(1) + blob_bb(4) + 1];
+    blob.mbbv = [blob_bb(2), blob_bb(2) + blob_bb(5) + 1];
+    blob.mbbw = [blob_bb(3), blob_bb(3) + blob_bb(6) + 1];
+    blob_size_im = [stackUSize, stackVSize, blob_bb(6)+2];
+    shifts_blob = gtFwdSimGetStackShifts(stackUSize, stackVSize, blob_bb, false);
+    shifts_blob = [shifts_blob.u, shifts_blob.v, 1];
+    blob.intm = gtPlaceSubVolume( ...
+        zeros(blob_size_im, 'single'), single(blob_vol), shifts_blob);
+    blob.bbsize = blob_size_im;
+    blob_bb_im = [blob_bb(1, 1:3) - shifts_blob, blob_size_im];
+    blob.bbuim = [blob_bb_im(1), blob_bb_im(1) + blob_bb_im(4) - 1];
+    blob.bbvim = [blob_bb_im(2), blob_bb_im(2) + blob_bb_im(5) - 1];
+    blob.bbwim = [blob_bb_im(3), blob_bb_im(3) + blob_bb_im(6) - 1];
+    % We should build the mask from the segmented reflections of the
+    % grains
+    blob.mask = false(blob_size_im);
+    % spreading the flat mask over the full expected BBox in UVW
+    grain_mask = gbl_cut.mask(:, :, ones(size(blob.mask, 3)));
+    gbl_shifts_im = [gbl_cut.bbuim(1), gbl_cut.bbvim(1), blob.bbwim(1)]; % <- note w component: blob.bbwim(1)
+    blob_shifts_im = [blob.bbuim(1), blob.bbvim(1), blob.bbwim(1)];
+    mask_shifts = gbl_shifts_im - blob_shifts_im;
+    blob.mask = gtPlaceSubVolume(blob.mask, grain_mask, mask_shifts);
+    blob.intm(~blob.mask) = 0;
+    % We should build the mask from the segmented reflections of the
+    % grains
+    % for the moment we only use one (the reference one), to
+    % renormalize the different reflections
+    blob.mask = false(blob_size_im);
+    % spreading the flat mask over the full expected BBox in UVW
+    grain_mask = gbl_norm.mask(:, :, ones(size(blob.mask, 3)));
+    gbl_shifts_im = [gbl_norm.bbuim(1), gbl_norm.bbvim(1), blob.bbwim(1)]; % <- note w component: blob.bbwim(1)
+    blob_shifts_im = [blob.bbuim(1), blob.bbvim(1), blob.bbwim(1)];
+    mask_shifts = gbl_shifts_im - blob_shifts_im;
+    blob.mask = gtPlaceSubVolume(blob.mask, grain_mask, mask_shifts);
+    blob_int = sum(blob.intm(blob.mask));
+%     blob.intm = blob.intm / blob_int;
+    blob.intensity = blob_int;
+function blob = include_blob(blob, stackUSize, stackVSize)
+    new_bbsize = [stackUSize, stackVSize, blob.bbsize(3)];
+    shift = floor((new_bbsize - blob.bbsize) / 2);
+    new_bbuim = blob.bbuim - shift(1);
+    new_bbuim(2) = new_bbuim(1) + new_bbsize(1) - 1;
+    new_bbvim = blob.bbvim - shift(2);
+    new_bbvim(2) = new_bbvim(1) + new_bbsize(2) - 1;
+    blob.bbuim = new_bbuim;
+    blob.bbvim = new_bbvim;
+    blob.bbsize = new_bbsize;
+    blob.intm = gtPlaceSubVolume(zeros(new_bbsize, 'like', blob.intm), blob.intm, shift);
+    blob.mask = logical(gtPlaceSubVolume(zeros(new_bbsize, 'uint8'), blob.mask, shift));
+function blob = get_default_blob()
+    blob = struct( ...
+        'intm', [], ...         % The normalized blob
+        'mask', [], ...         % The segmentation mask
+        'bbuim', [], ...        % Image BB on U
+        'bbvim', [], ...        % Image BB on V
+        'bbwim', [], ...        % Image BB on W <- Not strictly w
+        'bbsize', [], ...       % Image BoundingBox (includes margins)
+        'mbbsize', [], ...      % Real (Measured) Blob Bounding Box
+        'mbbu', [], ...         % Real (Measured) Blob BB on U
+        'mbbv', [], ...         % Real (Measured) Blob BB on V
+        'mbbw', [], ...         % Real (Measured) Blob BB on W <- Not strictly w
+        'intensity', [] );      % Blob original intensity