diff --git a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m
index 6ed02ea8f654e4890eb3569c8e7461119331ca8c..60aea74e2ab6e9b2efa5ce45c474aba82dc472f6 100644
--- a/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m
+++ b/zUtil_Deformation/Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector.m
@@ -9,12 +9,18 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
         bwd_weights = {};
         blob_sinogram_c_functions = true;
+        have_multi_sino_functions = false;
     methods (Access = public)
         function self = Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector(vols_size, detector_size, blobs_depths, varargin)
             self = self@Gt6DVolumeProjector(vols_size, detector_size, varargin{:});
+            self.have_multi_sino_functions = ...
+                (exist('gt6DMultipleSinosToBlobs_c', 'file') == 3) ...
+                && (exist('gt6DBlobsToMultipleSinos_c', 'file') == 3);
             self.blobs_depths = blobs_depths;
@@ -78,10 +84,14 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             num_orients = numel(n);
             if (num_orients > 1)
-                bs_time = 0;
-                for ii_o = 1:num_orients
-                    [blobs, bs_time_o] = self.process_sino_fwd(blobs, sino{ii_o}, n(ii_o));
-                    bs_time = bs_time + bs_time_o;
+                if (self.blob_sinogram_c_functions && self.have_multi_sino_functions)
+                    [blobs, bs_time] = self.process_sinos_fwd(blobs, sino, n);
+                else
+                    bs_time = 0;
+                    for ii_o = 1:num_orients
+                        [blobs, bs_time_o] = self.process_sino_fwd(blobs, sino{ii_o}, n(ii_o));
+                        bs_time = bs_time + bs_time_o;
+                    end
                 [blobs, bs_time] = self.process_sino_fwd(blobs, sino, n);
@@ -95,11 +105,15 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             num_orients = numel(n);
             if (num_orients > 1)
-                sino = cell(num_orients, 1);
-                bs_time = 0;
-                for ii_o = 1:num_orients
-                    [sino{ii_o}, bs_time_o] = self.process_sino_bwd(blobs, n(ii_o));
-                    bs_time = bs_time + bs_time_o;
+                if (self.blob_sinogram_c_functions && self.have_multi_sino_functions)
+                    [sino, bs_time] = self.process_sinos_bwd(blobs, n);
+                else
+                    sino = cell(num_orients, 1);
+                    bs_time = 0;
+                    for ii_o = 1:num_orients
+                        [sino{ii_o}, bs_time_o] = self.process_sino_bwd(blobs, n(ii_o));
+                        bs_time = bs_time + bs_time_o;
+                    end
                 [sino, bs_time] = self.process_sino_bwd(blobs, n);
@@ -135,6 +149,26 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             bs_time = toc(c);
+        function [blobs, bs_time] = process_sinos_fwd(self, blobs, sinos, ns)
+        % Here we add the individual sinograms to the blobs
+            if (self.using_super_sampling())
+                offs = self.ss_offsets(ns);
+            else
+                offs = self.offsets(ns);
+            end
+            c = tic();
+            try
+                blobs = gt6DMultipleSinosToBlobs_c(...
+                    blobs, sinos, offs, self.num_threads);
+            catch mexc
+                fprintf('Error raised by one of orientations:%s\n', sprintf(' %d', ns))
+                rethrow(mexc)
+            end
+            bs_time = toc(c);
+        end
         function [sino, bs_time] = process_sino_bwd(self, blobs, n)
         % Here we extract the individual sinograms from the blobs
@@ -164,6 +198,37 @@ classdef Gt6DVolumeToBlobProjector < Gt6DVolumeProjector
             bs_time = toc(c);
+        function [sino, bs_time] = process_sinos_bwd(self, blobs, n)
+        % Here we extract the individual sinograms from the blobs
+            if (self.using_super_sampling())
+                offs = self.ss_offsets(n);
+                geom = self.ss_geometries(n);
+            else
+                offs = self.offsets(n);
+                geom = self.geometries(n);
+            end
+            num_orients = numel(n);
+            ones_n_ors = ones(num_orients, 1);
+            sinogram_size = [ ...
+                self.proj_size(ones_n_ors, 1), zeros(num_orients, 1), self.proj_size(ones_n_ors, 2)];
+            for ii_o = 1:num_orients
+                sinogram_size(ii_o, 2) = size(geom{ii_o}, 1);
+            end
+            c = tic();
+            try
+                sino = gt6DBlobsToMultipleSinos_c( ...
+                    sinogram_size, blobs, offs, self.num_threads);
+            catch mexc
+                fprintf('Error raised by orientation: %d\n', n)
+                rethrow(mexc)
+            end
+            bs_time = toc(c);
+        end
     methods (Access = public, Static)