diff --git a/4_grains/GtThreshold.m b/4_grains/GtThreshold.m
index 4bd2d5e3daa1a8ada53749511e8ef3e28b2e5e8a..bc279809d166453f044143eb3adddede6fdbda75 100644
--- a/4_grains/GtThreshold.m
+++ b/4_grains/GtThreshold.m
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ classdef GtThreshold < handle
             obj.conf = [];
             obj.conf.verbose = true;
-            obj.param = load('parameters.mat');
-            obj.param = obj.param.parameters;
+            obj.param = gtLoadParameters();
             par_thr = obj.getThrParams();
             [par_thr, rej_params] = parse_pv_pairs(par_thr, varargin);
@@ -234,10 +233,14 @@ classdef GtThreshold < handle
             fprintf('\b\b: Done.\n');
-        function seg_struct = volumeThreshold(obj, volume, threshold, seed)
+        function seg_struct = volumeThreshold(obj, volume, threshold, seed, do_region_prop)
         % GTTHRESHOLD/volumeThreshold
         % segvol = volumeThreshold(obj, volume, threshold, center)
+            if (~exist('do_region_prop', 'var'))
+                do_region_prop = true;
+            end
             if (isempty(volume))
                 gtError('GtThreshold:wrong_argument', ...
                     'Volume to segment is empty!')
@@ -253,7 +256,7 @@ classdef GtThreshold < handle
             seg_struct = struct('vol', volume, 'shift', [0 0 0]);
-            seg_struct = obj.segmentAndDoMorph(seg_struct, threshold, do_morpho, seed);
+            seg_struct = obj.segmentAndDoMorph(seg_struct, threshold, do_morpho, seed, do_region_prop);
@@ -456,9 +459,13 @@ classdef GtThreshold < handle
                 grain_rec.id, count, delta)
-        function grain_seg = segmentAndDoMorph(~, grain_rec, threshold, do_morpho, seed)
+        function grain_seg = segmentAndDoMorph(~, grain_rec, threshold, do_morpho, seed, do_region_prop)
+            if (~exist('do_region_prop', 'var'))
+                do_region_prop = true;
+            end
             message = 'morphological reconstruction failed';
             if (isfield(grain_rec, 'id'))
                 message = [message ...
@@ -481,26 +488,32 @@ classdef GtThreshold < handle
                 seed = zeros(0, 3);
-            regprop = regionprops(seg_vol, 'BoundingBox', 'Area');
-            if (length(regprop) > 1)
-                % let's take the biggest! (usually happens without morpho)
-                ind     = find([regprop.Area] == max([regprop.Area]), 1);
-                regprop = regprop(ind);
-            end
+            if (do_region_prop)
+                regprop = regionprops(seg_vol, 'BoundingBox', 'Area');
+                if (length(regprop) > 1)
+                    % let's take the biggest! (usually happens without morpho)
+                    ind     = find([regprop.Area] == max([regprop.Area]), 1);
+                    regprop = regprop(ind);
+                end
-            if isempty(regprop)
-                grain_seg.seg   = [];
-                grain_seg.Area  = [];
-                grain_seg.segbb = [];
+                if isempty(regprop)
+                    grain_seg.seg   = [];
+                    grain_seg.Area  = [];
+                    grain_seg.segbb = [];
+                else
+                    seg_bb = regprop.BoundingBox([2 1 3 5 4 6]);
+                    % ceil because Matlab regionprops yields "0.5" (instead of 1)
+                    % for bb start values
+                    grain_seg.seg   = gtCrop(seg_vol, ceil(seg_bb));
+                    grain_seg.Area  = regprop.Area;
+                    seg_bb(1:3)     = grain_rec.shift + ceil(seg_bb(1:3)) - 1;
+                    grain_seg.segbb = seg_bb;
+                end
-                seg_bb = regprop.BoundingBox([2 1 3 5 4 6]);
-                % ceil because Matlab regionprops yields "0.5" (instead of 1)
-                % for bb start values
-                grain_seg.seg   = gtCrop(seg_vol, ceil(seg_bb));
-                grain_seg.Area  = regprop.Area;
-                seg_bb(1:3)     = grain_rec.shift + ceil(seg_bb(1:3)) - 1;
-                grain_seg.segbb = seg_bb;
+                grain_seg.seg   = seg_vol;
+                grain_seg.Area  = [];
+                grain_seg.segbb = [0, 0, 0, size(seg_vol)];
             grain_seg.threshold = threshold;
             grain_seg.seed = seed;
diff --git a/5_reconstruction/GtGuiMultiThresholdVolume.m b/5_reconstruction/GtGuiMultiThresholdVolume.m
index f8bd5d9fda24dbc9e4124fad18aaf5f49c0f01ba..8d8abf2859d0ef97a45c6bc6aaacd9fd8bcdbbe7 100644
--- a/5_reconstruction/GtGuiMultiThresholdVolume.m
+++ b/5_reconstruction/GtGuiMultiThresholdVolume.m
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ classdef GtGuiMultiThresholdVolume < GtGuiThresholdGrain
         function movedSlider(obj)
-            new_thresh = get(obj.conf.h_thr_slider(1), 'Value');
+            new_thresh = get(obj.conf.h_thr_slider(1), 'Value')
             set(obj.conf.h_thr_edit, 'String', num2str(obj.threshold(1)));
             obj.setThresholds(new_thresh, 1);
-            new_thresh = get(obj.conf.h_thr_slider(2), 'Value');
+            new_thresh = get(obj.conf.h_thr_slider(2), 'Value')
             set(obj.conf.h_thr_edit, 'String', num2str(obj.threshold(2)));
             obj.setThresholds(new_thresh, 2);
@@ -103,19 +103,24 @@ classdef GtGuiMultiThresholdVolume < GtGuiThresholdGrain
             filter = {'*.mat', 'MATLAB Files (*.mat)';
                       '*.edf', 'EDF files (ESRF Data Format, *.edf)'};
             [filename, pathname, filerIndex] = uiputfile(filter, 'Select file...', fullfile('5_reconstruction', 'volume_mask_multi.mat'));
+            if (isnumeric(filename) && filename == 0)
+                return;
+            end
             thr = GtThreshold();
             vol = zeros(size(self.conf.vol), class(self.conf.vol));
             fprintf('Applying thresholds: ')
             for ii = 1:numel(self.threshold)
-                num_chars = fprintf('%02d/%02d', ii, numel(self.threshold));
+                num_chars = fprintf('%02d/%02d (thr: %g)', ii, numel(self.threshold), self.threshold(ii));
-                partial_seg_struct = thr.volumeThreshold(self.conf.vol, self.threshold(ii));
+                partial_seg_struct = thr.volumeThreshold(self.conf.vol, self.threshold(ii), [], false);
-                vol = gtPlaceSubVolume(vol, partial_seg_struct.vol, partial_seg_struct.segbb(1:3), ii);
+                vol = gtPlaceSubVolume(vol, single(partial_seg_struct.seg), partial_seg_struct.segbb(1:3), ii);
                 fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]));
+            fprintf(repmat(' ', [1, num_chars]));
+            fprintf(repmat('\b', [1, num_chars]));
             fprintf('(%02d) Done.\n', numel(self.threshold))
             if (filerIndex == 1)