diff --git a/dct_launch.py b/dct_launch.py
index 094937821a1f433a14bdbdf767c84e3c59ccf492..c38544cb264b8da342a0b0818234fbd370b48521 100755
--- a/dct_launch.py
+++ b/dct_launch.py
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ class DCTLauncher(object):
             args_compile = [""] + self.args
             mex_builder = MexBuilder.getInstanceFromArgs(args_compile, dct_dir = self.dct_dir)
-            mex_builder.findMexs()
-            mex_builder.compileFuncs()
+            mex_builder.find_mex_files()
+            mex_builder.compile_mex_files()
         except ValueError as ex:
             if (len(ex.args) is not 0) and (ex.args[0] is not ""):
diff --git a/zUtil_Conf/conf.example.xml b/zUtil_Conf/conf.example.xml
index f4e15540c7f664c0e6f991dedc9cad1518fd03a9..2e8d48d7857aa7d1ff1bdffa8f211fa8589e1f63 100644
--- a/zUtil_Conf/conf.example.xml
+++ b/zUtil_Conf/conf.example.xml
@@ -56,27 +56,12 @@
+      <path>zUtil_Cxx/test/*.cpp</path>
-      <path>zUtil_ForwardProjection/jacobs_ray3d_c.c</path>
-      <path>zUtil_ForwardProjection/jacobs_rays.c</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_REGISTRATION/src/ProgOptions.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_REGISTRATION/src/TestRegistrationProgOptions.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_REGISTRATION/src/itkRegistrationAffineTransform.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_REGISTRATION/src/itkRegistrationVersorRigid3DTransform.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_SEGMENTATION/src/ProgOptions.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_SEGMENTATION/src/TestProgOptions.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_SEGMENTATION/src/itkCrackRemesh.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_SEGMENTATION/src/itkCrackSegmentation.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_SEGMENTATION/src/itkMeshTovtkPolyData.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_SEGMENTATION/src/vtkShowWriteMesh.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_TOOLS/src/itkMedianImageFilter.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_TOOLS/src/itkNormalizeImageFilter.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_TOOLS/src/itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_TOOLS/src/itkResizeVolume.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_TOOLS/src/itkShiftScaleImageFilter.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_TOOLS/src/itkTransformBinaryFromFile.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_TOOLS/src/itkVersorRigid3DTransform.cxx</path>
-      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_TOOLS/src/itkVersorRigid3DTransform2.cxx</path>
+      <path>zUtil_ForwardProjection/*.c</path>
+      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_REGISTRATION/src/*.cxx</path>
+      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_SEGMENTATION/src/*.cxx</path>
+      <path>zUtil_Crack/External/ITK_TOOLS/src/*.cxx</path>
diff --git a/zUtil_Python/dct_compile_mex_functions.py b/zUtil_Python/dct_compile_mex_functions.py
index fa500931f960f572531a331739f946e0159420f4..44e6e6dccf2e5b1151ea5a1a18966de369abc249 100755
--- a/zUtil_Python/dct_compile_mex_functions.py
+++ b/zUtil_Python/dct_compile_mex_functions.py
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
         self.outdir = outdir
         self.c_files = { }
+        self.excluded_c_files = { }
         self.mfiles_to_consider = mfiles_to_consider
         self.force_compile = force_compile
@@ -123,11 +124,14 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
         print("  -force-compile : to force the compilation even if not needed")
         print("  -fresh-mexopts : to force the resetting of mexopts file")
-    def findMexs(self):
-        """
-        def findMexs():
+    def is_mex_excluded(self, file_path):
+        if self.mex_info is not None:
+            return self.mex_info.isExcluded(file_path, self.dct_dir)
+        return False
-        Finds the mex files (well, the C sources) and saves the files into the object
+    def find_mex_files(self):
+        """
+        Finds the mex files (well, the C and Cxx sources) and saves the files into the object
         self.out.printSubJob("Finding mex files, from: '%s'" % self.dct_dir)
         for root, dir_name, file_names in os.walk(self.dct_dir):
@@ -135,13 +139,45 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
                 for file_name in file_names:
                     if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_name, file_extension):
                         filepath = os.path.join(root, file_name)
-                        self.c_files[file_name] = filepath
-        self.out.printSubJob("These files were found:")
+                        if self.is_mex_excluded(filepath):
+                            self.excluded_c_files[file_name] = filepath
+                        else:
+                            self.c_files[file_name] = filepath
+        self.out.printSubJob("These files were found, but excluded:")
+        for file_name in self.excluded_c_files:
+            self.out.printSubSubJob('File', file_name + ' ( ' + self.excluded_c_files[file_name] + ' )')
+        self.out.printSubJob("These files were found, and they can be compiled:")
         for file_name in self.c_files:
             self.out.printSubSubJob('File', file_name + ' ( ' + self.c_files[file_name] + ' )')
-    def _buildMakeCmd(self, cmd, includes, lib_paths, libs, defines, options):
+    def _compile_mex_file(self, file_name):
+        """
+        Tries to compile the given file.
+        """
+        file_path = self.c_files[file_name]
+        compiler_path = os.path.join(self.matlab_dir, "bin", "mex")
+        cmd = [ compiler_path, file_path, '-outdir', self.outdir ]
+        includes = [ os.path.join(self.dct_dir, 'zUtil_Cxx', 'include') ]
+        lib_paths = []
+        libs = []
+        defines = []
+        options = []
+        if self.mex_info is not None:
+            props = self.mex_info.getFileProperties(file_name)
+            if props is None:
+                props = self.mex_info.getFileProperties(file_path)
+            if props is not None:
+                # No info at all into the xml file
+                includes = includes + props.get("includes")
+                lib_paths = lib_paths + props.get("lib_paths")
+                libs = libs + props.get("libs")
+                defines = defines + props.get("defines")
+                options = options + props.get("options")
         if self.out.verboseLevel > 1:
         if self.debug is True:
@@ -163,39 +199,8 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
         self.out.printSubSubJob('File', cmd[1] + ' (cmd: ' + string.join(cmd, ' ') + ' )')
         return subprocess.call(cmd)
-    def _compileFile(self, file_path):
-        """
-        [Internal] def _compileFile(file_path):
-        Tries to compile the given file_path.
-        """
-        compiler_path = os.path.join(self.matlab_dir, "bin", "mex") 
-        cmd = [ compiler_path, file_path, '-outdir', self.outdir ]
-        includes = [ os.path.join(self.dct_dir, 'zUtil_Cxx', 'include') ]
-        lib_paths = []
-        libs = []
-        defines = []
-        options = []
-        if (self.mex_info is not None) \
-                and (self.mex_info.isExcluded(file_path) is False):
-            props = self.mex_info.getFileProperties(file_path)
-            if props is not None:
-                # No info at all into the xml file
-                includes = includes + props.get("includes")
-                lib_paths = lib_paths + props.get("lib_paths")
-                libs = libs + props.get("libs")
-                defines = defines + props.get("defines")
-                options = options + props.get("options")
-        return self._buildMakeCmd(cmd, includes, lib_paths, libs, defines, options)
-    def compileFuncs(self):
+    def compile_mex_files(self):
-        def compileFuncs():
         Compiles the mex files into the list.
@@ -223,7 +228,6 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
         # Now let's compile
         for file_name in files_to_compile:
             # Check if it is an actual file or a regular expression
             if file_name in self.c_files:
                 match_list = [ file_name ]
@@ -239,13 +243,9 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
             # Let's compile each match
             for cfile in match_list:
-                file_path = self.c_files[cfile]
-                if (self.mex_info is None) \
-                        or ( (self.mex_info is not None) \
-                             and (self.mex_info.isExcluded(file_path) is False) ):
-                    ret_val = self._compileFile(file_path)
-                    if ret_val is not 0:
-                        listOfErrors.append("Error compiling MEX: %s (Return Value: %d)" % (file_name, ret_val))
+                ret_val = self._compile_mex_file(cfile)
+                if ret_val is not 0:
+                    listOfErrors.append("Error compiling MEX: %s (Return Value: %d)" % (file_name, ret_val))
         if len(listOfErrors) is not 0:
             print("Errors happened during compilation:")
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ class MexBuilder(object):
 if __name__=="__main__":
         mex_builder = MexBuilder.getInstanceFromArgs(sys.argv)
-        mex_builder.findMexs()
-        mex_builder.compileFuncs()
+        mex_builder.find_mex_files()
+        mex_builder.compile_mex_files()
     except ValueError as ex:
         if (len(ex.args) is not 0) and (ex.args[0] is not ""):
diff --git a/zUtil_Python/dct_io_xml.py b/zUtil_Python/dct_io_xml.py
index bbbeeb49398216aec484f4e8c3e90668b146c02d..7931d12c859ffab5bf2db1516f0c458da6fb6222 100755
--- a/zUtil_Python/dct_io_xml.py
+++ b/zUtil_Python/dct_io_xml.py
@@ -161,9 +161,10 @@ class MexConf(object):
     def __init__(self, tree):
         self.tree = tree
-    def isExcluded(self, testFile):
+    def isExcluded(self, test_file, dct_dir):
         for exclude in self.tree.findall("exclude_list/path"):
-            if re.search(exclude.text, testFile):
+            exclude_path = os.path.join(dct_dir, exclude.text)
+            if fnmatch.fnmatch(test_file, exclude_path):
                 return True
             return False