diff --git a/2_difspot/gtPostSegmentation.m b/2_difspot/gtPostSegmentation.m
index a0397ed27563d6222b9fc39f0d15d9cc51a8137f..faa8e0fa4fe4e05e52b71c0e46055aafe8174458 100644
--- a/2_difspot/gtPostSegmentation.m
+++ b/2_difspot/gtPostSegmentation.m
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ function gtPostSegmentation()
 % load('parameters.mat'); file to look for flags
+parameters = [];
 % should gtRemoveOverlapping difspots be run?
-if isfield(parameters.seg, 'overlaps_removed') && parameters.seg.overlaps_removed==0
+if isfield(parameters.seg, 'overlaps_removed') && (parameters.seg.overlaps_removed == 0)
     % automatic case
     disp('Running gtRemoveOverlappingDifblobs  --  this may take a few minutes')
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ else
     disp('to deal with blobs split between OAR jobs.')
     disp('Double threshold segmentation does not need this.')
     % modify default response according to parameters file flags
-    if isfield(parameters.seg, 'overlaps_removed') && parameters.seg.overlaps_removed==1
+    if isfield(parameters.seg, 'overlaps_removed') && (parameters.seg.overlaps_removed == 1)
         check=inputwdefault('Run gtRemoveOverlappingDifspots? [y/n]', 'n');
         check=inputwdefault('Run gtRemoveOverlappingDifspots? [y/n]', 'y');
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ disp(' ')
 disp(' ')
 % get values for OAR jobs
-nblobs=mym(['select max(difblobid) from ' parameters.acq.name 'difblob']);
+nblobs = mym(['select max(difblobid) from ' parameters.acq.name 'difblob']);
 if nblobs > 500
     njobs=min(round(nblobs/500), 20);
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ else
 % check if difspots have already been created
-test=mym(['select count(*) from ' parameters.acq.name 'difspot']);
-if test~=0
+test = mym(['select count(*) from ' parameters.acq.name 'difspot']);
+if (test ~= 0)
     % check if we want to drop and re-create the tables, and run again
-    check=inputwdefault('Data exists in difspot table! Drop table and re-create data? [y/n]', 'n');
+    check = inputwdefault('Data exists in difspot table! Drop table and re-create data? [y/n]', 'n');
     if strcmpi(check,'y')
-        overwrite_flag=true;
+        overwrite_flag = true;
         gtDBCreateDifspotTable(parameters.acq.name, overwrite_flag);
         disp('Keeping difspot data')
@@ -80,12 +80,14 @@ end
 % Otherwise, continue...
 % ask user whether to write out difspots
-check=inputwdefault('Launch gtDBBlob2SpotTable with OAR? [y/n]', 'y');
-if strcmpi(check,'y')
-    check2=inputwdefault('Write out difspots as .edf files? [y/n]', 'n');
-    if strcmpi(check2,'y')
-        disp('Removing previous spots images...')
-        delete([parameters.acq.dir '/2_difspot/difspot*.edf']); 
+check = inputwdefault('Launch gtDBBlob2SpotTable with OAR? [y/n]', 'y');
+if strcmpi(check, 'y')
+    check2 = inputwdefault('Write out difspots as .edf files? [y/n]', 'n');
+    if strcmpi(check2, 'y')
+        deadFiles = fullfile(parameters.acq.dir, '2_difspot', 'difspot*.edf');
+        fprintf('Removing previous spots images (from: %s)...\n', deadFiles);
+        delete(deadFiles);
+        fprintf('Done.\n')
         OAR_make('gtDBBlob2SpotTable', 1, nblobs, njobs, [parameters.acq.dir, ' 1'], true)
diff --git a/zUtil_OAR/OAR_make.m b/zUtil_OAR/OAR_make.m
index b394c959a970079772d5927928fb8952ff6199cd..2075f9b793d09eece85f65b6ceb142a1a980cbe0 100644
--- a/zUtil_OAR/OAR_make.m
+++ b/zUtil_OAR/OAR_make.m
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 function OAR_make(executable,first,last,njobs,otherparameters,submitflag,varargin)
-% OAR_MAKE  Submit jobs to OAR. 
+% OAR_MAKE  Submit jobs to OAR.
 %     OAR_MAKE(executable,first,last,njobs,otherparameters,submitflag,varargin)
 %     -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 %     This function would replace condor_make, using the new cluster
 %     OAR, resource manager and batch scheduler for NICE
-%     INPUT: 
+%     INPUT:
 %            executable = '/full/path/to/executable.ext' (if not .m)
 %                         if executable is not in the pwd;
 %                         'executable.ext' if executable is in the pwd;
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function OAR_make(executable,first,last,njobs,otherparameters,submitflag,varargi
 %                         i.e. 'walltime','3:00:00','mem',4000, ...
 %                         Available directives (default values are shown)
 %                         NAME                 VALUE         OAR SYNTAX
 %                         name                 executable    -n <text> / --name=<text>
 %                         walltime             '2:00:00'     -l walltime=<walltime>
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function OAR_make(executable,first,last,njobs,otherparameters,submitflag,varargi
 %                         core                 1             -l /core=<ncore>
 %                         host                 'htc'         -p host like '<name>%'
 %                         checkpoint           600           --checkpoint <checkpoint>
-%                         signal               2             --signal <signal> 
+%                         signal               2             --signal <signal>
 %                         type                 'idempotent'  -t <type> / --type=<type>
 %                         resubmit             0             --resubmit=<job_id>
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function OAR_make(executable,first,last,njobs,otherparameters,submitflag,varargi
 %         make_oar_matlab2.sh files
 %     Version 009 08-11-2011 by LNervo
-%         Add more OAR directives 
+%         Add more OAR directives
 %         Use singleton.sh in the zUtil_OAR folder.
 %         Use of make_oar_matlab2.sh
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ app = parse_pv_pairs(app, varargin);
 oarpars = app;
-% title  
+% title
 disp(' ')
 disp(' ****************************************')
@@ -174,23 +174,7 @@ paramfile = 'oarparameters.mat';
 oarpars.stderr = logerr;
 oarpars.stdout = logout;
-% sort OAR directives
-names = fieldnames(oarpars);
-names = sort(names);
-size = length(names);
-for ii = 1:size
-    oarparssort.(char(names(ii))) = oarpars.(char(names(ii)));
-    if ~ischar( oarparssort.(char(names(ii))) )
-        str = num2str(oarparssort.(char(names(ii))));
-    else
-        str = oarparssort.(char(names(ii)));
-    end
-oarpars2 = oarparssort;
 %% Setting the parameters struct
 set.launchdir  = pwd;
 set.matparfile = paramfile;
 set.oarsubfile = tname;
@@ -206,14 +190,14 @@ set.oarpars    = oarpars;
 %% Load of parameters file (if exists)
-if (exist(fullfile(pwd,paramfile), 'file'))
+if (exist(fullfile(pwd, paramfile), 'file'))
     out.odisp('Loading the oarparameters file...')
-    load(fullfile(pwd,paramfile),'oarparameters');
-    ismat=true;
+    load(fullfile(pwd, paramfile),'oarparameters');
+    ismat = true;
     out.odisp('Creating a new structure called oarparameters with two fields: set and stat')
-    oarparameters=struct('set','','stat','');
-    ismat=false;
+    oarparameters = struct('set','','stat','');
+    ismat = false;
@@ -229,16 +213,16 @@ end
 out.fprintf('\nSaving the oarparameters.mat file...')
 if ismat
-    save(fullfile(pwd,paramfile), 'oarparameters', '-append');
+    save(fullfile(pwd, paramfile), 'oarparameters', '-append');
-    save(fullfile(pwd,paramfile), 'oarparameters');
+    save(fullfile(pwd, paramfile), 'oarparameters');
 %% Create OAR parameters file .oar
 % create temporary file
 out.fprintf('\nCreating OAR directives file')
-% get OAR parameters 
+% get OAR parameters
 script_loc = make_oar_matlab(set.launchdir, subdir, tmpname, oarpars);
 set.oardirectives = script_loc;
 [~, msg] = unix(['chmod 755 ' set.oardirectives]); disp(msg)
@@ -312,8 +296,8 @@ out.fprintf('Saving parameters in the .log file...')
 fid = fopen(set.logname, 'w');
 fprintf(fid, '# General information\n');
 names = fieldnames(set);
-size = length(names);
-for ii = 1:size
+numOarDirectives = length(names);
+for ii = 1:numOarDirectives
     if ~strcmp(names{ii}, 'oarpars')
         value = set.(char(names(ii)));
         if ~ischar(value)
@@ -325,8 +309,8 @@ for ii = 1:size
 fprintf(fid, '\n# Setting of OAR directives\n');
 names = fieldnames(oarpars);
-size = length(names);
-for ii = 1:size
+numOarDirectives = length(names);
+for ii = 1:numOarDirectives
     value = oarpars.(char(names(ii)));
     if ~ischar(value)
         fprintf(fid, '%s = %s\n', char(names(ii)), num2str(value));
diff --git a/zUtil_OAR/updateOar.m b/zUtil_OAR/updateOar.m
index 7e163c9e5a17e9324139764e79a69ac1d0513355..0858972009911cf269ab2b10470ac0397d27a366 100644
--- a/zUtil_OAR/updateOar.m
+++ b/zUtil_OAR/updateOar.m
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ end
 if ~isempty(fieldnames(oarparameters))
     names = fieldnames(oarparameters);
     error_ids.terminated = [];
     error_ids.error      = [];
     if (lookfunc)
         % look for function name %
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ if ~isempty(fieldnames(oarparameters))
             jj = 0;
             while (~isempty(match) && (jj < length(names)))
                 jj = jj + 1;
                 if isempty(match{jj})
                     names(jj) = [];
                     k = jj;
@@ -59,33 +59,33 @@ if ~isempty(fieldnames(oarparameters))
         if (strcmpi(action, 'delete'))
             % loop over functions
             for jj = 1:length(names)
                 disp(['Deleting function ' names{jj} '...']);
                 arrayField = fieldnames(oarparameters.(names{jj}));
                 questionStr = ['Are you sure to remove the function ' names{jj} ' from OAR and oarparameters.mat? [y/n]'];
                 check = inputwdefault(questionStr, 'y');
                 if strcmpi(check, 'y')
+                    fprintf('Deleting jobs from OAR... ')
+                    cellfun(@(array) deleteOarArray(array(6:end)), arrayField);
+                    fprintf('Done.\nRemoving information about the jobs... ')
                     oarparameters = rmfield(oarparameters, names{jj});
                     save('oarparameters.mat', 'oarparameters', '-v7.3');
-                    disp('...done!')
-                    disp('Deleting jobs from OAR...')
-                    cellfun(@(array) deleteOarArray(array(6:end)), arrayField);
-                    disp('...done!')
+                    fprintf('Done.\n')
             save('oarparameters.mat','oarparameters', '-v7.3');
         elseif (strcmpi(action, 'update'))
             % loop over functions
             for jj = 1:length(names)
                 arrays = fieldnames(oarparameters.(names{jj}));
                 arrayName = names{jj};
                 for k = 1:length(arrays)
                     arrayField = arrays{k};
                     [oarparameters, error_ids] = updateArray(oarparameters, arrayName, arrayField, error_ids);
@@ -102,60 +102,60 @@ if ~isempty(fieldnames(oarparameters))
             disp(['Action ' action ' is not valid! Exiting...'])
         % look for array number %
         if any( cellfun(@(logarray) strcmpi(action, logarray), {'err','out','log','params','oar'}) )
             disp(['Looking for job number ' num2str(arrayid) '...'])
             output = logviewOar(arrayid, action);
             % loop over functions
             disp(['Looking for array number ' num2str(arrayid) '...'])
             for jj = 1:length(names)
                 arrayName = names{jj};
                 % search array id(s) for each function
                 arrays = logviewOar(arrayName, [], false);
                 % check if arrayid exists
                 if ~isempty(find(arrays.(arrayName).arrays == arrayid, 1))
                     arrayField = sprintf('array%d', arrayid);
                     if strcmpi(action, 'delete')
                         disp(['Deleting array n. ' arrayField '...']);
                         questionStr = ['Are you sure to remove array ' num2str(arrayid) ' from oarparameters.mat? [y/n]'];
                         check = inputwdefault(questionStr, 'y');
                         if strcmpi(check, 'y')
-                            oarparameters.(arrayName) = rmfield(oarparameters.(arrayName), arrayField);
-                            save('oarparameters.mat','oarparameters');
-                            disp('...done!')
-                            disp('Deleting jobs from OAR...')
+                            fprintf('Deleting jobs from OAR... ')
-                            disp('...done!')
+                            fprintf('Done.\nRemoving information about the jobs... ')
+                            oarparameters.(arrayName) = rmfield(oarparameters.(arrayName), arrayField);
+                            save('oarparameters.mat', 'oarparameters', '-v7.3');
+                            fprintf('Done.\n')
                     elseif strcmpi(action, 'update')
                         [oarparameters, error_ids] = updateArray(oarparameters, arrayName, arrayField, error_ids);
                         disp(['Action ' action ' is not valid! Exiting...'])
                 end % end if arrayid exists
             end % end for jj
     end % end lookfunc
     save error_ids error_ids
 end % end if
 end % end of function
@@ -167,12 +167,14 @@ function deleteOarArray(array)
 % deleteOarArray(array)
-if ischar(array)
-    [~, ~] = unix(['oardel --array ' array]);
-    [~, ~] = unix(['oardel --array ' num2str(array)]);
+    if ~ischar(array)
+        array = num2str(array);
+    end
+    [~, message] = unix(['oardel --array ' array]);
+    if strfind(message, '[ERROR]')
+        error('OAR:error_in_deleting', message);
+    end
 function [oarparameters, error_ids] = updateArray(oarparameters, arrayName, arrayField, error_ids)
@@ -194,13 +196,13 @@ else
     jobs = oarparameters.(arrayName).(arrayField).job;
     njobs = length(jobs);
     oarStats = gtOarGetStats([jobs.jobId], vars);
     newJobs = struct(jobs(1:0));
     h_name = length(arrayName)+2;
     h_job  = length(num2str(jobs(1).jobId))+2;
     h_other = length(datestr(now(),'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'))+2;
     % loop through jobs
     for m = 1 : njobs
@@ -210,27 +212,27 @@ else
             fprintf('%*s ', h_other, jobs(m).(vars{l}))
         state   = jobs(m).('state');
         code    = jobs(m).('exit_code');
         arrayid = jobs(1).('jobId');
         jobid   = jobs(m).('jobId');
         % Remove terminated good jobs
         if strcmpi(state, 'Terminated') && strcmpi(code, '0 (0,0,0)')
             disp(['Removed terminated job ' num2str(jobid) ' from array ' num2str(arrayid) '...'])
             newJobs(end+1) = jobs(m); %#ok<AGROW>
         if ~strcmpi(code, '0 (0,0,0)') && strcmpi(state, 'Terminated')
             error_ids.terminated = [error_ids.terminated; jobid];
         elseif strcmpi(state, 'Error')
             error_ids.error = [error_ids.error; jobid];
     oarparameters.(arrayName).(arrayField).job = newJobs;
     save('oarparameters.mat', 'oarparameters', '-v7.3');
 end % end if