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workflow / ewoks / ewoksjob
MIT LicenseAsynchronous and distributed scheduling of ewoks workflows from python.
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tomotools / tomoscan
MIT LicenseProvide an unified interface to read tomography data from python.
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tomotools / Nabu
MIT LicenseThe tomography data processing software for the ESRF-EBS upgrade.
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ui / mimosa / mimosa
OtherFastAPI backend for https://gitlab.esrf.fr/ui/mimosa/mimosa-database
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LimaGroup / Lima
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyLibrary for Image Acquisition https://lima1.rtfd.io
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sb / edna2
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ICAT / HDF5 Master Config
MIT LicenseThe master-config project is where the ESRF master configuration file is stored. The master file is the hdf5_cfg.xml file common to all ESRF beamlines. It links the metadata definitions to icat database and HDF5/Nexus files.
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