From 8611f68b7c64085a07811f16d9e0c7aae8fc2c57 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Valentin Valls <>
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 10:36:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove blank lines

 SampleAlignment/ | 198 ++++++++++++++---------------
 SampleAlignment/ |  62 ++++-----
 SamplesDS/            |  14 +-
 3 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)

diff --git a/SampleAlignment/ b/SampleAlignment/
index beb90f5..323d9ea 100644
--- a/SampleAlignment/
+++ b/SampleAlignment/
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ import math
 class OffsetsCalculation:
 	def __init__(self,resolution,imageDir,stand,borderType):
 		self.totalProcessingTime = 0
 		#self.sampleSizeX = sampleSize[0]
 		#self.sampleSizeY = sampleSize[1]
 		#self.sampleSizeZ = sampleSize[2]
@@ -36,34 +36,34 @@ class OffsetsCalculation:
 		self.pathImg = '/users/muzelle/Desktop/success2/007_HA-300_6.5_NUS2__004_/007_HA-300_6.5_NUS2__004_0000.edf'
 		self.pathFlat = '/users/muzelle/Desktop/success2/007_HA-300_6.5_NUS2__004_/refHST0000.edf'
 		self.pathDark = '/users/muzelle/Desktop/success2/007_HA-300_6.5_NUS2__004_/dark.edf'
 		self.resolution = resolution
 		self.stand = stand
 		self.borderType = borderType
 		self.img = None
 		self.flat = None
 		self.dark = None
 		self.dispImg = None
 		self.intImg = None
 		self.centImgY = None
 		self.centImgX = None
 		self.centerY = None
 		self.centerX = None
 		self.leftBorder = None
 		self.rightBorder = None
 		self.borderDetected = "false"
 	def imagesOpening(self):
 		start = time.time()
 		self.img = 
@@ -72,43 +72,43 @@ class OffsetsCalculation:
 		self.centImgY = int([0]/2)
 		self.centImgX = int([1]/2)
 		imagesOpeningTime = time.time()-start
 		self.totalProcessingTime += imagesOpeningTime
 		print("Time to open images: "+str(imagesOpeningTime))
 	def imageContrastEnhancement(self):
 		start = time.time()
 		filtImg = np.subtract(,
 		filtImgFlat = np.subtract(,
 		corrImg = np.divide(filtImg,filtImgFlat).astype(np.float32)
 		corrImg[corrImg < 0] = 0
 		enhImg = cv2.normalize(corrImg, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX).astype(np.uint8)
 		self.img = corrImg
 		imageContrastEnhancementTime = time.time()-start
 		self.totalProcessingTime += imageContrastEnhancementTime
 		print("Time to enhance image contrast: "+str(imageContrastEnhancementTime))
 	def imageFiltering(self):
 		start = time.time()
 		blurImg = cv2.bilateralFilter(self.img,9,75,75)
 		blurImg = cv2.normalize(blurImg, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX).astype(np.uint8)
 		self.img = blurImg
 		self.dispImg = blurImg
 		imageFilteringTime = time.time()-start
 		self.totalProcessingTime += imageFilteringTime
 		print("Time to filter image: "+str(imageFilteringTime))
 	def edgesDetection(self):
 		start = time.time()
@@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ class OffsetsCalculation:
 		thr = np.median(edges)*1.33
 		edges = np.uint8(edges < -thr)
 		#measures = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(edges, 8, cv2.CV_32S)
 		#labImg = measures[1]
 		#areas = measures[2][:,cv2.CC_STAT_AREA]
 		labImg = measure.label(edges, neighbors=8, background=0)
 		labImg += 1 
@@ -142,149 +142,149 @@ class OffsetsCalculation:
 		labImg = morphology.remove_small_objects(labImg,noise,in_place=True)
 		edges = np.uint8(labImg > 0)
 		#self.dispImg[edges > 0] = 0
 		#savedImg = fabio.edfimage.EdfImage() = self.dispImg
 		self.img = labImg
 		edgesDetectionTime = time.time()-start
 		self.totalProcessingTime += edgesDetectionTime
 		print("Time to find edges: "+str(edgesDetectionTime))
 	def sampleCenterXCalculation(self):
 		start = time.time()
 		props = measure.regionprops(self.img,self.dispImg)
 		centroids = [(p.centroid[0],p.centroid[1]) for p in props if p.max_intensity > 200]
 		if len(centroids) != 0:
 			self.borderDetected = "true"
 			if self.stand == 'absent':
 				if self.borderType == 'straight':
 					self.leftBorder = np.min(centroids,axis=0)[1]
 					self.rightBorder = np.max(centroids,axis=0)[1]
 					self.centerX = int((self.rightBorder - self.leftBorder)/2+self.leftBorder)			
 				if self.borderType == 'irregular':
 					edges = self.img > 0
 					self.leftBorder = np.min(centroids,axis=0)[1]
 					print('left border: '+str(self.leftBorder))
 					self.rightBorder = np.max(centroids,axis=0)[1]
 					print('right border: '+str(self.rightBorder))
 					self.centerX = int(np.mean([(np.min(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0])+np.max(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0]))/2
 														for raw in range(edges.shape[0]) 
 														if len(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0]) != 0 
 														and (np.max(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0])-np.min(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0])) > 200]
 				if self.borderType == 'oblique':
 					edges = self.img > 0
 					areas = [p.area for p in props]
 					fullBorder = [p.label for p in props if p.area == np.max(areas)][0]
 					centerRawByRaw = np.array([((np.min(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0])+np.max(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0]))/2,raw)
 									for raw in range(edges.shape[0]) 
 									if len(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0]) != 0 and 
 									(np.max(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0])-np.min(np.where(edges[raw,:])[0])) > 100])
 					meanCenter = np.median(centerRawByRaw,axis=0)
 					rows = np.where(self.img == fullBorder)[0]
 					cols = np.where(self.img == fullBorder)[1]
 					ya = np.mean(rows[np.where(cols == np.min(cols))])
 					yb = np.mean(rows[np.where(cols == np.max(cols))])
 					xb = np.max(cols)
 					xa = np.min(cols)
 					slope = (yb-ya)/(xb-xa)
 					self.centerX = (self.centImgY-meanCenter[1])/slope + meanCenter[0]
 			offsetSX = (self.centImgX-self.centerX)*self.resolution*10**-3
 		centerXCalculationTime = time.time()-start
 		self.totalProcessingTime += centerXCalculationTime
 		print("Time to calculate sample center X: "+str(centerXCalculationTime))
 		return offsetSX
 	def sampleCenterYCalculation(self):
 	def localTomoCenterXCalculation(self):
 		start = time.time()
 		props = measure.regionprops(self.img,self.intImg)
 		areas = [p.area for p in props]
 		border = [p.centroid for p in props if p.area == np.max(areas) and p.max_intensity > 200]
 		if len(border) == 0:
 			offsetSX = self.img.shape[1]
 			ret,binImg = cv2.threshold(self.dispImg,0,1,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
 			labImg = measure.label(binImg, neighbors=8, background=0)
 			labImg += 1 
 			props = measure.regionprops(labImg)
 			areas = [p.area for p in props]
 			sample = [p.centroid for p in props if p.area == np.max(areas)][0]
 			if sample[1] > border[0][1]:
 				self.borderDetected = "right"
 				self.borderDetected = "left"
 			self.centerX = border[0][1]
 			offsetSX = (self.centImgX-self.centerX)*self.resolution*10**-3
 		centerXCalculationTime = time.time()-start
 		self.totalProcessingTime += centerXCalculationTime
 		print("Time to calculate sample center X: "+str(centerXCalculationTime))
 		return offsetSX
 	def displayResults(self):
 		except NameError:
@@ -293,26 +293,26 @@ class OffsetsCalculation:
 		except NameError:
 			self.centerY = 0
 		print('total processing time: '+str(self.totalProcessingTime))
 		print('Sample center detected: '+str(self.centerX)+' in X and: '+str(self.centerY)+' in Y')
 		print('Image center: '+str(self.centImgX)+' in X and: '+str(self.centImgY)+' in Y')
 	def displayImage(self):
 		edgesDetection ='/segfs/tango/tmp/clemence/SampleAlignment/edgesDetected.edf')
 		qapp = qt.QApplication([])
 		plot = Plot2D()
 		plot.addImage(, legend='image')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 	test = OffsetsCalculation(12.57,"/segfs/tango/tmp/clemence/SampleAlignment/","absent","straight")
@@ -323,5 +323,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 	#inst = OffsetsCalculation(0,"","","")
diff --git a/SampleAlignment/ b/SampleAlignment/
index c6ef7bd..86cec66 100644
--- a/SampleAlignment/
+++ b/SampleAlignment/
@@ -43,35 +43,35 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
     __metaclass__ = DeviceMeta
     # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleAlign.class_variable) ENABLED START #
     green_mode = PyTango.GreenMode.Gevent
     # Blocking operation to find sample center
     def alignment_task(self):
             self.info_stream("started alignment")
             self.is_error  = False
             self.is_moving = True
 			# alignment code
             print ("Alignment start\n")
             align = OffsetsCalculation(self.attr_Resolution_read,self.attr_ImageDirectory_read,self.attr_StandDetection_read,self.attr_BorderType_read)
             if self.attr_AlignX_read:
 				if self.attr_LocalTomo_read == True:
 					offsetSX = align.localTomoCenterXCalculation()
 					self.attr_BorderDetected_read = align.borderDetected
 					offsetSX = align.sampleCenterXCalculation()
@@ -81,22 +81,22 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
 				offsetSY = align.sampleCenterYCalculation()
 				offsetSY = 0
             print('Offset detected: '+str(int(offsetSX/(self.attr_Resolution_read*10**-3)))+' in X and: '+str(int(offsetSY/(self.attr_Resolution_read*10**-3)))+' in Y')
             print('Relative SY moving of '+str(offsetSX))
             print('Relative SZ moving of '+str(offsetSY))
             self.attr_AlignmentOffsets_read = [offsetSX,offsetSY]
             self.is_moving = False
             self.info_stream("\nfinished alignment")
         # catch all exceptions, print the traceback to the console and
         # add the information to the device status until acknowledgement
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
             except PyTango.DevFailed as ex:
                 self.task_error = ex
                 self.is_error  = True
                 self.is_moving = False
     # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleAlign.class_variable
     # ----------
@@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
         # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleAlign.init_device) ENABLED START #
         # init flags for state and status
         self.is_moving = False
         self.is_error = False
         self.running_task = None
         self.task_error = None
         self.attr_SampleSizeZ_read = 0.0
         self.attr_SampleSizeY_read = 0.0
         self.attr_SampleSizeX_read = 0.0
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
         self.attr_AlignY_read = False
         self.attr_AlignmentOffsets_read = [0.0,0.0]
         # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleAlign.init_device
     def always_executed_hook(self):
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
 			_state = PyTango.DevState.MOVING
             _state = PyTango.DevState.ON
         return _state
         # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleAlign.State
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
     def dev_status(self):
         # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleAlign.Status) ENABLED START #
         state = self.dev_state()
         self._status = "The device state is "
         if state == PyTango.DevState.FAULT:
             self._status += "FAULT"
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
 			self._status += "MOVING"
             self._status += "ON"
         return self._status
         # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleAlign.Status
@@ -454,12 +454,12 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
     def AlignSample(self):
         # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleAlign.AlignSample) ENABLED START #
         self.running_task = gevent.spawn(self.alignment_task)
         print("Running started")
         self.is_moving = True
         # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleAlign.AlignSample
     def is_AlignSample_allowed(self):
@@ -474,10 +474,10 @@ class TomoSampleAlign(Device):
 def main(args=None, **kwargs):
     # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSampleAlign.main) ENABLED START #
     # Enable gevents for the server
     kwargs.setdefault("green_mode", PyTango.GreenMode.Gevent)
     return run((TomoSampleAlign,), args=args, **kwargs)
     # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSampleAlign.main
diff --git a/SamplesDS/ b/SamplesDS/
index 605eec0..c149c1d 100644
--- a/SamplesDS/
+++ b/SamplesDS/
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class TomoSample(Device):
     def init_device(self):
         # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSample.init_device) ENABLED START #
         self.attr_Name_read     = "None"
         self.attr_Position_read = "None"
         self.attr_SizeX_read    = 0.0
@@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ class TomoSample(Device):
         self.attr_AlignSY_read  = 0.0
         self.attr_AlignSZ_read  = 0.0
         self.attr_Aligned_read  = False
         # Get sample changer position from the device name
         dev_name = self.get_name()
         dom, fam, member = dev_name.split("/")
         self.attr_Position_read = member
         # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSample.init_device
     def always_executed_hook(self):
@@ -236,12 +236,12 @@ class TomoSample(Device):
     def dev_state(self):
         # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSample.State) ENABLED START #
         if self.attr_Name_read == "None":
             _state = PyTango.DevState.DISABLE
             _state = PyTango.DevState.ON
         return _state
         # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSample.State
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ class TomoSample(Device):
     def Reset(self):
         # PROTECTED REGION ID(TomoSample.Reset) ENABLED START #
         myself = PyTango.DeviceProxy (self.get_name())
         myself.write_attribute_asynch("Name" , "None")
         myself.write_attribute_asynch("SizeX" , 0)
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class TomoSample(Device):
         myself.write_attribute_asynch("AlignSY" , 0)
         myself.write_attribute_asynch("AlignSZ" , 0)
         myself.write_attribute_asynch("Aligned" , False)
         # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  TomoSample.Reset
 # ----------