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Common Spec & E-Motion offset management

Alejandro Homs Puron requested to merge spec_emotion_offset into master

This is a first version of an implementation proposed by Manuel Perez to synchronise SPEC and Tango E-motion offsets.

SPEC assumes that E-motion is always right, so in (re)config the concerned axes are synchronised to the Dial/Offset/User values in E-motion.

When SPEC sets a dial or user position, the corresponding SetDial or SetUser Tango command is called, respectively. The previous PresetPosition write attribute is no longer used in this implementation.

Note: This branch is based on the changes implemented in the branch tango_multiple_axes_motion. So it is simpler to first merge tango_multiple_axes_motion before this one.

Note2: It is not mandatory to merge the branch axis_limits before this one, but it is strongly recommended.

Thanks for your support

Tiago & Alejandro

Merge request reports