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Piergiorgio Pancino requested to merge logging into master

From !1034

This branch gives the following features:

  • New logging approach intent to log specific device/communication instances, this works in parallel with normal module-based logging
  • New mapping capability to keep track of every relevant instance inside the beamline, that is used by the new logging approach and can be use to attach functionalities on the fly

Still TO DO:

  • Include all relevant instances adding the map_register registration to python class
  • Cleanup old logging code
  • Provide inter-session saving capabilities to logging trough Redis
  • Documentation

Problem: As logger is assigned to instance on the creation and has a standard level (that can be changed later), probably is not catching debug messages on startup

  1. One idea on config.get we can add a key_value to set the debugon option
  2. Another idea is to have a list with devices that we are debugging and if a particular device on creation corresponds to that name he will set debugon (this point can be merged with inter-session saving through Redis)

To Check:

  • Naming for logging bliss shell (lslog, lsdebug, log. )
  • Naming for mapping bliss shell (MAP_BEAMLINE, map_draw_matplotlib, map_draw_pygraphviz, map_register)
Edited by Piergiorgio Pancino

Merge request reports