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WIP: new comm protocol for visa / LXI / IVI / vxi11

Linus Pithan requested to merge vxi11 into master

Recently I saw that it is not sufficient to communicate through a simple tcp socket with Tektronix (NI VISA). For this reason I would like to port into bliss.

this is what is working so far (copied from ipython shell):

In [2]: from bliss.comm.vxi11 import Instrument

In [3]: i=Instrument("id24tektro64")  

In [4]: i.ask("*idn?")                                                                                            
Out[4]: 'TEKTRONIX,MSO64,C019713,CF:91.1CT FV:'

In [5]: i.write('SAVE:IMAGe "C:/Temp.png"')                                                                       

In [6]: i.write('FILESystem:READFile "C:/Temp.png"')                                                              

In [9]: d=i.read_raw()                                                                                            

In [10]: len(d)                                                                                                   
Out[10]: 130890

what are the ToDos in order to make it a real bliss comm module? so far I see:

  • make things gevent compatible
  • add protocol to get_comm
  • is there a standard nomenclature in bliss to follow e.g. rename Instrument.ask -> Instrument.write_readline?

any comments @sebastien.petitdemange, @matias.guijarro

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