WIP: Resolve "Memorize sets of motor positions (port from BM32)"
Closes #1623
Proposed API
Class to save positions of motor sets in settings.
Motor sets are called profile, managed with:
pdef, plist, pdel
Positions are managed with:
mpos, spos, dpos, gpos
- pos = mpos(profile_name) # profile_name is optional
- pos.plist() # list all defined sets of motors (name + motors)
- pos.pdef(name, *motors) # define a new set of motors
- pos.pdel(name) # delete a set of motors
- pos.mpos(position_name, profile_name) # store positions of motors
- pos.spos(name) # show stored positions matching name pattern
- pos.dpos(*name) # delete stored positions
- pos.gpos(name) # go to stored position = move all motors from the set to stored position
Edited by Benoit Formet