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[writer] stop scan when entry already exists in file

Wout De Nolf requested to merge nxwriter_exception_scan_exists into master

This MR: Nexus writer stops the scan when scan already exists in file. This is not supposed to happen but it was observed at ID21 and ID10 so the writer needs to deal with it just in case. This is what you will see on the BLISS REPL after this MR

NEXUS_WRITER_SESSION [2]: s = loopscan(1,0.1,thermo_sample,diode3)
NEXUS_WRITER_SESSION [3]: from import nexus
NEXUS_WRITER_SESSION [4]: with nexus.nxRoot(SCAN_SAVING.filename, mode='a') as f:
                     ...:     nexus.nxEntry(f,"2.1")
NEXUS_WRITER_SESSION [5]: s = loopscan(1,0.1,thermo_sample,diode3)
!!! === RuntimeError: Nexus writer is in FAULT state (Scan 2.1 already exists in /data/id21/tmp/testmanual/temp123/id00/sample/sample_0039/sample_0039.h5) === !!! ( for more details type cmd 'last_error' )
Edited by Wout De Nolf

Merge request reports