Writer timeouts, even after removing gevent
Search Nexus Writer
The event details are:
URL https://data2.esrf.fr/investigation/1451263446/logbook
EventId 65a92b8f451d9e0013612d7c
Date 2024-18-01T14:45:50
Type notification
Category error
Investigation BLC-15110
Beamline BM32
Software BLISS_V2.0.DEV1
Machine lbm32bliss.esrf.fr
Content RuntimeError: Cannot check Nexus writer scan state (Nexus writer API_DeviceTimedOut: Timeout (3000 mS) exceeded on device bm32/bliss_nxwriter/laue_session, command scan_exists)
@andy.gotz suggested checking the "serialization model" of the writer. By default tango calls to a single device are serialized. We could disable that (to be checked that the nexus writer class is thread safe).